In response to the situation, it was as if some restriction had been broken in the sky above the entire valley. Starting from that huge opening, an incomparably bright starry sky began to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Among them, the peak where Luo Chen is located is the most spectacular. The cold moonlight of the lunar star sprinkled on Luo Chen standing on the top of the giant ass, adding endless pretense to this man and beast.

It's like the endless moonlight and stars are crowning Luo Chen.

Her Lady Queen, who was looking down, was stunned, her eyes that could connect to the imaginary space almost turned into a heart shape.

But that's not all, because when the sky collapsed, the water flow brought up by the upwelling of the earth's air also began to fall under the endless starlight.

For a time, it seemed that there was a rain of stars and moonlight in the entire valley, and it felt like a turbulent flow of mercury falling into the river.

However, although everyone felt a little miraculous about all these scenes, they were not too surprised.

Because Luo Chen had made it very clear before, everything in this world has spirituality, let alone this first-class fairy treasure cave water dragon halo.

He has been restrained and suppressed for thousands of years by the old zongzi offered to the king for no reason, so could the resentment be just for fun?

So after Luo Chen and others broke all the checkpoints and wiped out the last ominous creature, the backlash of the Water Dragon's Immortal Cave also began.

That's why the situation like the collapse of the sky was formed.

But in Luo Chen's view, this is already a situation where Shuilong is so scrupled that his benefactors like himself are merciful.

Otherwise, it is estimated that everything in this valley will be washed away by the atmosphere of Pengbai.

. . .

After pretending to be 13, Luo Chen slowly exhaled the stagnant breath in his chest, and then looked straight at the jade rice dumpling that was still in shock and couldn't recover for a long time, King Xian!
Feeling Luo Chen's belief, the gigantic body of the giant bird suddenly rushed down.

Walking between the steep rock peaks in a suit of scales, there were scratching sounds.

Everyone looked up, and immediately felt that Luo Chen was like the supreme emperor descended from a dragon, under the light of stars and moonlight, he looked so majestic.

Yue Ling, who had been watching this scene with a pretty face and frost, couldn't help showing a hint of obsession. At a certain moment just now, Yue Ling seemed to see the figure holding the golden bell in his ancient memory.

If Yue Ling is like this, let alone other people, the queen's beautiful eyes () have already firmly controlled Luo Chen.

He didn't want to move away for a moment, and if he hadn't been concerned about the people present, he would have rushed to give Luo Chen a loving (づ)づ hug.

. . .

But Luo Chen didn't keep the crowd waiting too long, the mountain peak with a height of several hundred meters was just two rounds for the giant ass.

At this time Luo Chen had already jumped off the head of the giant rat, ignoring everyone's expressions of fanatical admiration, and directly looked at the King Xian who could only lie on the ground with his jaded body.

And at this time, King Xian was completely gone from the calmness and bliss just now, and the face of Yuhua was full of astonishment, as if he didn't realize that Luo Chen had already walked in front of him.

"Now what else do you have to say?"

Luo Chen tried his best to suppress his urge to destroy the king now, and asked in a low voice.


"Luo Chen, do you really think that this king is doomed?"

"Even if you caused the collapse of the sky, so what if you destroyed the corpse hole?"

"You don't really think that's all I planned thousands of years ago, do you?"

"I advise you to return the Muchen Bead to me, and then obediently offer your blood to help me dismember my body and ascend to immortality!"

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that your heir will survive!!!"

Hehe~ At this point, the Xian Wang actually thought that he was holding the absolute trump card in his hand, and his tone was still this kind of arrogance that had not been subtracted in the slightest.

Luo Chen smiled, stretched out his hand and interrupted the bow and arrow that Yue Ling had condensed on the longbow, then squatted straight down, looking at King Xian with a look of seeing through everything.

King Xian looked at the smile on Luo Chen's face, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

The next moment, sure enough!

"Hehe, you old man, you really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

"Do you really think that there are immortals in the world? Do you really think that you can dismantle corpses and become immortals with your method?"

"I advise you to stop dreaming. Now that you are dead, stop dying. Why do you think about all these things every day?"

"Just like you, who has done all kinds of bad things, full of evil, extremely vicious, a tyrant and vassal king who can't be tolerated by heaven, still wants to become an immortal and attain Taoism?"

"What's the matter? Do you think the thunder in the sky is your father, and if it doesn't strike you, it will spoil you?"

The words that Luo Chen uttered unhurriedly hit King Xian's heart one after another, causing him to have doubts about the longevity he had pursued for more than 2000 years.
But it was just a trace, and was quickly suppressed by this old man's obsession.

"Luo Chen, you..."

"You, you, I said, old rice dumpling, you still think you have my life in your hand, who gave you the confidence?"

"Do you really think that the poisonous dragon in your mouth is still alive?"

"Or do you really think that I didn't get the things in the bronze box?"



The sound of something breaking seemed to come from King Xian's body, and the expression on King Xian's face at this time also quickly changed from self-confidence to disbelief, and then from disbelief to horror.

In the end, from horror to despair, those jade-like eyes no longer had any spirituality.

All this is exactly what Luo Chen wants to see.

Otherwise, why would Luo Chen talk so much nonsense with this guy, just kill him with a sword, burn it with a fire, and finally blow it up.

Shrimp pork heart.

To defeat all his beliefs first, and then let it die without any hope, this is Luo Chen's real purpose.

But the matter is far from over like this, because Luo Chen also ignored an important factor, that is the water dragon stun!
Because this King Xian is the chief culprit who caused the earth's energy to be suppressed here, so when the backlash comes, this guy will definitely bear the brunt.

But because Luo Chen brought it out of the tomb, Earth Qi couldn't find it for a while.

That's why this thing has been allowed to linger for so long, but this time it might not be able to hide anymore.

Luo Chen only felt as if there was something above the ground staring at this place, he understood everything instantly in his heart, and quickly pulled back.

And just when Luo Chen retreated to a certain distance, an invisible energy directly came out of the ground in Luo Chen's induction.

In an instant, King Xian who was lying on the ground was lifted into the air, and the rainbow light of the water dragon above the valley seemed to descend as well.

The two forces acted on King Xian Yuhua's body, without any suspense, they turned King Xian's whole body into a ball of powder.

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