Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 316 The Dividing Line Between Hell and Human World

Speaking of which, Luo Chen couldn't help but opened his Delusion-shattering pupils, and looked in the direction of the island.

However, just looking at it, Luo Chen was surprised to find that the building named Laoye Temple was built exactly in the middle of the east-west line of the turtle-shaped island.

And the most important thing is that the right angles and planes of the three water surfaces connecting the temple to the turtle-shaped island just formed three equilateral triangles.

Not bad at all, not at all.

This makes it possible for people to always face Laoye Temple no matter which direction they look at.

What shocked Luo Chen the most was that the entire area of ​​water and the mountains behind Laoye Temple happened to form a natural yin-yang fish shape.

And Turtle Island and Laoye Temple are just in the position of Yin and Yang fish eyes.

However, yin and yang fish distinguish between yin and yang, and in Luo Chen's perception, the auras of Turtle Island and Laoye Temple are actually the same.

To take the simplest example, Taiji Yinyang fish uses black and white to distinguish Yin and Yang, one Yin and one Yang, and the aura is also one positive and one negative.

But the Turtle Island and Laoye Temple here are both in a black state, all positive or all negative.And to be honest with such an aura, if nothing happens, then there is a ghost.

But to be honest, if it wasn't for Luo Chen, the person who opened the door, even if he looked at it from the perspective of Lao Ba, a big brother of the Taoist sect, he wouldn't be able to see anything.

"Since we are here, there is absolutely no possibility of exiting, let's move on!"

Speaking of which, Luo Chen ignored Lao Ba who had been using the compass to locate, and said directly to Mo Changci.

And Mo Changci set sail directly without any pretense, manipulating the boat and plunging into the waters of the Devil's Triangle.

"Hiss~~~ Master Luo, the aura here is really chaotic!"

After entering the devil's waters, Lao Ba looked at the compass needle in his hand that kept spinning, and didn't immediately look up to check the surrounding situation.

But then,

"Why don't you just look up and talk about it? It's obvious that the aura is wrong, so you need to say it?"

Looking at the black mist rising around him, Luo Chen immediately gave Lao Ba a bad temper.

"Fuck, when did this happen!!"

The old eight looked up and looked around in shock, only to realize belatedly that their ship had just sailed into the waters known as the Devil's Triangle.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed. Just now, the water surface, which was still cloudless and the sky was about to drop, was suddenly shrouded in black mist.

And the previously extremely calm water surface also began to become choppy, as if the end of the world had come.

It is as if a line separates life and death, and an island separates the world from hell.

"Is this the secret hidden in the death triangle?"

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Lao Ba couldn't help sighing.

But Luo Chen frowned deeply at this time.

Because in his perception, the aura between Turtle Island and Laoye Temple became stronger, and the thick black mist seemed to merge with the water.

Even Luo Chen could clearly see that above the water level in front of him, a wave that could overturn any boat was coming towards the boat that everyone was on with a thick black mist.

For a while, the black wind blows the waves and the waves are dim, like the descendants of the Lilong opera.

"Fuck, Master Luo is a wave! It's really a wave!"

Just when Luo Chen was secretly gaining momentum and wanted to forcibly suppress the sudden wave, Lao Ba's long-lost pig-killing cry suddenly came from beside him.

Looking at Old Ba who was walking steadily on the board of the boat like an old dog while screaming ghostly, Luo Chen almost vomited three liters of blood in a moment of anger, what the hell is going wrong?
Your uncle, you're the only one who's crazy!
It seems that your old man has been eating a lot of hamburgers recently!

Seeing that the wave was about to hit the ship, Luo Chen, who was out of breath, gave up the plan to suppress the wave in an instant, and just stood on the deck with his hands behind his back and waited quietly.

By the way, he gave Lao Ba a very playful look, "Small boy, play with me, just wait to fall into the water!"
However, it was too late to say it, and when the water waves with the momentum of the sky were about to hit, Mo Changci, who had been manipulating the boat, suddenly activated a wooden gate on the hull.

Then, under Luo Chen's astonished and Lao Ba's shocked eyes, the ship under them completed a gorgeous transformation in an instant.

First, the deck under their feet opened suddenly, sinking several people into the hull, and then amidst a series of sounds of mechanism activation.

Every plank on the hull was suddenly disrupted and then reassembled.

In the end, it turned into a huge wooden Xuanwu, and Luo Chen and others were standing firmly in Xuanwu's belly.

In front of them is a transparent partition of unknown material, which allows people to see everything outside very clearly.

Lao Ba saw it clearly, at the moment when the waves hit, the Xuanwu boat sank suddenly, and went straight to the bottom of the water like a submarine.

And under Mo Changci's series of operations, Xuanwu's limbs swam steadily in the water.

And what Lao Ba admires the most is that the person who made this Xuanwu boat is obviously a genius among geniuses, and even thought of making two searchlights in Xuanwu's eyes.

"My good fellow, is this the organ beast of the Mo family? Long resignation!"

When Mo Changci heard the words, he puffed out his chest proudly, and his tone was filled with indescribable glory.

"That's right, Master Luo, this is exactly my Mo family's mechanism beast, Xuanwu!"

"It's just a pity that some inheritances have been lost in these endless years, otherwise I can create more functional beasts!"

Seeing Mo Changci whose tone changed from proud to regretful, Luo Chen was also very touched.

Because of his status, Luo Chen can actually see and consult far more things than ordinary people.

And in these records, there were records about the Mohist mechanism beast.

The basalt in the water, the white tiger in the mountains, and the red bird in the air that can ride the wind.

This is the most brilliant craftsmanship in the history of the Mohist school. It is said that there is also a mechanism beast called Qinglong but no one has seen it. It is said that it is also the ultimate weapon of the Mohist family.

It's a pity, hey!
These treasures have lost their traces under the baptism of the years, even the families that have been passed down to this day, let alone others.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen couldn't help thinking of the joint proposal handed to him by a group of old archeology professors.

The five characters of "Lishan Mausoleum of the First Emperor" above clearly appeared in Luo Chen's mind.

But at this moment,

"Master Luo, look, there is such a big water hole under the water!"

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