Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 312 Engraved with the 'Flowers' of the Tibetan Sea

Luo Chen stared at the snake-browed copper fish in front of him and couldn't help but fell into the thoughts of that year.

It must have been a certain day 20 years ago. Under the influence of myself and others, the juniors such as Sanxing served as the leader of the original archaeological team for a period of time.

And one day, the archaeological team he led discovered an underwater ancient tomb that was said to be rare in the Paracel Islands.

And it was also written in the report to Luo Chen that year, saying that the ancient tomb is very old, and the year and the identity of the owner of the tomb cannot be verified, but Luo Chen was busy with other things back then and agreed to this group of juniors to go on their own.

It can be regarded as some experience for Sansheng and others, but because they have zero experience in underwater ancient tombs, when they organized the archaeology for the first time, they only found an identical snake-browed copper fish on the periphery.

It is said that this thing was analyzed one by one by some old archeology professors at that time, and in the end they couldn't find anything, so they forwarded it to Luo Chen along with the report of the underwater ancient tomb.

And the first mighty archeology of underwater tombs in the Xisha Islands has come to an end, as if it is waiting for Luo Chen, the heavenly official, to restart.

But what Luo Chen didn't expect was that the juniors of the several families had higher hearts than the sky, and organized another underwater fight together.

As a result, until now, there is no news about the girl from Chen Pi's family and Huo's family. Thinking of this, Luo Chen gave Sanxing another hard look at this ignorant fellow.

"Lao Ba didn't learn his heaven-defying skills, but he learned how clever he is!"

The more Luo Chen talked, the angrier he became, he wished he could get up and kick the shrunken Sanxing in front of him.

"What's the matter? You are still not convinced!"

"You really think that labor and management can't see through the tricks you play, don't you?"

"If you still don't believe me, you can go to the Laoshizi Sanatorium to see if the Huo family girl is still there! Hmph!"

"Uncle Luo,,, you!"

"What are you!!!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he talked, the angrier he got, Luo Chen stood up angrily and kicked Sanxing's ass, and then said with lingering anger:

"You kid just wait to be cleaned up. I'll see how you explain to your grandpa!"

Hearing Luo Chen's lecture, Sanxing was completely dumbfounded, and after thinking of that girl Wenjin, his whole body trembled involuntarily.

Cold sweat broke out on the back, and at that moment, it seemed that there was a murderous embryo behind him looking at him full of murderous intent. . .

The Fourth Grandpa who was called Yan Luo back then,,,

Damn, things seem to be getting worse!

But at this time Luo Chen has no time to care about that, because at this time his sight has been firmly attracted by the bright red in the purple gold sunspot.

With the help of the yellow light on Wu Xie's table, a blood-colored jade pendant so bright that it could flow out appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

But the real reason why Luo Chen couldn't look away was because the bloody jade pendant was in the shape of a dragon.

And it was exactly the same as the four Blood Dragon Jade that Luo Chen got earlier.

This Nima is a little frightened!

In a large tomb in the land of Qilu, one of the tomb owners of two generations is Emperor Mu of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the other is King Lu Shang of the Warring States Period. Why do these tombs also appear in their tombs?

Could it be that this tomb has been involved by other people?

After carefully putting away the Blood Dragon Jade, Luo Chen looked at the last object in the box with deep doubts.

It was a small flower carved from ruby ​​as a whole. Its shape was like a snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountain and a bit like a lotus, but its rhizome was a bit like the red Bana flower in Luo Chen's imaginary world.

Moreover, there are actually two big characters in ancient style engraved on its tiny rhizome, 'Zanghai'!
This? ? ?
Looking at the object in front of him, Luo Chen couldn't help feeling a strong sense of familiarity, but he couldn't figure out where he had seen it before.

By coincidence, Wu Xie also saw these two ancient characters on the rhizome at this time.

"Hidden sea???"

"Could it be Wang Zanghai, the famous geomancer and architect in the Ming and Qing Dynasties?"

Wu Xie's low-pitched voice immediately woke up Luo Chen who was stuck in memory, and then in Wu Xie's puzzled eyes, Luo Chen suddenly patted Wu Xie's shoulder.

"A good grandson is much better than your third uncle who is looking for trouble every day!"

Wu Xie's words can be said to wake up the dreamer. Luo Chen has studied those famous Fengshui masters in history in the early years, and this Wang Zanghai happens to be one of them.

But because the memory was too noisy, Luo Chen couldn't remember it for a while.

But when it comes to Wang Zanghai, he also has a lot of background. It is said that this person was also a famous geographer in the early Ming Dynasty. The Ming Palace and Qujing City were all created by him.

According to legend, this Wang Zanghai also built the Ming Zu Mausoleum single-handedly. It can be said that he is a strange person in the Ming Dynasty.

According to historical records, this kind of non-lotus and non-lotus flower is also his favorite in his life, and it seems that there are some records about the use of these flowers.

In this way, there is no doubt about the Blood Dragon Jade and Zanghai Flower Luochen that appeared in Lu Palace.

After all, Wang Zanghai's methods in geomantic omen are superb, a person who has reached the pinnacle, and if he wants to use some methods in a tomb, it is as simple as searching for something to hide something.

In addition, there are many legends about Wang Zanghai left on the land of Zhongzhou, saying that this man, like his name, cannot live without water.

He also said that he should soak in water every day and take a bath eight times.

What's even more outrageous is that some descendants of those people said that their deceased elders had seen Wang Zanghai jump into the river again and again, and he would only come up after staying for a whole day.

When Luo Chen saw this record, he actually scoffed a little, but judging from everything now, this Wang Zanghai should have planned to do these things.

Just like,

Building something underwater is the same as the underwater shipwreck tombs they discovered in the three provinces.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen hurriedly plunged into Xujie's own study room, and began to read the materials at that time.

He clearly remembered that in the records about Wang Zanghai's water addiction, there was a clear record of the location.

Soon, Luo Chen found the answer he wanted in an ancient book, which was exactly the same as what he remembered, except that there were more words such as Penghu and Gongtinghu.

Slowly closing the book, Luo Chen walked straight to a huge map, and finally fixed his gaze on a confluence of rivers.

There, the current name is Poyang Lake!

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