People who came to listen to the opera kept taking their seats, and the Liyuan gradually became lively. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are rumors.

"Have you guys heard about it? Here in Changsha, a train is coming in. I heard that the train on it is full of dead people, and there are coffins!"

"What do I think is the matter? Your story spread yesterday, and I also heard that Master Zhang Dafo has ordered the train station to be blocked."

"Hey, I said my brothers, is it so evil, they are all dead people, so how did the train come in?"

"That's right, don't bully us for our lack of knowledge."

At this time, the man with two mustaches who spoke first spoke.
"A group of unknown things, do I dare to joke about this kind of thing?"

"Let me tell you, my brother-in-law's brother-in-law's father's son is serving as a soldier under Buddha's hand. This is what he said himself, can it be false?"

Are you about to start?
Holding a cup of tea, Luo Chen gradually began to think about it when he heard the news about these Jianghu people
The people of this dog slave country are really capable of doing things. Such a strict defense can also allow them to infiltrate. Luo Chen, who was thinking about something, didn't notice that the Buddha and his party came in.

And at this moment, in the auditorium next to Luo Chen, a burst of noise interrupted Luo Chen's train of thought,

"Stop, stop, what kind of broken opera is this singing? It's like someone's dead, stop singing."

Next to Luo Chen, a middle-aged man in mink, speaking in a Northwest voice, yelled
"I heard that Huagu Opera is the most famous in Changsha, isn't it?"

"That one on the stage, hurry up and sing a section for me, if you make me happy, I will give you a lot of rewards, hahaha"

Obviously, these three people should have come from the northwest, but it is hard to say whether they are stupid and rich or they are being used as gunmen.

The opera on the stage kept going, Er Yuehong saw Luo Chen and Zhang Qishan were there from the corner of her eye, she put away her anger and sang softly
"What are you talking about, I don't want to listen, get out"

At this time, Adjutant Rishan spoke.

No idea, this guy from the northwest doesn't know whether he is a fool or a real guy, not only is he not afraid of this official uniform, he also stood up one by one, staring at the adjutant angrily.

Especially the one who wears mink at the head
In the past, he was probably used to walking sideways in the northwest, with an expression that everyone was his father and had to get used to him.

When Luo Chen saw this dick, he grasped the grass and looked familiar. Could this guy be a relative of that Ma Zhenbang?can't help laughing out

The Northwest Han suddenly felt insulted

"Brat, are you laughing at you?" After scolding, he said to the other two

"What are you waiting for, cut him for me"

Hearing the curse of the big man in sable, Luo Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of murderous intent. His eyes stopped the adjutant who was about to draw his gun, and then looked at the few people who were about to make a move. He lifted his foot to hook the kettle on the table, and pick

Good guy, the full pot of boiling water poured all over the three of them directly.

Immediately, a burst of crying father and mother came from the three people's mouths, covering Er Yuehong's singing.

Luo Chen looked at the three people spinning around in pain on the ground, reached out and picked up three tea bowls and threw them over.


The three teacups landed on the three people with precision and they were intact, but the screams of the three people stopped abruptly, and they passed out directly.

"it is good"

"Lord Luo good means"

"Yes, let those from other places know that not everyone in Changsha can come here to play wild."

Luo Chen's hand attracted applause from the surrounding audience, Luo Chen could only respond with his hands clasped, and then turned to Adjutant Zhang

"Rishan, I've been training you for nothing these days."

"Remember, don't make noise if you can do it"

Then he opened his mouth again without waiting for the adjutant to respond
"Go, throw these people to Lao Wu to feed the dog. His dog hasn't seen blood for a long time."

"Yes, Master Luo." After listening to the adjutant, he started to deal with the matter Luo Chen explained, while Zhang Qishan and Zhang Dafo master raised their tea bowls to signal Luo Chen.

After Luo Chen finished his tea, he was about to ask the boy to add water, when Chen Pi walked over with a kettle.

"Master Luo, are you okay?"

"It's just a few pathfinders, what can happen?"

After speaking, Luo Chen's expression straightened.

"Chen Pi, let's do it, remember to kill a snake"

Chen Pi finished adding water, with a murderous look on his face, he turned and walked out.

Luo Chen continued to enjoy a good show on stage with relish, and after about half an hour, the Farewell My Concubine finished singing.

Afterwards, the Liyuan audience left, and Er Yuehong went offstage to remove her make-up.

after a while
Er Yuehong, who took off her attire, came to the front and greeted Luo Chen before she spoke.

"Buddha, old eight, you two are rare visitors, why are you free to come over today to join us?"

"Hey hey, second master, seeing what you said, isn't Master Luo also here?" Seeing that Er Yuehong only said that she and Master Buddha were rare visitors but not Luo Chen.This iron mouth could not help complaining
Er Yuehong couldn't help but smile strangely
"Old Ba, you are not the same as Master Luo. The audience in my troupe probably knows Master Luo better than me."

"Fortune teller, don't stare, don't you know more about me at your fortune teller booth?" Looking at the stunned old man, Luo Chen couldn't help teasing.

"Okay, old eight, as the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, you must have something to do with the Buddha when you come here today."

Just as the fortune teller was about to speak, Zhang Qishan spoke directly beside him.
"Second Master, from what you said, can't I come to you for tea and listen to music if I'm fine?"

"Oh? Lord Buddha, I seem to remember that the last time you came to Liyuan, it must have been half a year ago." Er Yuehong unceremoniously exposed Zhang Qishan's polite words.

"Ahem, it happens that Master Luo is also here, so I'll just say it straight." Zhang Qishan quickly changed the subject,

"Yesterday, a train came in at the railway station, you all know that, right?"

Luo Chen heard the words: "I've heard about it, what's the matter? And there are things that you, Master Zhang, can't do?"

"The train was covered with dust, and all the people on the train were dead, and they were all from the Dog Slave Kingdom. The train was also full of coffins."

"This group of people from the dog slave country are really pervasive." Luo Chen couldn't help but said.

Indeed, this group of people is really pervasive. There are Luo Laowai soldiers on the surface in the whole of Xiangxi, Chen Yulou's Xiling group in the dark, and Changsha's Nine Gates, which can even allow people from this country to infiltrate.

"Master Luo is right. It concerns the safety of the people in Changsha, and it also involves the secret arts of the Second Master's family. I have no choice but to ask you two to help."

Zhang Qishan accepted Luo Chen's words, took out a thimble with a serious face,
"In the last carriage of the train, a whistle coffin poured with iron juice was found. After opening it with our Zhang family's secret technique, we found that the throat of the ancient corpse was nailed to the throat by dense ox hair needles, and we also found this thimble."

I saw,,,,,

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