Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 220 7 Rainbow Light, Lingyun Immortal Palace

Luo Chen was thinking badly in his heart, while the fat man at the side suddenly felt a chill pouring down from the Tianling Cap, and shivered involuntarily.

I hope it won't be difficult to become a fat man here, but it's okay to talk about the change of water color.

. . .

As the water flow became faster and faster, the sound of the rock being slapped by the water became more and more clear to everyone's ears.

The fat man's face was already extremely pale, but out of instinct, the fat man still squeezed towards Luo Chen's side.

Xiao Hu and the others carried all the equipment on their backs when they saw the light, and then one of them took out a flying tiger claw connected to a rope. Shirley bought several of these with a huge sum of money, which was enough to guarantee their safety.

"Everything is ready, don't be carried down by the current!"

Seeing that the direction of the exit was getting closer, Luo Chen hurriedly reminded him, then stretched out his left hand and grabbed the fat man in his hand, instead of slowing down, he accelerated towards the exit.

In fact, at this time, Luo Chen's reaction was the most correct, because in such turbulent water, no one could fight against the current.

Therefore, if you have tools, you must use the power of the water to rush out of the range of the water flow. The moment you rush out, staying in the air is enough for Luo Chen and others to do a lot of things.

But if there is no tool and the water flow is still so fast, then congratulations!
Bless yourself!
The moment Luo Chen rushed out of the water carrying the yelling fat man, the sky-drilling cable in his right hand had been thrown out, and the target was the exaggerated old tree closest to the entrance of the waterfall.

The old tree grows obliquely on the cliff wall, which just provides a passage for everyone to escape from the waterfall.

The others also followed suit, using their flying tiger claws to get out of the water.

Only Luo Chen and Fatty were left in the air, who were swinging back and forth like a swing. Of course, Fatty was held by Luo Chen.

It seems that Luo Chen really wants to cure Fatty's fear of heights. Although the method is a little rushed, the effect is remarkable.

After swinging back and forth a few times, the fat man finally opened his closed eyes. Although the cold sweat was still pouring out on his face, his body no longer trembled.

"I'll go, Lord Luo! Am I dead already?"

"Is this where the Jade Emperor lived?"


This guy won't be dazzled by fright, right?Why are you talking nonsense?
Luo Chen suddenly felt that the heat seemed to be a little overdone, and quickly borrowed his strength to jump onto the ancient tree where everyone was temporarily sheltering, and then looked at the fat man with false concern.

"Aren't you crazy? I sent you away at such a small height?"

But the fat man didn't respond to Luo Chen's 'concern' gaze, instead he stared obsessively at one direction, as if he saw mountains of gold and silver in his eyes, and even the corners of his mouth drooled.

But this time Luo Chen didn't speak again, because he saw streaks of colorful rays of light in the fat man's pupils.

Turning around, the roar of the waterfall was still echoing in his ears. Luo Chen looked at the scene in front of him on the right and went to the world's astonishing banquet scene for a long time without words, and a paragraph of words clearly appeared in his mind.

That is the last record on the Human Skin Map about Xianwang's Tomb.

Where does the soul return to? The clear water gives birth to the mysterious and reveals the true form.

Longshan enters the clouds, the valley is deep, and the land is hundreds of miles away, separating the world.

There is a dragon halo in Zhongzhen Tianxin, and the places where the dragon halos are born are intertwined, faintly circling the fairy cave, and the mystery is here.

The celestial energy is subtle and concealed, but the good shape and auspicious momentum can only be heard.

Presented to the king, buried in the water dragon halo, the corpse was dissected and promoted to immortality, but the dragon halo was invisible, if it wasn't for the collapse of the sky, it would be very difficult for outsiders to break it.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that although the real dragon's lair is hard to find, there are not a few people who click on it; but this water dragon halo, which is higher than the real dragon's lair, is nowhere to be found in the world.

This kind of Longyun acupoint, which only exists in legends, is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy acupoint.

Luo Chen and the others originally thought that these were just Xian Wang's exaggerated talk about his own mausoleum, and they were just bragging and fictional things, but the scene in front of them has already proved everything.

But how come there is a very familiar feeling?Luo Chen was a little puzzled.

The roar of the waterfall is still in my ears, and the scene in front of me is undoubtedly true.

There are many mountain peaks around the waterfall, and straight streams fall from each mountain peak, forming hundreds of small waterfalls.

The terrain in the valley is extremely low, there is no wind or rain, and the water vapor rising from the falling of hundreds of waterfalls just condenses in mid-air and does not disperse for years.

The huge water vapor is difficult to be evaporated by the sun's rays, but hundreds of colorful rainbows are illuminated by the water vapor.

Hundreds of rainbows shine together, forming a halo that only exists in legends.

The dragon halo is close in front of the eyes, neither water nor air, solidified but intangible, but a layer of rainbow light that lasts for years.

Luo Chen and the others stood above the branches of the ancient tree in the halo of the dragon, as if they could touch that layer of rainbow light with their hands.

But at the end of Luo Chen's line of sight, above the seven-colored dragon's halo was a resplendent and resplendent Qionglou Xianque, soaring into the sky.

However, the Immortal Palace exudes a simple and heavy wind of the Qin and Han Dynasties. The palace made of bricks and tiles of the Qin and Han Dynasties stands on the endless dragon halo, like a treasure hall above the nine heavens.

On the periphery of the treasure hall, there are towers, god walls, fairy pavilions, turrets, spiritual platforms, everything is available, and even some phantoms of animals can be seen.

Uncle Hu Cuigeng and the others were all stunned, and the fat man seemed to be insane, as if he had lost his soul.

"This can't be the Jade Emperor and his old man showing up with the Heavenly Palace!!!"

Luo Chen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, just as he was about to speak, Xue Li patted Xiao Hu lightly: "Look carefully, it's the tomb of the King Xian, but it's not hanging in the air!"

Xiao Hu was startled, and hurriedly looked in the direction of Xue Li's finger.

Indeed, as Shirley said, this palace is not really suspended in the air, but a large-scale Xieshan-style building, built on cliffs, cliffs, and isolated roofs with techniques that modern people can't imagine.

It's like the golden dome of Laojun Mountain and the world-famous Hanging Temple.

Coupled with the rainbow light of the water dragon and the rising water vapor from hundreds of waterfalls, it is inevitable that outsiders will have the feeling that this palace is above the sky.

This is a dual function of vision and psychology.

And Luo Chen also said before that apart from his own virtual world, there is absolutely no terrain in this world that can allow manpower to build a palace on the sky.

Even if it is the world's number one fairy acupoint, it is impossible for the water dragon to faint. If you have to find the slightest possibility, unless you are making a movie or writing a novel.

Of course, there is another situation, that is to argue, Luo Chen has a deep understanding of this, after all:

Gang Jing opened his mouth, creating something out of nothing.

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