Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 231 Three Living Stones, Three World Bridges

The embedded road is very narrow, and with the addition of these strict guards, the space left for Luo Chen and others to pass is actually such a narrow road.

It made Xiao Hu and the others have to look up after taking two steps, for fear that the soldiers with swords and axes would suddenly attack them from head to toe.

Fortunately, the embarrassing path that is scary is not very long, and there are no hidden traps such as poisonous gas.

Out of the inlaid passage, in front of Luo Chen is another extremely smooth tomb passage, and on both sides of this tomb passage, there are several stone caves filled with funerary objects.

It is full of all kinds of funerary objects, including gold and silver pieces, bronzes, pottery, and jade products.

And under these luxurious funerary objects are some bones that have been preliminarily jadeized, shaped like horse bones, and several skeletons in the shape of flying birds.

Judging from this posture, King Xian wanted to take these things away when he ascended.

"Oh, damn it, these are all good things, I want them all!"

Fatty looked at the bright objects with holes in front of him, he was so happy that it worked, he kept waving his hands, but he just didn't know how to do it.

There is no way that there are too many treasures, and none of this goods want to give up, so they can only put greedy and begging eyes on Luo Chen.

It fully interprets the meaning of the insufficiency of the human heart and the snake swallowing the elephant.

But how could Luo Chen really do what the fat man wanted, not to mention that he didn't look down on these rags, but that he really put these things into the virtual world, how could he be a fat man?
You must know that the giant asshole who is looking at the door is a more money-hungry existence than the fat man. If the fat man wants to grab something from it, isn't that equivalent to sending himself into the giant ass's mouth as food?

Seeing that Luo Chen didn't speak, Xiao Hu and Uncle Cuigeng looked at each other, and then walked to the sides of the fat man in a tacit understanding.

Grabbing both of the fat man's arms very neatly, he walked straight forward.

Now is not the time to let this guy be greedy for these babies.

"Fuck, old Hu, I'll go to your second uncle, let me down quickly, those treasures are still waiting for the fat man to come!"

"Uncle, stop, why don't we make a fortune together!"

The fat man was firmly controlled by the two and couldn't break free, but the resentment in his mouth and the anxiety on his face were clearly ineffective.

But no matter how much he tossed and said, Xiao Hu and the two of them directly chose to ignore this guy, and walked forward abruptly.

Not far away, in Luo Chen's line of sight, three short bridges connected together appeared in the dark tomb passage, and in the gully under the bridge, there was a pool of extremely turbid yellow water.

Just like a pool of stagnant water, you can't tell how deep it is without flowing.

Moreover, beside the short bridge closest to Luo Chen and others, there is a maroon stone standing, what is this?
Luo Chen couldn't help but let out a soft sigh: "Tsk tsk tsk, this Xian Wang really knows how to play!"

How should I put it, the maroon stone on which this bridge stands is called the Sansheng Stone in the legend of the underworld.

The three lives of the three life stones represent the previous life, the present life and the next life respectively.According to legend, after death, mortals will walk across Huangquan Road and Naihe Bridge, and the stone on the Naihe Bridge is the Sansheng Stone.

According to legend, the souls who come here can see their past and present lives, causal reincarnation, and all kinds of karma and extinction on the three-life stone.

And this stone named Sansheng is silently guarding beside the Naihe Bridge. In the endless river of time that has never stopped for hundreds of millions of years, it has witnessed the pain and joy of countless souls, and is used to seeing the sorrow and joy of countless souls. I have also heard laughter and cries that I don't know how much.

Morning and evening, evening and evening.

It's here, never moved, never gone.

Look at Sansheng in front of the Sansheng stone, and Po Meng disappears under the soup.

Take a look at the Stone of Three Lives, drink a bowl of Mengpo soup,
Tens of thousands of things in life are all gone,

The unfinished love that should be settled in the previous life, the unpaid debt that should be repaid,
In front of the Sansheng stone, it was written off.

But when Luo Chen saw the Three Lives Stone standing here, he hoped that this stone was really effective.

Because of this, he can watch his past and present lives in front of the Three Lives Stone, and he can get perfect answers to those secrets that puzzled him to the extreme, as well as those illusory but real pictures in his mind.

But it is a pity, maybe because of the endless years, the Sansheng Stone has lost its original effectiveness, or this is the Sansheng Stone imitated by King Xian.

Luo Chen stood in front of the stone for a long time, but he never saw the slightest trace of his past.


After sighing softly, Luo Chen calmed down and stepped onto the three short bridges behind the Sansheng Stone.

Three Bridges!
But what no one noticed was that after Luo Chen turned and left, on the smooth surface of the Sansheng Stone, it was as if someone had turned on the play button.

A picture began to flash,
In the picture, there is still the unique water dragon halo, but there is no Lingyun Tiangong towering above the endless glow.

What is there is only the more lush mountain peak, and on the mountain road that is now the 99-step climbing fairy ladder, a man with curly hair dressed in ancient costume is walking towards the top step by step.

If you look carefully, the man seems to be holding a crystal clear egg-shaped object in his hand.

The picture freezes at the moment when the man climbs to the top, the man looks at the jade egg in his hand, his eyes are full of tenderness and love, and there is an inexplicable feeling in it.

And the man's face also became more and more clear at the last moment, that handsome aura, that handsome face as if cut by a knife, it was Luo Chen with his long hair tied up! ! !
It's a pity that no one knows about this scene, and Luo Chen and others have already reached the middle of the Sanshi Bridge.

"In the legends of ancient my country, there is a saying that if a person can step on the bridge of the third generation after death, he will wash away the entanglements of the mundane world, be reborn, and become a truly immortal immortal."

Xiao Hu was walking on the bridge, looking at the muddy yellow spring water below the bridge, he couldn't help sighing directly.

"Huangquanshui, Sanshiqiao, this Xianwang really did all the details in order to dispel the corpse and ascend to immortality!"

"But it's a pity, after all, it's a bamboo basket to fetch water, no matter how hard you work, it still ends up in vain."

Hearing Xiao Hu's exclamation, the fat man curled his lips in disgust. He didn't have so much sentimentality, and he was still thinking about the funeral objects behind him.

"You're feeling ashamed! This old rice dumpling is outrageous, not to mention that there are no immortals in the world, even if there are, it's impossible for them to be such a thing."

"If you have time to talk about those things, it's better to open a coffin early and make a fortune!"

"It's nothing if you don't take the baby and feel sorry for it."

Xiao Hu: Fatty, you uncle!

. . .

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