Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 330 Wang Zanghai's 'Record'

Seeing this, Luo Chen roughly understood the usefulness of Mo Changci's trick box.

Hey guys, this is carpet exploration!
Tens of thousands of yak needles were stuck on the coffin, no matter how ingenious the mechanism set up by Wang Zanghai, there is no way to hide it.

Sure enough, just a few seconds after the mechanism box was running, Luo Chen and the others clearly heard a crackling sound from the coffin.

Seeing this, Mo Changci hastily stopped the operation of the mechanism box and removed it from the obsidian sarcophagus.

Then, in the sight of the three of Luo Chen, the obsidian sarcophagus as a whole suddenly shook violently.

Then, it unfolded petal by petal towards the surrounding direction, and finally formed a dark and translucent Heiyao Zanghai flower!
And on the base of the Hei Yao Zanghaihua, sat cross-legged a mummy that had already been solidified.

The mummy was wearing a red official uniform from the Ming Dynasty at first glance, and the exposed skin had already been condensed with flesh and bones, exuding a bronze luster.

It is a bit like the golden body of death said by the Buddhists, and the black flower of Zanghai sitting on it is a bit similar to the legendary black lotus sitting on the seat of the demon Rahu.

But there are only a few similarities.

"Master Luo, could this be the corpse of that Wang Zanghai?"

Lao Ba looked at the corpse carefully, and then asked uncertainly.

But Luo Chen kept silent. For some reason, Luo Chen always had a feeling in his heart that the mummy in front of him seemed to be Wang Zanghai's physical body, but he always felt that something was wrong.

In the bronzed hands of the mummy was holding a sealed white jade bottle, and in front of him was a box made of purple crystal.

The top of the box is also carefully carved into the shape of a Tibetan sea flower.

Apart from these things, there is nothing in the entire obsidian coffin, not even some buried gold, silver and jewelry.

Luo Chen couldn't help but stepped forward to take the jade bottle in the hands of the mummy. The exact same texture and feel gave Luo Chen a feeling of familiarity.

Then, after opening the sealed plug, a round pill appeared directly in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

"Sure enough, it's this thing again!"

Looking at the dark red dot in the center of the pill, Luo Chen's pupils shrank.

This shit said that longevity is actually a elixir for creating monsters, how many pills did that woman make.

This kind of thing appeared in ancient tombs from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty.

But why didn't this Wang Zanghai choose to take this elixir?

Didn't he want 'eternal life'?

Could it be that he also discovered the disadvantages of this elixir?
After sealing the jade bottle in the virtual world, Luo Chen continued to look at the amethyst box in front of the mummy with slight doubts.

The noble and elegant amethyst sparkles with charming colors under the light, while the amethyst Tibetan sea flower on it adds a touch of beauty to it again.

Sweeping his finger lightly over it, Luo Chen immediately sensed the extraordinaryness of this amethyst box.

Then as soon as he stretched out his hand, a Zanghai flower of the same size but carved out of red crystal appeared directly in Luo Chen's hand.

If Wu Xie was here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this Tibetan sea flower carved out of red crystal was the one they brought out from the Lu Palace in the land of Qilu earlier.

Two Tibetan sea flowers with the same texture but different colors were held up by Luo Chenping on the front of his chest, and the patterns and fine lines were all written by the same person.

Obviously, this is the key to the box!

After Luo Chen slowly turned the red crystal Tibetan sea flower upside down on top of the amethyst Tibetan sea flower, the three of them were amazed to find that the two crystal flowers of different colors fit together tightly, as if they were a whole.

And with the rotation of Luo Chen's fingers, the amethyst box also quietly followed and rotated.

Finally, with a slight noise, the box bounced directly upwards, revealing the very complete treasure inside.

A golden silk scroll was folded flat and covered on the top. After taking it out, Luo Chen saw three rings that looked like skulls and ghost faces in the box.

The color and texture were exactly the same as the ghost seal owned by Luo Chen, but it didn't fall off from the ghost seal in Luo Chen's hand.

"Hehe, is it possible that there is another ghost seal?"

Luo Chen teased lightly, then put it away, but put his eyes on the golden silk scroll again.

The wild fonts on it are flying, and a lot of small characters are densely written.

But the above record made Luo Chen fall into deep thought.

Eastern Xia Kingdom!
In Wang Zanghai's records, there appeared a country named Dongxia, but it was rarely heard of in history.

The Eastern Xia Kingdom originated in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was a small separatist regime that split from the Jin Kingdom in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The last person in power was called Puxian Wannu in Wang Zanghai's mouth. Like Wanyan Aguda, the founder of the Jin Dynasty, he was a Jurchen.

According to Wang Zanghai's account, he was captured by this Puxian Wannu for a period of time, and he built a remarkable tomb for him.

However, regarding these, there are only a few records on the golden scroll.

But what really made Luo Chen deep in thought was a bizarre experience mentioned by Wang Zanghai behind.

It said that when Wang Zanghai was building the mausoleum for Puxian Wannu, he accidentally came to a huge bronze portal.

In Wang Zanghai's original words, it is impossible to describe the grandeur of this portal.

And his bizarre and unimaginable experience also happened behind this giant bronze portal.

The handwriting written here on the silk scroll also began to look messy, and it can be seen from this that Wang Zanghai was also extremely restless when he wrote this.

Look further back.

After Wang Zanghai entered the portal, it was as if he had come to a place like a paradise.

The mountains and rivers are rolling and rolling, the river is winding and flowing, and the soft land is under the feet.

And beside it are beautiful and coquettish red flowers like a sea of ​​flowers.

But what surprised Wang Zanghai even more was that in the world behind the door, there was a creature that only existed in mythology.

In Wang Zanghai's mouth, this kind of creature is called the sun god bird that brings light to the world.

In this paradise-like place, a huge golden divine bird is waving its wings high above the sky, hanging high above the sky like a sun.

While bringing light, it also gave Wang Zanghai a warm feeling.

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