Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 341 The Corpse Born Two Hands, Yin and Yang Double Acupuncture Points

But the corpse in that coffin was really disgusting, and the black liquid looked like human oil.

So even if Xiaopang is reckless and has a big heart, he dare not put his hand into this dark liquid.

This point is completely different from that of our Triumph Fatty.

Luo Chen dared to say that if Kaixuan was here, he would definitely not care about the dirty and smelly black water, whether you are human oil or something, fat man, I will take the treasure first and then talk about it.

It's a big deal to go back and wash your hands a few times.

But it's a pity that Xiaopang is not as big-hearted as Big Fatty after all, and after thinking about it for a long time, there is no good way, so he can only sigh helplessly.

It was naive, after glancing at the scene in the coffin, he turned his head away, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"This mother's joint burial coffin is so disgusting, the fat man is still thinking about the treasure inside, will you bury it?"

"Hehe, you are really innocent. Whose joint burial coffin is like this? Bury people twisted into twists?"

"At first glance, I have never seen anything in the world. Didn't the dumb Zhang just say that this thing is called a corpse coffin, which means nourishing Qi in Feng Shui!"

"You know a hammer. You don't have much experience with such a capable grandpa. No wonder you are so naive!"

As he said that, the little fat man hurriedly smiled at Luo Chen: "I'm right, Master Luo!"

Hearing this, Luo Chen withdrew the kick he was about to kick just now, and then nodded lightly under Wu Xie's equally questioning eyes.

In fact, that's what the little fat man said, but such coffins are usually used on mountains, rivers, hills and other earth dragon veins.

Generally, there will be two geomantic acupoints, one yin and one yang, in the natural earth dragon veins, and if the buried tomb owner hadn't split his body in half, he would definitely only be able to occupy one acupoint.

However, because of the double acupoints, the earth's energy or the earth dragon's dragon's energy will condense towards these two acupoints, so that the spare acupoint will attract some strange things to the tomb.

Then, due to the mutual rotation of yin and yang, the acupoint originally occupied by the owner of the tomb will also be affected by evil spirits and slowly turn into a fierce acupoint.

Then it will no longer be blessed by the dragon's veins, or it will directly transform into a big rice dumpling that will rise up when it encounters a living thing.

So in order to keep this kind of good geomantic treasure land from being affected, the later geomantic masters would bury a corpse related to the owner of the tomb on top of another empty dragon's cave.

In addition to ensuring that the feng shui acupoints are not occupied by evil spirits, it can also ensure that the owner of this dragon vein will always be the master!
"There is such a saying, Grandpa Luo, you are really a living encyclopedia!"

After hearing this, Wu Xie suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and he no longer resisted the disgusting coffin in his heart, and the fat man slapped his thigh violently.

"Fuck, the scale of the co-author's family is directly stuffing the whole family into it!"

"It's really miserable for Te Niang, tsk tsk tsk!"

"Fuck you, there is no door bolt on your mouth every day. The ancients chose good geomantic omen to bless their descendants. Who will bless them if they bury the whole family?"

"The brain is a good thing, you'd better grow up!"

Luo Chen first laughed and cursed a few words, then looked at the indifferent Xiaopang and immediately lowered his voice and said:
"In this coffin, there is actually only one person!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Wuxie Aning Fatty gasped in unison, and even raised the thing in their hands.

In the end, he looked towards the side of the coffin that Luo Chen pointed at in disbelief.

Under the light of the flashlight, Wu Xie and the others realized that the head of the body that was originally submerged in black water had already floated up.

On the white neck, there are six heads hanging like a bunch of grapes.

The heads vary in size, but except for the one in the middle, the others have no facial features at all, not even the basic outline of a skull.

More like five sarcomas of various sizes growing on a person's neck.

This,,, could it be an ancient deformed person?
Several people couldn't help thinking, but at this moment, Luo Chen keenly felt that the black water in the coffin seemed to be shrinking, and the water level had dropped by one millimeter.

At the same time, a fierce and dry breath suddenly surged out from the coffin.

Seeing this, Luo Chen hurriedly pulled Aning and Wu Xie to his back with both hands at the same time, and then lightly kicked the little fat man to a place ten meters away.

This differential treatment made the little fat man mutter again.

"They're both called Grandpa, so why are they treated so differently!"

The water level in the coffin dropped again, and the ferocious aura became more and more intense. At this time, Luo Chen could no longer care about Xiaopang.

Xuanyuan was also very spiritual, straight out of the sheath, and flew into Luo Chen's hands.

And the little brother at the side was even more ruthless, without saying a word, he directly swiped the black gold across his palm, as if he was going to face the next big battle.

The water level in the giant golden nanmu coffin dropped again, exposing half of the corpse.

However, Luo Chen became a little impatient with waiting, kicked out violently, and kicked the huge nanmu coffin weighing several thousand kilograms to the other side of the small room.

But what surprised Luo Chen was that there was a dark hole under the giant coffin that he kicked away.

The shape and location, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a robbery hole artificially made.

But now is not the time to study this robbery hole.

Because the giant coffin that was kicked by Luo Chen just now was already overturned on the ground, and all the black liquid inside flowed out.

And the deformed corpse that had been soaking in the blackness slowly wriggled out of the coffin.

At this time, the group of people could completely see the whole picture of this deformed corpse.

"I'm a grandma, I'm afraid this motherfucker is a big bug!"

"Normal people want to look like this, I'm afraid they will be strangled to death as monsters as soon as they are born!"

Looking down from the top of the grape-like head, the deformed corpse actually had six pairs of twelve arms, and the joints of each arm naturally grew on the torso.

There was no trace of splicing and stitching at all, and the twisted and intertwined body began to stretch in the eyes of everyone.

It looked as if the clothes that had been twisted into a twisted shape began to shake off, no wonder the little fat man would say that he would have to be strangled to death as soon as he was born.

In just a few breaths, the deformed corpse had completely stretched its body, and its entire body was presented naked in front of everyone.

. . .

PS: Congratulations to all the students who have returned from the college entrance examination, get bored.

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