It can be big or small, it can rise or hide; it can make clouds and fog when it is big, it can hide its shape when it is small, it can fly between the universe when it rises, and it can hide in the ocean when it is hidden.

And the Five Sacred Snow Mountain outlined in Luo Chen's mind, in Luo Chen's view, this is the incarnation of the dragon, and it is also the rare leader of the three dragons.

Those three towering snow-capped peaks are the dragon heads of the three dragons, and when the endless star brilliance fell, this rare and rare situation of the first three dragons association was immediately promoted to another level. There are more than grades.

The brilliance of the stars and dragon veins has been mentioned more than once in the famous Feng Shui masters, so this kind of Feng Shui bureau is also called "star dragon seat" in the legend.

There is a saying in the Dragon Shaking Sutra:
The boldness of the dragon has its own truth, and the star peak is the body of the dragon.

The peak is named after the star, and the star takes shape under the light of the mountain.

The star shines on the peak, the peak falls, the mountain looks back, and the dragon takes shape.

Looking at the towering Little Holy Snow Mountain in front of him, a gentle smile gradually appeared on Luo Chen's face.

Look for the dragon to tap the acupoint, if the dragon is there, will the acupoint be far away?
Walking back to the camp from above the snow slope, Luo Chen was in a good mood.

But facing him, he saw Xiao Huna frowning and looking up at the night sky, as if he had discovered something extraordinary and was researching it.

He was still holding the compass in his hand, and there were still words in his mouth, which made Luo Chen laugh instantly.

But he didn't say much, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, then turned around and returned to his tent.

As soon as I entered, I felt a wave of heat rushing towards my face. I saw a small stove in the center of the tent.

"Hehe, this girl Shirley is still very caring!"

Thinking about it with his feet, Luo Chen also knew that it was written by Xue Li, as for why it wasn't the Fatty Wuxie?
Luo Chen said that it was pretty good if they didn't burn their tent down.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone who didn't exert any physical strength at all naturally set foot on the road of climbing the mountain early.

Walking in the snow-covered mountains is actually a very scary thing, because you never know which one will come first, the accident or the avalanche.

Especially Luo Chen and others are climbing up along the trend of the mountains, with the snow-covered mountains towering above their heads, maybe speaking a little louder will cause unimaginable consequences.

Although Luo Chen was [-]% sure that everyone would survive the avalanche unscathed, but who would be so full that they would be willing to be hit by an avalanche?

So under Luo Chen's strict order, the two nagging and loud fat guys had no choice but to close their mouths unwillingly.

But this obviously didn't make Xiao Hu and Wu Xie feel at ease, because it wasn't a day or two since they were harmed by these two loud voices.

So with everyone's approval, Wu Xie and Xiao Hu directly covered the mouths of the two fat men with duct tape, which can be regarded as an extra layer of insurance in this dangerous environment.

The two fat men, one big and one small, had no choice but to let them do their best after the protest was ineffective.

After arriving at this place, the role of Shunzi as a guide was not so obvious anymore, and Luo Chen and the others walked straight into a frozen area with giant snow slopes on both sides after walking halfway through the snow mountain.

Because it is in the back of the sun all year round, the snow here is firmly frozen, just like the hard ten thousand-year-old black ice, it is difficult to leave marks on it even with a very sharp ice-breaking chisel.

After arriving here, the chapter on Luo Chen's quest for dragons became more and more clear. Although this small holy mountain is not among the sixteen peaks of Changbai, the qi it possesses is far inferior to other peaks.

And after arriving here, the group also clearly saw the appearance of the Great Sacred Peak, which stood opposite the Little Sacred Peak, and a valley-like area was formed between the two peaks.

The big and small holy peaks stand opposite each other in front of Sansheng Snow Mountain, like two guards guarding the gate of heaven in the cloudy atmosphere.

Although the feng shui scene is extremely extraordinary, everyone at this time has no intention of doing anything else.

The road under their feet became extremely hard, and it was difficult for the climbing chisel to make a hole on it, so it was extremely difficult for Xiao Hu and others to climb, and they had to work hard, for fear that if they were not paying attention, they would fall from the snow peak. slip down.

After Luo Chen saw this scene, he also put his hand directly on the diamond rope around his waist in order to deal with emergencies.

Two hours later, the group finally arrived at the top of the Little Sacred Peak. The first time they came up, everyone except Luo Chen and the little brother sat directly on the snow.

As if he had reached the limit of his physical strength, the fat man tore off the tape on his mouth, took a few gulps of the cold air from the top of the snow peak, and then stuck out his tongue and said:

"Yah, bah, I'm exhausted, but I'm so fucking up!"

And Xiaopang on the side also learned to look good, opened his mouth and spit and said:

"It's not a big deal, let me tell you, fat uncle, it's us!"

"This has been going on throughout the ages, except that we haven't heard of any Captain Mojin who can come to this place, haha!"

. . .

"Pull it down, you can!"

"Look at your internal damage, what kind of blood do you want to touch Captain Jin!"

The fat man rolled his eyes, he didn't show any sympathy to the little fat man, he exposed this shameless little fat man who pretended to be Captain Mo Jin on the spot.

The little fat man suddenly became short of breath: "Hey, I respect you when you are old and call you Uncle Sheng, you are still relying on your old age, right?"

"Why am I not the captain of Mojin? Did you see that the young master wears a serious Mojin Talisman around his neck!"


As he said that, Xiaopang shook his head very arrogantly, his appearance was quite contrived, and the meaning was very obvious.

You actually insulted my identity as Colonel Jin, Fatty, I am angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well.

"Yohe, old Hu, have you seen it? This little fat man is still in a good mood, come and take out the guy for this little fat man to see."

"Let's see what is the real gold-touching talisman!"

As he said that, the fat man took out a claw ornament with a shiny black luster from his neck. At first glance, the texture and luster were not comparable to the white fake that Xiaopang took out.

"Did you see it? This is the genuine gold-touching talisman left by the patriarch. It is made of pangolin claws. Your fake thing is a high-quality imitation of rhinoceros horn!"

While talking, the fat man raised his eyebrows in a funny way, his appearance was just one word, so cheap. . .

When the two fat men were being cheap to each other, Luo Chen and his party had already looked around at the snowy peak under their feet.

The peak at the foot is a small platform, besides being covered with thick snow, there are also several abrupt black rocks.

It is opposite the Dasheng Peak across the valley, and the height is almost the same.

And on the left side of this mountain is the Sansheng Snow Mountain that the group saw at the beginning.

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