While bringing light to the entire newborn world, it also spreads warmth to every corner of the world.

After finishing these, Jin Yi Luochen nodded in satisfaction.

At this point, those memory fragments that suddenly emerged have come to an end, and the two in white, Luo Chen, have also jumped up a full hundred meters.

But at this moment, the sound of something climbing began to be heard beside and below the two of them.

Regarding this, Luo Chen also looked at Bai Yi suspiciously.

"You arranged this damn thing???"

Speaking of which, Luo Chen pointed at a white humanoid creature below: "Why, put a mask on a monkey so I don't recognize it?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Luo Chen felt something was wrong, because he didn't feel any signs of life on those monkeys.

Instead, there seemed to be something fluctuating on the mask without any gaps.

The piles of white-haired monkeys seemed to be manipulated by the mask, and they were crawling towards Luo Chen and the two above regardless.

"It's Chi Gu!"

Bai Yi looked at the white mask without eyes and mouth, and thought for a long time before he remembered the origin of this kind of thing.

Chi Gu originated from a northern tribe in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Guifang tribe!

The Guifang tribe is the most mysterious tribe in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and its roots can even be traced back to the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

It was recorded in "Zhouyi. Jiji" that Mr. Gao took three years to conquer the ghost sect.

It is about the deeds of the No.30 second-generation monarch of the Shang Dynasty, Wu Ding, who fought against the Guifang tribe. There is no doubt that the Shang Dynasty was powerful at that time, but it was such a small Guifang tribe that forcibly blocked the Wuding army. three years.

Moreover, it is said that this Guifang tribe never shows their true colors to others. They always wear a white mask on their faces all year round, and the mask as a whole only leaves a hole between the eyebrows.

Therefore, some people also call this Guifang people the Yimu tribe, and of course some people say that this Guifang tribe is not human at all.

In short, it’s a lot to say, but according to Shang Wang Wuding’s records, the members of the Guifang tribe would raise a kind of Gu insect called Chi in their bodies since they were young.

They believe that this kind of insect is the descendant of Chilong, which can bring powerful bodies and some strange abilities to the people in their tribe.

That's why the Guifang tribe was able to withstand the powerful Shang Dynasty with its less than tens of thousands of people.

"And this Chi Gu will endow its parasite with unparalleled aggressiveness, making it ferocious and bloodthirsty!"

As he spoke, the white clothes flew straight in front of him, grabbed a monkey wearing a mask, and after controlling it in his hands, he tore off the mask on top of its head vigorously.

At this time, Luo Chen also saw very clearly that there was a raised space at the position of the mouth behind the mask, and within that raised space, there was still half of the bug's body wriggling crazily.

And the other half of the bug's body was still in the monkey's mouth, and went deep into the throat.

This is the ancient Chi Gu prototype, which can affect or completely control the nervous system of any creature through the mouth, so as to make the creature aggressive and become a lunatic who only knows how to kill.

Moreover, Chi Gu can also reproduce in the host's body, and they will not enter the dormant period until the host's body nutrients disappear, that is, they become mummies.

Waiting for the next host to approach, or parasitizing the past by contacting corpses and other media.

"That is to say, it's immortal, isn't it?"

Luo Chen looked at the monkeys crazily surrounding him, his eyes gradually flickered with a cold light.

And Bai Yi also threw out the monkey corpse in his hand with one hand, and at the same time crushed the mask with one foot, and then a white light appeared in his hand, and a seemingly ordinary folding fan appeared in his hand.

"That's right, never die!"

As soon as the words fell, the two rushed towards the direction of the monkeys at the same time.

It's like two adults beating a group of dog slaves and dwarfs. Wherever the figures of the two go, the bugs behind the masks are all burst alive, and the corpses of the monkeys that are not dry are also like dumplings. , falling into the endless abyss.

The sharp sword in Luo Chen's hand shone with golden light, and the folding fan in Bai Yi's hand shook lightly.

With the joint efforts of the two, all the masked monkeys around them were wiped out without any effort, leaving only the stumped limbs and arms full of trees and the stinky body fluids of those chinch bugs.

Affected by the insect's body fluid, the already green World Tree relic turned green all of a sudden.

Luo Chen could even feel that the green body fluid of the insect was gathering on the tree, and then slowly flowing deep through the lines of cloud and thunder.

But at this time, it was no longer the time to study these things, the two of them didn't waste much time, and continued to climb to the top of their heads.

After a few minutes.

"Fuck! I haven't been here for so many years, what happened here!!!"

After climbing up to a height of another 200 meters, the two of Luo Chen stopped again, and Bai Yi looked at the things blocking the way with a speechless expression on his face, as if he was constipated.

"You didn't make this thing?"

And Luo Chen glanced at Bai Yi in surprise, he thought this thing was also a means arranged by Bai Yi.

"You're really good at using words..."

"But it's a pity that I don't have that free time. I only stayed in this damn place for a few days. How could there be so many things at that time!"

After all, Bai Yi stretched out his hand.

"Look at the piles of piles, they have all caught up with the high yield, and I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to get over it!"

"I see, you'd better give yourself two knives and let them make way!"

Looking in the direction pointed by the white clothes, the white masks containing the chinchillas are like a big tree full of fruit, and there is no gap to continue upward.

So Bai Yi chose to sell Luo Chen without the slightest hesitation, since the Golden Crow's blood was worthless to him anyway.

Luo Chen looked at the shrewd white clothes played by the little abacus, and was so angry that he cursed directly.

"I'm afraid you want to eat the skin!"

"It's been so many years since labor and capital have not done bloodletting, that kind of method is simply LOW for me now, okay?"

"There is no innovation at all, no wonder so many people scold you all day long!"

Luo Chen pointed the middle finger at Bai Yi while speaking, his tone was full of ridicule towards Ya Ting.

But this time, Bai Yi obviously didn't have any interest in replying, instead he tried to persuade him:

"Don't make trouble, how old are you!"

"Listen, brother, you'd better give yourself a knife quickly, and save us trouble for a while!"

"Otherwise I won't go up with you!"

"Anyway, the World Tree has nothing to do with me, you think about it yourself!"

After speaking, Bai Yi put his left hand behind his back, while his right hand opened the folding fan and shook it gently.

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