Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 293 The Land of Corpses, the Request of the Woman in the Coffin

And through the almost translucent crystal coffin lid, Luo Chen could clearly see that lying there was a female corpse in a white embroidered skirt.

"Hiss~~~ This thing is really evil, no wonder the old man said that this is a hole that you can't get out of if you come in!"

"I've been traveling all these years, and I've scoured a lot of sand. This is the first time I've come across such a wicked place!"

Seeing the situation of the pile of corpses, Sansheng couldn't help but gasped, and said with a serious face.

And Da Kui, who was finally calmed down by his bold words, became even more frightened when he heard what San Sheng said.

Looking at Wu Xie, contempt arose in his heart, but before Wu Xie could say anything, he heard Pan Zi whispering on the side.

"There are also over there!"

Everyone followed Pan Zi's line of sight, and sure enough, there was an identical coffin opposite the previous crystal coffin, but the lid of this coffin was opened, and it was placed messily on the side of the coffin.

Inside, there is nothing!
"Damn, third uncle, can this corpse crawl out by itself? Could it be that we met Zongzi?"

Wu Xie looked at the empty coffin in front of her, and immediately thought of the anecdote about the tomb recorded in her dilapidated notebook, in which things like zongzi most often appeared.

"It's hard to say. This ghostly place is full of yin and death, and it is easy to breed some ghosts and ghosts."

Luo Chen couldn't help but think of some corpse breeding grounds that he had experienced before. Some extraordinary things appeared in those places, corpse puppets, ghosts and so on.

So seeing the innocence of experiencing this for the first time, Luo Chen couldn't help but tease him.

After Wu Xie heard her grandfather Luo's words, her throat moved obviously.

But the boat didn't stop during this process, and everyone turned in the direction of the river. Just after passing around a pile of bones, Yao Moth appeared.

"Ah! I don't know what to say."

"There is a ghost, third master!"

As soon as he turned the boat, Dakui let out a trembling cry, and he lay down on the boat in shock, pointing in one direction with trembling arms.

That look and that movement startled both Sansheng Wuxie and him.

At this moment, Luo Chen and the others noticed that on a shoal in the river, a woman in a white feather coat was standing with her back to everyone.

Her long black hair hangs down to her waist, and it can be seen that the woman's clothing and decorations are unique to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"Fuck me grandma! The old rice dumpling from the Western Zhou Dynasty has not been short-lived!"

"Da Kui, hurry up and bring over my 80-year-old black hoof. I'm afraid people won't take it when I'm young!"

"Uncle Luo, nephew, let you two see today, my three provinces, hehe!"

Saying that, Sansheng rolled up his sleeves, and wiped the fine layer of sweat on his forehead by the way. . .

Looking at Luo Chen, it was funny for a while, this man from the three provinces is not young, but he still has this personality, even breaking out in cold sweat, he is still struggling there.

"Haha, that's all right, why are you living and going back, kid, let's just watch!"

While speaking, Luo Chen stopped the little brother from cutting his hands and bleeding, and then looked at the direction of the standing female corpse with burning eyes, and his aura was also released a little.

But with such a display of inner aura, the corpses on all the corpses, like a frying pan, got out of each corpse one after another, and escaped from this place of right and wrong at an extremely fast speed.

However, before Wu Xie and the others showed surprise, they saw the woman in white kneeling directly in Luo Chen's direction, and even made a clucking sound.

The woman's voice echoed in the empty water cave, but Wu Xie and the others didn't feel horrible, instead, there was a feeling that the woman seemed to be appealing to Luo Chen for something.

The weird change completely stunned everyone present, and even the little brother couldn't help looking at Luo Chen after hearing the giggling sound.

And Luo Chen patiently listened to the woman's words, nodded after thinking for a while, and then turned back to the opened crystal coffin while the woman bowed and bowed.

"Fuck, is this grandpa a god?"

"I can tell at a glance that he is not a human being, this is a god descending from the earth!"

In the innocent astonishment and Dakui's prostration, Luo Chen directly lifted the crystal coffin that looked extremely thick, then borrowed strength from the stone wall, and lightly landed in front of the woman in white.

"Come in, your wish, I agree!"

When the woman in white heard the words, her whole body began to tremble, and even Luo Chen could see that there were two traces of tears on her fair face.

Hey ~
Following Luo Chen's sigh, the woman in white floated straight into the coffin and let Luo Chen close the lid, then disappeared after a burst of white light.

. . .

"Grandpa Luo, that woman?"

Looking at the coffin that disappeared in the blink of an eye, Wu Xie couldn't hold back her curiosity, and looked at Luo Chen who had returned to the boat and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's okay, I just want to ask us for a favor, anyway, it's easy to go, so I can help you!"

Luo Chen looked at the innocent face, and said lightly.

"Oh, it's time to help others!"

Wu Xie also nodded in agreement, but there are actually some things that Luo Chen did not let Wu Xie know.

That is, in the woman's request just now, there is actually another thing. How could the woman only make such a simple request after forcibly enduring the blood feud of being separated from others for thousands of years.

"It's just that, is that thing a human or a ghost? Or is it a real zongzi?"

It's just that there are still many questions in Wu Xie's heart, as many as a hundred thousand whys.

Well, I really don't want to let our old bones rest!

Thinking in his heart, Luo Chen looked helplessly at this little guy.

"Hey! Yi Nian Eternal is a corpse puppet, just a pair of fateful mandarin ducks!"

"Okay, don't ask, you will understand later!"

While speaking, the group of people had already passed through the water cave, and the sky outside the cave was already the time for Wanjia to light up the lamps.

The red half-sky sunset glow reflected on the water surface, unexpectedly brought a kind of beautiful artistic conception to everyone. After seeing this scene, Wu Xie, who was still puzzled, immediately took out the camera in her bag and clicked. Pause.

"Haha, look quickly, there are lights ahead, it looks like a village!"

After coming out of the water hole, that Da Kui returned to his original unscrupulous character, and started bluffing again. Looking at that posture, he seemed to have seen the delicious food stir-fried in the pot, and,,,

The flowery skirt of the big girl in the village.

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