However, the clothes burned so fast that the fat man wanted to go into battle naked, and those corpses still refused to let them go.

They followed Wu Xie and the others stubbornly, and only waited for the fire that made their hearts palpitate to disappear before rushing up to have a hearty meal.

Seeing that the clothes in their hands were getting smaller and smaller, and Chen Ge and the others were getting paler and paler, Wu Xie couldn't help but look at Pan Zi who was holding a gun.

"Pan Zi, do you still have bullets?"

And Pan Zi also took out the magazine in his hand with a helpless expression: "There is still a glorious bullet!"

After finishing speaking, he gave the fat man in night clothes next to him a hard look.

"Fatty man, where the hell did you come from? If it weren't for you, we would have come to this point?"

"Okay, brother, I saw that you jumped down without saying a word just now. I, fat man, respect you for being a man, but now we are all going to see Lord Yan, so don't worry about it so much."

"It's just that I didn't expect that my fat man would go cold before he made a name for himself, hey!"

"If it weren't for Fatty, I would sing "Shandandan Blooming Red and Brilliantly" for you to cheer up our last journey!"

. . .

"Sing to your uncle! There are all bugs here, not the relatives who will open the door to welcome us."

"Let's save your singing voice for Lord Yan and his old man to listen to!"

Shouting and cursing, the four of them were forced into a corner by the crowd of corpses, and the burning clothes in their hands were thrown under their feet because of their hot hands.

All the corpses in the tomb rioted again.

But just when Shi Lai was about to drown the crowd, a pitch-black figure descended from the sky, and everyone present was shocked.

"It's the boy in black!"

"Oh, stuffy oil bottle!!!"

Just when Wu Xie was secretly happy for her little brother's appearance, a deep worry also came to her heart.

But then, something happened that stunned the innocent four.

I saw the little brother who knelt down on one knee stood up, and at the same time, the black gold on his back was unsheathed, and wiped his palm directly.

And after the bright red blood flowed out, the corpses in the entire tomb seemed to have encountered something terrifying, and frantically fled towards the surroundings, and finally disappeared in the holes one by one.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"... Those bugs seem to be afraid of Poker Bottle!!!"

"Damn, this is not what grandpa said, it belongs to the power of blood!"

Unlike the shock of Wu Xie and others, Chen Ge instantly thought of the story about the tomb of General Pingshan that his father often told him.

At that time, Luo Chen relied on the power of blood to forcibly force back the centipede swarm that would turn into poisonous water when touched by ordinary people.

At that time, Chen Ge thought that his old man was bragging to him. . .

I didn't expect this scene to happen so realistically in front of my eyes. It seems that the clown is me after all.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything else to refute at that time, just like when I wanted to take over as the leader of Xiling a few years ago.

Chen Ge will never forget the earnest tone of his old man:
"Xiaoge, the position of leader of Xiling Mountain is too important. It's not something you can hold on to now. It's better in a few years!"

. . .

Compared to Chen Ge's emotional ups and downs, the three of Pan Zi are much simpler. In addition to the joy of the rest of the life in their hearts, they are the excitement of the rest of the life after the disaster.

Even the fat man in the nocturnal mouse costume wanted to behead his brother and beg for help.

But the little brother had a cold face and completely ignored him. After all, in terms of age alone, Qi Ling is more than enough to be a grandfather for the fat man.

The little brother completely ignored Wu Xie and Fatty who were nagging in his ears with a cold face, then turned his head and walked towards a hidden passage without saying a word.

The next step is to take Wuxie and the others to join Luo Chen.

When he was in the tomb above, Luo Chen chased a green snake-like thing away, while the younger brother sensed the danger of Wu Xie and the others, so he rushed over.

. . .

Following the little brother's turning and turning in the tomb passage, and passing through a hidden downward secret passage, Wu Xie and the others finally came to a tomb full of images and words.

After seeing these graphic records, Wu Xie's eyes lit up, just like when he saw the little brother who fell from the sky among the corpses.

It's just that after studying for a while, the innocent face shrugged.

"I thought it was some great literature record, but it turned out that King Laoshizi Lu Shang boasted about his control of the Yin soldiers. He is really proud!"

"Yin Soldier?"

"You really believe in that kind of thing!"

After hearing Wu Xie's voice, the little fat man couldn't help but rolled his eyes suddenly, and then asked Wu Xie and the others with a serious face:

"By the way, you are also here looking for Guixi?"

Ghost seal! ! !

"What the hell is Fatty, does the ghost seal that claims to be able to control Yin soldiers really exist?"

Looking at the rare and serious little fat man, Wu Xie was also inexplicably speechless. Could it be that King Lu Shang made up what was recorded on the damn wall?
But it didn't take long for Wu Xie to be puzzled, and the little fat man spoke directly as if he couldn't hide his words.

"Tch, look at your inexperienced appearance, can you stop being so innocent!"

"Let me tell you, according to my reliable records, Fat Lord, the so-called King Lu Shang's so-called control of Yin soldiers to fight wars is nothing more than a big lie."

"If I didn't tell you, Fat Master, how can you think of it with your naive brain?"

As he spoke, the little fat man pretended to look contemptuously at everyone, except the little brother. . .

"Come on, listen up, Fatty will tell you the results of more than a month of hard research, but I can say first, I will see you soon, baby, I will choose first!"

Don't wait for Wuxie and others to refuse.

"This awesome King Lu Shang, to put it bluntly, is with us!"

"According to the ancient saying, he is the leader of the official robber, who has the tomb robbery license issued by him!"

"Think about it, this f*cking fight can be crowned king, how can there be less gold and silver treasures?"

Hearing the fat man's serious tone, Wu Xie couldn't help but have the same thought, what the unlucky fat man said really sounded like that!
But, who am I innocent, how could I be bewitched by your few words.

"Heh~ You dare to make a conclusion based on this? My grandpas once told me that judgment is a taboo in our profession."

. . .

"You know what a fart, it's said on the wall here that most of King Lu Shang's army camped during the day and marched at night, and they often disappeared from one place at once, and then emerged from places hundreds of miles away. come out."

"Is this evidence not direct enough?"

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