Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 271 Xuanwu corpse site, bait for strangers

When it came to the end, Shirley seemed excited, and Xiao Hu also showed a relieved smile.

The happiest one was Comrade Fatty, who looked in one direction with a pretentious face, and murmured affectionately:

"Caiyun, wait for me, and my old lady, I haven't had enough of the fat fried noodles you made! Finally don't worry this time!"

Fatty has always believed that as long as the place is right, as for things like curses, for his Master Luo, isn't that something that can be easily grasped!

So the fat man is ready to celebrate in advance, seeing the fat man showing his true feelings, Luo Chen can't say anything.

After all, everyone is afraid of death, it's just human nature.

The passage sloped downwards, and everyone didn't know how long it took to walk, but as the position got deeper and deeper, the sound of water flowing echoed in Luo Chen's ears.

After walking forward for about a quarter of an hour, Luo Chen and others came to the deepest part of this passage, and there was an underground river in front of everyone's eyes.

In the clear river water, some dots of light blue fluorescence are shining brightly, illuminating the entire river with shimmering light, like the Milky Way above the nine heavens.

And those shimmering objects looked like stars all over the sky. Seeing such a dreamy scene in front of him, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness in his heart.

This is the confusion of being puzzled by oneself, and also the sigh of the scene in front of you.

Looking around in this life, no one asks, the turbulent water falls into the galaxy.

The galaxy gathers and disperses with the water, and broken hearts fall into the river.

Although half of his life has passed, he is still a young man, and his burning heart can't be driven away.

There is both entanglement and sadness.No way!No way!

Although there are endless words of praise in my heart, the recorder of the incident is obviously not a person with rich writing skills, so after holding back for a long time, I can only say:
"The one on the horse is so beautiful!"

On the other hand, the fat man and the first day of the junior high school were already fascinated by the glamorous river water like the Milky Way, and they kept muttering: "F*ck, shit, shit!"

There was no other words at all, and Shirley was in a fog for a while, as if she didn't know much about our language and culture.

And as Luo Chen and others moved forward, this gorgeous water flow became completely clear, the water quality was extremely clear, and there were a lot of freshwater jellyfish floating in the water, those glowing stars were released by these jellyfish,

However, it also corresponds to the famous saying that the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is. Although these jellyfish are beautiful, they are actually very dangerous.

Not only do they have very difficult toxins, but they also release a unique bioelectricity, which can paralyze large animals in an instant.

After being reminded by Shirley, everyone stayed away from this gorgeous water flow, and then walked forward along the direction of the water flow.

The river valley in front seemed to have no end, and I didn't know where it led, but when Luo Chen and the others turned a corner, a man-made cave appeared in the cliff full of crystal stones. . .

The floor of the cave is full of white bull heads and bones, and there is a stone platform in the farthest corner, and on the stone platform is a black human figure about one foot high.

It was probably a place used by the ancient reincarnation sect for sacrifices, but why did you choose to build a place for sacrifices here?

For a while, Luo Chen and the others were a little confused, but the group of people was too cold to sleep well last night, and today they spent another whole day in the demon tower, so they no longer have the spirit to move on;

So driven by exhaustion, everyone directly set up a bonfire in this sacrificial place.

Except for Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang, the rest of Luo Chen's party gathered in front of the bonfire and ate barbecue jerky to replenish their strength. During the first day of junior high school, they would tell some short stories from time to time as a treat.

As for Lei Xianming, he seemed to be a bit discouraged, as if he had aged several years, and he didn't know whether it was the shock caused by the successive deaths of his subordinates or what the reason was. fell asleep.

However, just when everyone was satiated and sleepy, a sudden voice broke the tranquility.

On a wall not far from the crowd, a stone seemed to be squeezed out by something, and fell to the ground, making a soft sound.

Luo Chen and the others hurriedly moved over to check, only to see a green vine as thick as a long worm broke through the wall and poked its head out.

And before Luo Chen could make a move, the tip of that emerald green vine suddenly opened, and 'spit' out a delicate red flower.

What is this?
Just when everyone was puzzled, a piercing scream came from behind them. The voice trembled so badly that it was obviously from the little girl Axiang who was frightened.

Shirley hurried forward to appease her: "What's wrong? Did you see something?"

Ah Xiang tried her best to curl her body towards Shirley's back, and then said in a trembling voice: "I,,, what grew out of that gap was a man's corpse, a lot of blood. Uh~~~"

Seeing Ah Xiang's frightening action, Luo Chen couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and then opened his eyes of breaking delusion.

However, what catches the eye is still the vine with strange flowers, and there is no trace of the male corpse that A Xiang mentioned, and the bewitching red flower is already showing signs of bearing fruit.

In just a few seconds, a spherical fruit about the size of a longan was hung in the center of the bewitching red flower. The outer shell of the fruit was grayish-yellow. Luo Chen couldn't help but took out his dagger and slashed across the fruit.

The grayish-yellow shell was split into two, and a fresh fragrance wafted into the nostrils instantly, and then a dark red semi-viscous liquid flowed down, and pieces of what looked like minced meat were wrapped inside. . .

If you put those minced meat together, it's not difficult to find that it looks like half a human finger.

"Hiss~~, no wonder, this blood fruit turned out to be the raw fruit of Xuanwu Corpse!"

The so-called one word awakens the dreamer, Luo Chen's words that made everyone puzzled, unexpectedly aroused Xiao Hu's reverie in an instant.

There have been some records about the changes of yin and yang in feng shui in the secret art of feng shui, among which there is a clear record of this basalt corpse.

The general meaning is that in some places with special geomantic omens, there will be some changes that ordinary people cannot understand.

Among them, the land full of vitality is typical. The corpses buried in the land full of vitality will not rot and survive, and some unidentifiable living plants can even grow on the corpses. Fengshui is called the Xuanwu Corpse Land.

From this point of view, it is completely in line with the teachings of the reincarnation sect at that time, which is immortal, death is immortal, even if the body dies, it can live forever in another way!

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