Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 299 Strange Shadow, Wu Chen 2 Talents

But the most surprising thing was Da Kui who hid far away.

He was scared to death just now, but now he ran in front of the crowd as if nothing had happened. This face-changing skill is really amazing.

The angry Sanxing wanted to kill him with one shot.

Chen Ge who was watching was stunned: "I have never seen such a brazen person!"

But at this moment, Pan Zi, who had just saved his life, suddenly said in a low voice: "Everyone, we are seven, right? Why are there eight shadows on the wall?"

As he said that, Pan Zi gestured to the wall beside him with his eyes.

And everyone looked in the direction indicated by Pan Zi, and at a glance, they saw seven figures standing closely together on the wall behind them, and there was a lone shadow in another direction.

The shape of the shadow was quite strange, the upper and lower parts were of the same thickness, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

Although it was a bit strange for the sudden appearance of this shadow, but because of the existence of little brother Luo Chen, Wu Xie and the other juniors not only did not show any expressions of fear, but instead searched around in the dark tomb.

I want to see what this thick shadow is like up and down.

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes were locked on that strange figure.

In the eyes of Wu Xie and the others, it was a monster with a huge head and a strangely shaped weapon in its hand. Is this another unknown monster? ? ?
However, after Pan Zi's light shone over, Wuxie Chen Ge immediately became angry.

"Fuck, your grandpa's!"

I saw the monster under the light, it was a fatter human being, but with a huge earthen pot on his head and a flashlight in his hand, he posed like a pharaoh .

What made Luo Chen even more speechless was that the earthen pot man also dug out two holes in the earthen pot on his head. Through the two holes, Luo Chen could clearly see that the two small eyes were blinking. Looking at everyone.

Under the eyes of the two sides, the awkward atmosphere seemed very delicate.

However, the awkward atmosphere only lasted for a while, and Pan Zi directly raised the gun in his hand: "Depending on your grandfather, labor and capital will destroy you!"

After speaking, he made a gesture to shoot, and that crockpot Nan also reacted at this time, and ran towards the aisle where Luo Chen and others came.

The speed was extremely fast, but Pan Zi's was not just shouting for fun, and smashed the crock pot on the crock man's head with one shot.

"Are you looking for death, let's see how your fat master will deal with you when he comes back later!"

After speaking, he turned straight out and disappeared.

And Luo Chen, who found it interesting, secretly winked at his younger brother: "Don't let him go to the sarcophagus tomb!"

The little brother also understood in an instant, and chased after him with his black gold.

And Pan Zi was about to go up to help as soon as he moved, but was held back by Luo Chen.

"Qi Ling's skill is enough, you can't catch up now, you should follow Sanxing and Wuxie!"

After speaking, Luo Chen also chased after him, leaving behind Sanxing and the others who looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to say.

But soon, the three provinces who were the oldest present made a decision.

"I just saw that person coming out of the ear chamber over there, let's go and have a look first!"

After speaking, he went straight to the dark place with a flashlight on.

. . .

"Fuck, what about my third uncle???"

In the dim ear room, Wu Xie looked at Chen Ge beside him blankly, with deep doubts and depression in his tone.

And Chen Ge even had a look of not knowing what to say is good: "...Brother, your third uncle won't see anything weird, let us leave and run away!!!"

With that said, Chen Ge cautiously took a flashlight to look around.

However, in this empty ear chamber, besides Wu Xie and himself, there was only a bare robber's hole, a Luoyang shovel, a backpack and a rough sketch.

"Hiss~~~ I remember seeing this thing in my grandfather's notes. It seems to be called the Seven Stars Coffin. It's very dangerous!"

Dangerous? ? ?

The faces of Chen Ge and Wu Xie turned pale immediately. Is this damn nephew?

However, compared to Chen Ge's complexion, Wu Xie seemed much calmer, and he was stunned by Chen Ge.

I kept thinking in my heart that I had heard from the elders in my family that no matter which one of the Nine Sects was full of courage, Chen Ge couldn't help secretly admiring Wu Xie when he saw Wu Xie's appearance today.

"Brother Wuxie, I admire you, I don't know what we should do next?"

. . .

Fuck?What do you mean?
Wu Xie felt something was wrong when she heard the meaning of Chen Ge's words.

Why do you act as if I have a plan in my chest?
I have never been to the tomb since I grew up, but this time it was the third uncle who cheated on my nephew who dragged me here, although I am indeed a little curious about what the tomb looks like. . .


"How do I know, it's my first time going to the grave today, Brother Chen, you have to take care of me!"

. . .

Looking at Wu Xie's extremely innocent eyes, Chen Ge's whole body is not well,,, I take care of you Wu Xie? ? ?
Although I am a few months older than you, even though I am the current leader of Xiling, I have never been to the grave. . .

What are you covering with?
Is red a bad omen?

"...Wu Xie, stop joking with me, Chen Ge, you, brother Chen, are the first time I go to the grave, okay, tell me what's going to happen next?"

"Who messed with you..."

The two looked at each other, seeing the serious expression in each other's eyes.

Then suddenly there was a feeling of desolation in their hearts, fear and nervousness were still spreading, and the two of them kept muttering about the third uncle who abandoned them both.

But at this moment, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew across a wall of the ear room, awakening Wu Xie and Chen Ge, who were about to embrace each other.

Both of them were overjoyed, and couldn't help but looked at the robbery hole they saw just now.

Then the two looked at each other, and the meaning in their eyes was quite obvious:
"What are you waiting for, run!"

After finishing speaking, the two ran straight towards the dark robbery hole.

But what the two guys didn't expect was that this robbery hole was not a road leading straight to the sky. Not long after entering, a forked intersection appeared in front of the two of them.

But at this time, the gusts of wind seemed to be intentional, and there was no trace of it anymore.

Wu Xie and Chen Ge looked at each other, not knowing which one to choose.

But at this moment, Wuxie, who was judging the way, suddenly seemed to have bumped into something, and the feet of the two of them were empty, and they fell down together. . .

ps: Sorry, it's late today

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