On both sides of the tomb, there are a total of twenty golden nanmu pillars, each of which is the kind that three people cannot hug.

The twenty pillars are like the purple gold beams of the sea, supporting the dome and the ground of the tomb.

The walls of the entire tomb were painted with gold paint, and the beams were decorated like ancient palaces. There were more than a dozen reliefs of five-clawed golden dragons alone.

What a resplendent and resplendent man.

And on the poor ground of the tomb, there is also a star pattern inlaid, and each of the twinkling little stars is made up of night pearls, each of which is the size of a goose egg.

In addition, huge tetrahedral ancient bronze mirrors are placed at the four corners of the tomb. Under the light of the night pearl, each mirror reflects a faint yellow light.

Although it was not as bright as the outside world, it was still enough to illuminate the entire tomb chamber.

"This, I'm afraid, is even more spectacular than the royal tombs in those small countries!"

Wu Xie looked at the magnificent tomb in front of him, the surprise in his eyes was undisguised, but at this moment, even the fat man who loves to bicker with Wu Xie the most has no time to talk to Wu Xie.

Because everyone, including Luo Chen, was firmly attracted by the huge stone plate in the center of the tomb.

On the stone plate is a large-scale model of the palace.

The palace model is built on top of mountains and rivers, and the fake mountains and flowing water are very realistic, and the material of the stone plate will produce a steady stream of white smoke when it meets water.

It really looks like a 'Palace of Heaven' was built on the top of the clouds.

Although it is only a model, the Dragon Tower, Baodian, Queshi Yuntai, the twelfth floor and the five cities are all available everywhere, just like Baiyujing located in the nine heavens.

Everyone's eyes were widened by what really appeared in front of them, and for a moment they felt like a tiger biting a hedgehog—a feeling of being unable to speak.

. . .

But there are always exceptions. For example, our chubby comrade, he is not confused by the gorgeous model of Tiangong in front of him at all.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was attracted by the 'Heavenly Palace', Fatty had already climbed onto the stone plate, and a pair of small bright eyes were searching non-stop.

But not to mention, a close look really made this guy realize that the extremely gorgeous Tiangong model is all made of white marble.

And in the middle of the whole model, out of sight of everyone, there is actually a garden paved with jade.

"Fuck, this shit really has a mummy..."

Looking at the mummy in a weird pose in front of him, the little fat man couldn't help but shuddered and let out an exclamation.

Hearing this, Luo Chen hurriedly jumped onto the stone plate, and looked in the direction of the little fat man's finger.

Immediately, he saw a fully shrunken mummy sitting cross-legged among the withered Tibetan sea flowers in the garden made of jade.

The clothes on the mummy had been shattered under the baptism of years, revealing the black torso inside.

If the Tibetan lamas are particular, this mummy has become a very rare sitting golden body, as long as it is painted with a layer of gold powder, it can be directly placed in the temple for worship.

However, the posture of this mummy made Luo Chen frowned slightly.

At first glance, this mummy is almost the same as the one at the bottom of Poyang Lake, but
This mummy sitting cross-legged has a concave shape with one finger pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the ground, and there is a strange arc on the slightly closed eyes.

And the hair tied behind his head and the nails on his fingers did not stop growing after his death. The hair had already spiraled vertically to the ground, and the nails had grown to the same length as the fingers.

It looks weird anyway.

"Master Luo, do you think this play will make you dead?"

"Fatty, I think this thing is evil!"

The little fat man quietly moved in front of Luo Chen, asking in a low voice, and at the same time aiming at the mummy with his small eyes.

After so many incidents, the little fat man has lost his mind and is no longer as reckless as before.


"It does remember, you ask if it dares?"

Although Luo Chen didn't check it up close, he has already confirmed that there is no possibility of this thing being dead.

The reason is very simple, because the clothes of the mummy no longer blocked the view, and Luo Chen found a very long scar on its stomach.

From the far left side of the ribs to the dantian of the lower abdomen, and the skin above the scar is still bulging, just like the crotch of a little fat man, it seems that there is some big treasure hidden.

Or it could be said that someone arranged some mechanism from the stomach, and look at the length, shape and bulging shape of the scar.

In fact, Luo Chen could easily come to a conclusion. As early as in the ancient tombs of the Song Dynasty, this kind of mechanism to prevent tomb robbers appeared.

As the name suggests, once the mechanism is activated, the gunpowder hidden in the corpse will explode instantly, which will not only kill the intruding tomb robbers, but will even collapse the entire tomb.

As soon as Xiaopang heard that there was no possibility of picking up the corpse, his eyes narrowed immediately, and his whole demeanor changed.

"Hey hey, then don't blame your fat man!"

"I've had enough hardships along the way, let Fatty get back to my book first!"

As he said that, Xiaopang swaggered up to the mummy, then squatted down, and began to pick the jade stones one by one.

While stuffing it into the backpack, he pointed the middle finger at the corpse in a very contrived way, as if to vent his dissatisfaction along the way.

However, maybe it was Xiaopang's actions that caused people's dissatisfaction, or maybe Xiaopang bumped into something accidentally when he buckled the jade.

In short, what no one expected was that the mummy's finger pointing at the sky was suddenly lowered, and turned into a horizontal direction pointing to the east, as if it was controlling some switch.

The entire tomb room also suddenly darkened, and everyone couldn't help but look up. The night pearl on the dome seemed to be blocked by something, and the light became hazy.

Then a miraculous scene happened to everyone, the night pearl on the easternmost corner of the dome suddenly burst into light again.

The light shone on the bronze mirror below, showing changes in light and shadow, and then scenes of narrative images like movies appeared on the huge bronze mirror.

The content of the image is an enlarged version of the Tiangong model on the stone plate, and it seems to be showing the situation when the Tiangong was completed.

The mountains on the image are undulating, and the so-called Heavenly Palace is actually built in a very steep mountain range.

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