Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 339 Snake Head and Tail, Yin and Yang Double Wombs

. . .

"Okay, don't be shy!"

"Qi Ling is right, this is indeed not the tomb we entered in the first place!"

Luo Chen waved his hand to stop the little fat man who was about to continue skinning, and then scanned the surrounding environment.

As the little brother said, this tomb seems to be not much different from the previous one, but there are still many differences.

The most intuitive change is that the corner where the small coffin was originally stored has become empty, while the other empty corner has an extra stone pillar embedded in the tomb wall.

One side of the stone pillar is embedded in the wall, while the other side is exposed, and many rare and exotic animals are carved on it.

The structure of the entire tomb wall is completely different from before, and the original star pattern on the dome has also become two giant snakes entangled with each other.

The head and tail are intertwined and hovering above the dome, and the head is condescending and looking down at the crowd, which is very vivid.

"Could it be that there is a thousand-year-old ghost in this tomb? We were blinded by ghosts before?"

The little fat man's voice began to tremble as he thought about it.

But before he could continue talking, Wu Xie who was at the side suddenly slapped him up.

"Fuck you fat man, you know a der!"

"I've never seen ghosts, zongzi and the like dare to jump in front of my grandpa Luo!"

"Ms. Shaote is scaring people here!"

However, at this moment, Luo Chen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a movement, and he withdrew his two fingers stretched above the ground.

At the same time, he stood up straight, raised his right foot and stepped down fiercely.

The huge force under his feet exploded, and a roaring sound resounded in the entire tomb.

Afterwards, Wu Xie and the others saw a circular pothole directly opened on the floor under Luo Chen's feet.

The pothole went down vertically, and the inside was pitch black, and it was completely unclear how deep it was.

"The truth is at your feet, come and have a look!"

Speaking of which, Luo Chen directly recruited a few young people, and Ah Ning also twisted a few cold fireworks in a very timely manner and threw them into the pit.

The indifferent light immediately illuminated the environment inside the pit, and at this time Wu Xie and the others clearly saw the familiar big footprints in the underground space, broken porcelain jars and the like.

Seeing the extremely familiar space, Wu Xie seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly said:

"Elevator? Little naive, are you playing charades?"

"No, my third uncle has been here before, and I saw the word "elevator" from his notes!"

"At that time, the third uncle was the same as us, and also experienced similar things, but because of the caution of the third uncle, he did not take off his diving suit when he entered the tomb, so he escaped directly!"

Looking at the puzzled people, Wu Xie could only explain a few words lightly, but his third uncle's behavior was too rough.

He didn't even leave any useful information for himself. Thinking of this innocence, he couldn't help feeling a little bit more resentful towards Sanxing.

But Sanxing really can't be blamed for this, because this guy grew up under Luo Chen's already old Jiumen's wings since he was a child, and he has already formed a reckless character.

If this guy could write a detailed record, I'm afraid Luo Chen should suspect whether this person is Sansheng or not.

"Elevator? Although the words are more modern, they are not too different!"

"However, according to our profession, this kind of organ should be called the Yin-Yang double womb!"

As he spoke, Luo Chen raised his finger and pointed to the dome above.

"See the snake with the tail on it, it actually represents the operation mode of this kind of mechanism."

"The head of the snake connects to the tail, yin and yang turn each other, and there is an infinite cycle."

"In modern terms, the upper and lower tombs are like a perpetual motion machine, one goes down and the other goes up."

"Fuck, it turns out it's such a simple principle."

"Fatty, I thought he really covered his eyes when he encountered a ghost!"

"Why don't you say it's you, Master Luo? This is really a family with an old man, cough cough"

Looking at Luo Chen's eyes with murderous intent, the little fat man decisively chose to shut his chattering mouth, but at this moment, there was a bit of doubt in the innocent eyes beside him.

"It should be like this, but the third uncle didn't choose to go out of the corridor when he was in this tomb. According to common sense, he should also rise and fall with the tomb!"

Luo Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard the words:
"Ha ha."

"That's true, but according to Sansheng's carefree temperament, he might not even notice that the tomb is moving!"

Indeed, I only noticed the sound of the mechanism moving in the tomb just by pointing my fingers. If someone else was here, I'm afraid they would still be kept in the dark right now.

Coupled with Sansheng's usual reckless temper, it's no wonder he can see it!

"Second Grandpa, why do you think Third Uncle Wu's temper is reckless?"

"I feel that he should be a person who is both rough and fine-tuned!"

"Oh? How could little Aning think so?"

When Luo Chen heard his granddaughter's words, there was an imperceptible light in his eyes, and he asked curiously.

And Ah Ning also organized the language before slowly opening his mouth and saying:
"Well, the third uncle of the Wu family has always had a strange feeling in my memory. Sometimes I feel that he is very rustic, and sometimes I think he is very foreign."

"Sometimes it feels like he's rude, and sometimes he's shrewd!"

"For example, let's say this time, his plan was very detailed, and it can be described as exhaustive."

"This is impossible!"

As soon as Ah Ning finished speaking, Wuxie showed a look of disbelief and said:
"I know my third uncle very well. The second uncle scolds him all day long for his messy life, and the most important thing is that he hates to have a plan for everything."

"You must have made a mistake!"

"Impossible. The third uncle of the Wu family has indeed made a perfect plan. He even asked to prepare two copies of the equipment for this operation."

"So our supplies, including those of your third uncle, are double!"

Their father's ah!

After hearing this, Luo Chen still didn't understand what was going on.

At that moment, a nameless anger burned directly from the bottom of my heart.

These elder nephews are playing with fire, and they have plotted against me, Luo.

Lao Wu and Lao Jiu are really good at raising their sons, and they have to talk to them later, and I don't know if Lao Wu's dog has grown fat.

Thinking about it, Luo Chen gradually had bad thoughts in his heart, but,

Thinking about it, it has indeed been a long time since he stole the dog of Lao Wu's family. . .

But now that he and the sixth child are both very old, it doesn't seem appropriate to steal anymore.

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