Soon, everyone who descended with the help of the rope descended into the ice cellar one by one, and with the help of the continuous light of the flares, they could see the whole picture of the underground ice cellar clearly.

There are ice prisms hanging down everywhere on the dome, sharp and dense.

And Luo Chen and the others were standing on a platform that was only halfway up, and a few steps ahead was a bottomless abyss filled with icicles.

As if a giant beast had opened its bloody mouth, Wu Xie and the others who were looking at the abyss couldn't help feeling a bone-chilling chill.

But just opposite this half of the platform, that is, above the abyss, under the light of the flares, a huge cave unexpectedly appeared.

On the whole, the structure of the cave looks like a fetus still in the womb, curled up in the shape of the body.

"Damn it, this is still a giant baby!"

"This body is almost as big as a basketball court!"

Looking at the tire-shaped cave that was artificially polished, Xiao Hu's face was completely speechless.

Although I heard Lord Luo talk about the Kunlun tires that were born in the geomantic treasure land before, but you are going too far!
Even if it's an imitation, please take a little care, can't you?
The worst thing is to get a jade, who is it to scare like this?
"Look over there, this cave is just a cover, it's amazing there!"

Just when Xiao Hu complained about the tire-shaped cave, the little fat man directly shot the light of the flashlight into the cave.

Everyone looked along the light, only then did they see that in the huge cave, there was actually a palace and pavilion built with horizontal eaves and beams and glazed tiles.

Part of the wooden beams and tiles of the attic are half exposed outside the opening, supported on the cliff by some wooden corridors, which looks like a suspended ancient building.

It's just that a large part of the pavilion is hidden in the cave, and from Luo Chen's point of view, it can't see its whole picture.

So when everyone was still marveling at the construction ability of the ancients, Luo Chen had already come to the cave in a flash.

Because it has been frozen all year round, the beams and tiles of the attic are covered with ice chips and slag, and they all look white and miserable.

But the majestic atmosphere of the ancient pavilion is still clearly displayed.

"I have been to the treasure hall many times, but I have nowhere to look for the dragon tower!"

"It is said that the dragon's lair is easy to enter, but the dragon tower is hard to find. Right now, this is the dragon tower that serves as the portal in the Dragon Tower Palace!"

"Hurry up and come up! You are really here this time!"

As Luo Chen spoke, he threw out the sky-drilling cable, and then fixed it so that Xiao Hu Wuxie and the others could climb, but he turned his head and continued to look at the dragon tower in front of him, which was carved with many kinds of divine beasts.

Although the carvings on it are not as magnanimous as the Zhongzhou Shenlong, Luo Chen has to admit that for the Dragon Tower of the size in front of him, even the emperors of Zhongzhou did not have this kind of treatment.

This platoon of foreign races is also vividly reflected on the Dragon Tower.

It really makes people have to sigh.

So that Xiaopang climbed up, and the first sentence he saw when he saw the Dragon Tower in front of him was: "His grandma has such legs!"

"Aren't these people from different races idle every day, trying to figure out how to build a cemetery for themselves?"

. . .

The space inside the cave is wider than it looks from the outside, and the Dragon Tower only occupies a small area.

On both sides of the roof of the Dragon Tower, there are carved the most primitive mocking wind animal heads, and above the rain eaves are carved the chi kisses that were used to town houses in ancient times.

Under the frosty place, the yellow tiles and red beams look royal.

After seeing this, everyone also looked like it's no wonder Xiaopang speaks so straightforwardly. Just like this, it seems that a lot of material resources, manpower and financial resources were spent to build the Dragon Tower.

Who would believe that people didn't think about it all their lives before they made it!
Since the Dragon Tower is just an archway without a door, it is very easy for everyone to see the buildings behind through the magnificent Dragon Tower.

The entire mountain has been hollowed out to form a large-scale underground palace group. At a glance, it is impossible to see the end and do not know where it leads.

After witnessing this scene with their own eyes, the entire group was shocked for a moment and were speechless.

He could only follow behind Luo Chen unsteadily, and walked straight into the Dragon Tower.

First of all, there is a long corridor. If the Dragon Tower is regarded as the Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Palace, then this long corridor must be the legendary road to immortality.

However, this narrow road to immortality is not as haunted by immortality as in the legend, but it makes people shudder when they look at it.

Especially for the fat man who has just been frightened.

Because this narrow road should be the stone plank road along the wall built by the people who built the Tiangong for the convenience of entering the mountain, and the stone slabs have already become brittle due to the perennial freezing and may break at any time.

And once it breaks, the consequence is to fall into the bottomless abyss.

"This Lao Shizi Wannu King, Lao Shizi Wang Zanghai, why do you want to make things difficult for me?"

"It's okay to build the mausoleum in this place where the birds don't shit, but it's still built on the top of this abyss, it's really a waste of time!"

Fatty looked at the stone plank roads that would shatter at the touch of a touch, and felt a little helpless for a while, so he couldn't help but cursed.

But what's the use of scolding?From Luo Chen's point of view, since these two old things are so capable of tossing around, then he doesn't need to talk about martial arts with them.

In a word, when you meet the living, you beat the living, and when you meet the dead, you beat the dead.

If you come across someone who is neither dead nor alive, you should get your spirits up first and then beat them to death. Anyway, tossing is the right thing to do.

To use a famous saying, I can easily destroy you, hey, I just don’t, I’m just playing!
But for this, the little fat man who has always been fat and fat but has a delicate mind has a different opinion.

"Hey, Uncle Fatty! I feel that what you said is wrong, maybe Wannu Wang, the old bastard, can't easily look at people with his precious baby in his hands!"

"That's why they hid it so tightly, but since we all came with Master Luo, it's bad luck for this old bastard!"

"Don't you think the treasure hidden by this guy is destined for us!"


What the hell! ! !

Why didn't the fat man think of it?
This little fat man has a hand, and Lao Tzu's successor is considered to be a successor!
Think about when I said that I was going to get rich as soon as I opened my mouth, or what I said, it would be better to make me cheaper if you buried this baby.

You look at people again,

As expected of a highly educated person.

As expected of a person whose brains are not inferior to mine, Wang Kaixuan.

Guys, did you see that?
As soon as he opened his mouth, Lao Zhun mentioned it.

This baby is destined for me, tsk tsk tsk!
What a lofty statement this is,
What a bold statement this is,

How shameless this is!
But these words are predestined with Fat Lord, and they are requisitioned!

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