Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 205 GRD, Eat Your Fat Master 1 Big Bone

Then at the same time, the human-headed snake in the coffin stood up directly from the jade coffin, and the face that was originally somewhat fairy-like suddenly became ferocious at this time.

Red tendons burst out on the fair skin, and even the open eyes were filled with red threads.

In the next second, the jade coffin exploded suddenly.

But the horse-faced old man flicked his snake tail, and stared at Luo Chen in front of him with a pair of scarlet eyes, as if Luo Chen was the biggest threat to him here.

But the horse-faced old man was clearly occupied by the beast's thoughts, and rushed towards Luo Chen without any scruples about the consequences.

The arms covered in red veins danced wantonly, bringing out bursts of fishy wind.

Just when Luo Chen raised his sword and was about to meet him, two figures on the left and one on the right rushed towards the horse-faced old man after looking at each other.

The fat man's burly figure was so flexible in Luo Chen's eyes at this time, and he walked straight in front of Luo Chen with heavy steps,
A big spine unceremoniously smashed towards the face of the horse-faced old man.

Immediately after, Xiao Hu's figure also approached the opponent quickly, the diamond umbrella in his hand was activated, and a sharp blade was pulled out from the umbrella body.

Slashing straight towards the neck of the horse's face, Luo Chen's eyes showed a deep sense of relief.

But before the two of them could attack Ma Lian, two more voices sounded from behind Luo Chen.

clap clap clap!
There was the sound of Shirley's pistol firing, and a series of bullets shot into the eyebrows of the horse's face precisely with the light of flames.

The other voice was the arrow shot by Uncle Geng Geng. The blue-black arrow drew a black light in the air, and the sword feather trembled slightly and went straight into the throat, sealing the horse-faced old man's throat with an arrow without any accident.

"Damn it, awesome! Fatty, I'm not bad either!"

"GRD, eat a big bone from your fat master!"

At this time, the fat man and Xiao Hu's attack was imminent. First, the fat man hit his powerful spine, which flattened the old man's horse face.

Then Xiao Hu slashed across, and the horse's face, oh no, the flat horse's face fell off the neck.

Everyone's cooperation for the first time felt seamless. Seeing the corpse's head fall to the ground, Fatty and Xiao Hu also showed a happy expression and gave each other a high-five to celebrate.

But the next moment, the situation suddenly happened.

The headless corpse did not fall to the ground as everyone expected, but a huge snake head burst out from the gap in the neck.

As soon as the snake head appeared, it rushed towards Xiao Hu and Fatty and bit them.

In desperation, Xiao Hu reacted quickly and could only use his body to knock the fat man away, and then opened the vajra umbrella to protect himself.

However, some long and blood-red tentacles suddenly burst out from the snake's body. They deftly bypassed the blocking of the Vajra Umbrella and attacked Xiao Hu.

At this moment, a cold light flashed past, but Luo Chen, who was in a hurry, directly threw the Scarlet Firmament Sword out of his hand.

With Chi Xiao's sword chant, it directly pierced through the snake's head, and even inserted the snake's body into the big tree behind him.

The body of the huge snaky snake kept twisting on the tree trunk, but the Akasaka Sword nailed to it didn't seem to loosen at all.

Everyone walked to the bonfire together and sat in a row on the ground, admiring the last madness of the snake.

There was even a saliva mark left on the fat man's mouth,
This coincides with Luo Chen, but it's a pity that this snake is a product of the shroud technique, otherwise it can be served on the table.

But at this time, Xiao Hu was holding his left arm, his face was a little pale, obviously trying to endure something.

Luo Chen hurriedly looked at Xiao Hu's arm, and saw a red silk thread, which kept drilling around Xiao Hu's arm, obviously trying to take root in his body.

Asking Xiao Hu to stretch out his arm, Luo Chen directly took out a small dagger, and after disinfecting it with wine, he was about to stab Xiao Hu's arm.

But he was stopped by a slender jade hand, and the owner of this jade hand was none other than the professor of the Department of Archeology, Miss Qin Tang.

At this time, Qin Tang's right eye had a faint orange light, and he said lightly, "I'll do it!"

An incredible scene happened, Luo Chen seemed to see a stream of light from Qin Tang's eyes shooting towards Xiao Hu's arm, and then the blood-red tentacles seemed to touch something that frightened him,
Like fleeing for his life, he got out of Xiaohu's palm, leaving only a blood hole the size of a mung bean.

The fat man kicked the blood-red tentacles onto the fire with one kick, and kept cursing, while Xiao Hu heaved a sigh of relief, looking at Qin Tang with gratitude.

After all this was over, the tenacious snake gradually lost its vitality, and hung on the tree in a daze, motionless like a sausage.

The fat man carried the big spine on his shoulders, and then snorted coldly: "Bah! A bastard who doesn't know what kind of person dares to die, he's so good!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Xiao Hu at the side: "I said, old Hu, have you seen my brother's heroic appearance just now? How about it, isn't it very good-looking?"

"Uh, it can be sold, it can be sold!"

Xiao Hu was perfunctory for a while, then turned his head and said to Luo Chen: "Master Luo, we have opened quite a few coffins, and I have never seen two corpses in this coffin."

"This place is too weird, I accidentally fell into it."

"Ha ha!"

Luo Chen looked at the frightened little Hu, first grinned, and then said: "It's fine, this place has suppressed the earth's energy for thousands of years, so it's normal to have any abnormalities!"

"It's getting late, let's go to rest, get enough energy and start the road early tomorrow!"

After speaking, Luo Chen was about to walk into the tent, but suddenly there were waves of shaking from the ground without warning!
Like an earthquake, everyone was trying their best to maintain their own stability, and eight characters suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's mind.

There were three thunderclaps, and the earth dragon turned over.

Of course, this is not to say that the dragon of the mountain range is really going to turn around, but a metaphor.

This boundary was transformed and utilized by Fangwai warlocks, transforming this extremely rotten rotten bone cave into an auxiliary cave of the real dragon's cave.

Its method cannot be said to be all-powerful, but it has also suppressed the original terrain of this place for thousands of years, and now that the acupuncture points have been broken by Luo Chen and others, the earth energy that has been suppressed for thousands of years will naturally rise.

Everything has its own spirituality, and mountains and rivers are no exception. Therefore, the earthquake-like movement is caused by the backlog of earth's energy, and it can be regarded as a catharsis for the suppression of the terrain.

Ka Ka Ka!
Just when Luo Chen's mind was full of thoughts, a crackling sound came from under the big tree on the left, and then the figure of the big tree continued to rise in the eyes of everyone.

It seemed to be pushed out of the soil by something!

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