Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 4 The Golden Crow's bloodline first showed its power

Luo Chen let go of his aura, his sleeves were windless, and everyone felt that Luo Chen's temperament seemed to have changed, but the centipede seemed to have encountered some kind of flood and beast, and the swarming centipedes stopped immediately, and the centipedes behind them didn't even have time to brake He hit the centipede directly in front of him.

For a moment, the centipedes in the entire hall bumped into each other, but everyone was trembling, not daring to move any further.

"My God, is the centipede scared?"

"Really, the centipede is retreating, which is incredible"

"Is it Lord Luo?"

Luo Chen looked at the surrounding centipedes who didn't dare to move forward, and couldn't help but think that the Golden Crow's bloodline was really powerful, and that the centipedes didn't dare to move forward just because of their aura, and they were even more satisfied. Still retreating, he couldn't help but exclaimed.Before everyone cheered, Luo Chen sternly shouted
"You beast, you will not back down"

For a long time, the centipede only retreated a few meters, and there was no reaction anymore. Everyone looked at each other, and then looked at Luo Chen at the same time. Luo Chen only felt hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him from behind, with a black line on his head, which was really embarrassing.

Suddenly, anger rose from his heart, and I saw Luo Chen pick up the small god blade and cut his palm, the blood flowed out, in the bright red blood, a touch of gold was hidden, and a warmth rose with the smell of blood. rise.

And those centipedes disappeared from everywhere the moment the bloody smell spread, wishing they could grow hundreds more legs. . . . . .Ran

Everyone present at the moment looked at Luo Chen with unusually respectful eyes, like a god

"Okay, brother Chen is worthy of being Faqiu Tianguan, and I, Chen Yulou, admire it." Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and others said in admiration
Luo Laowai slapped his thigh violently and laughed wildly, "I never thought that Luo Laowai has a younger brother who looks like a fairy, hahaha"

What makes people respectable in the world of tomb robbers?
You fight a lot, others may not respect you, but your strength is extraordinary, no matter who you are, they will respect you.The people who were originally polite to Luo Chen because of old Luo Chen Yulou, completely worshiped him after Luo Chen scared away the centipede swarm.

Even Chen Yulou, who has always been quite self-respecting, praised Luo Chen endlessly, and the little cute flower spirit has long had a heart attached to Luo Chen, and at this moment, a strong sense of pride was born in his heart, as if the exiled fairy in front of him It's her man.

Luo Chen looked around, all the centipedes ran away, and none of them said: "Since the centipedes have retreated, brothers, let's move on."

"it is good"

At this time, Luo Chen needless to say, with Master Luo leading, everyone's morale is naturally boosted

Continue to set off under the leadership of Luo Chen and Chen Yulou
On the other hand, Lao Luo was talking to Luo Chen in a low voice: "Hey, brother, your abilities are really amazing, our old Luo family can be counted as a god."

"Brother, you can't brag about this matter, there are rules in the master's school." Luo Chen opened his mouth and blurted out, anyway, things about the system can't be said, and they can only be pushed to the masters arranged by the system.Then quickly change the subject

"I saw you shot down the adjutant. Your adjutant is not a good thing anyway, so it's better to collapse."

Lao Luo tilted his head and grinned, "What do you mean?"

"When I came here, I saw that the Dian Army's troops were in action, and the leader was your adjutant's cronies." Luo Chen made it clear directly, so that Lao Luo would pay more attention.

Out of the abandoned hall,

Ahead was a dark and long corridor, exuding a stench that made the crowd stop involuntarily.

Lao Luo is a reckless person, he was about to break in as soon as he poked his head, Luo Chen hurriedly stopped him

"Brother, don't be reckless, there are so many centipedes in the main hall just now, this corridor is probably not that simple." Then he raised his eyebrows full of meaning at Lao Luo, who couldn't help being reckless, Lao Luo instantly understood Luo Chen's meaning

"That Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang, you two go to explore the way." Turning to the two soldiers, he ordered

The two people who lit it took the torches and walked towards the corridor. As the two went deeper, Luo Chen and the others saw the situation in the corridor clearly by the light of the fire. The walls were slippery and there was the sound of dripping water. .Luo Chen knew it well, it wasn't some water
Sure enough, the two people who explored the road were still in good shape just now, and suddenly they started to twitch on the spot, scratching their bodies frantically.It was as if something was about to come out of the body, but after a while, the two of them died.

Everyone took a deep breath, Luo Chen turned his head and saw the serious faces of everyone, couldn't help but pointed the torch at the wall and said to everyone
"Pay attention, this tunnel is full of this kind of Gu eggs, as long as this thing touches the human body, it will reproduce crazily until it sucks people dry."

"Those two people were following the path of this thing just now."

After listening, the group of people who thought it was something unclean breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yulou on the side said after listening, "Lao Luo, didn't your soldiers all bring gasoline? Let's use fire to burn this passageway through."

"Okay" Lao Luo Ying arrived, then looked at his brothers, came to the center, and said to the brothers

"Brothers, I, Lao Luo, are not the ones who let my brothers die at will. These years, brothers have followed me to fight in the north and south, can you tell me that I have treated you badly?"

"I know, some of you think that I killed a few of the adjutants, knowing that the tunnel is dangerous, and let those two go to die. They have opinions on this, and think that I, Luo Laowai, don't treat the brothers as human beings."

Lao Luo became more and more angry
"But do you fucking know? Little Yang Zi, a son of a bitch, has been with me for more than ten years, and those little bastards are all fucking unfamiliar with him."

"For more than ten years, even if you raise a wolf, you have developed a relationship. His grandma's bastards sold us to our old opponent, Ma Zhenbang of the Yunnan Army. Ma Zhenbang is a **** How many brothers have you killed over the years?"

"These bastards are going to be Ma Zhenbang's dogs. Do you think they should be killed?" Finally, Lao Luo shouted angrily.

"This f*cking Adjutant Yang is bullying us every day."

"That's right, the brethren are not less angry with this dog day, but this time they sold us to the Yunnan Army"

"Hey, it's really not a thing, it's better to die"

"Good kill, Luo Shuai"

A group of soldiers obviously didn't suffer less anger at ordinary times, they talked one by one, and finally shouted in unison, "Good kill", old Luo Luochen, Chen Yulou and others looked at each other and smiled, the military spirit is good!
two hours later

The fire was extinguished, and the originally wet corridor became extremely dry without any trace of moisture.

Luo Chen felt the temperature in the tunnel and said, "No problem, let's go." Then he plunged into it

The group of people didn't talk much until they walked about two-thirds of the way, when Partridge Whistle suddenly looked at the wall and froze in place.

The little cutie kept her eyes on Luo Chen and didn't notice it, but the old foreigner asked in bewilderment when he saw the strange situation.
"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Then everyone turned their attention to Partridge Whistle.

I saw

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