Ding~~ Due to unknown reasons, the Chidan Divine Orb merged with the host, and the system changed, and it will enter a forced upgrade state.

Ding~~ This system upgrade is an emergency situation, there is no relevant setting, the upgrade content is unknown, and the upgrade time is unknown.

Ding~~ The system has entered a forced upgrade state, host Luo Chen, look forward to seeing you next time!
A series of system prompts almost stunned Luo Chen, has the system been upgraded?Or is it mandatory?What the hell?

And what's going on with this series of unknowns?Wait, what did you just say;
Red Dan Divine Bead! ! !

One must know that this is the Chidan Divine Bead, which is also known as the Three Great Divine Beads along with Muchen Bead and Bichen Bead, but what about the thing?

Could it be the bead shot from the mask?

Ignoring the shock in his heart, Luo Chen quickly checked every place around him, including the virtual world and the system space, but he didn't find anything at all.

The only thing he didn't see was the inside of the pair of pants that had already become underpants; as for the upper body, Luo Chen said that his clothes had been blown away by the wind, and he could see everything at a glance.

Without thinking about it, Luo Chen turned his head and looked at the giant who had been looking at him with aggrieved eyes.

"Yo! What's wrong with Mr. Hu! Why have you learned to be wronged?"

hold head high! ! !
Hastily lowered his head to let Luo Chen stand up, and then carefully moved his body towards the direction of the opposite tower, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, Luo Chen would fall under the magma. .

But it was crying in its heart, and it could even imagine what kind of storm it would face when it returned to the virtual world.

Of course, no one else can see it.

After successfully sending Luo Chen back to the ground, under Luo Chen's signal, the giant ass went straight back to the imaginary world to accept the trial.

But naturally Luo Chen would not really let Jingjue do it, after all the giant asshole didn't do anything wrong, but it's also a good pleasure to scare this guy. . .

"Are you all right, Lord Luo?"

"It's okay, don't be nervous!"

The moment Luo Chen landed, everyone quickly surrounded him. Although Luo Chen kept signaling that he was fine, they could naturally see that something was wrong with Luo Chen's current state.

Although he was nervous, everyone didn't say anything clearly, and Luo Chen smiled and turned his attention to the stone box brought by the old eight.

This is a stone box with a length and width of [-] centimeters. In addition to the densely packed Tao Te Ching texts, there is also a circle of cloud patterns carved on the outside of the box.

"Master Luo, here it is!"

Seeing Luo Chen looking at the box in his hand, Lao Ba directly reached out and handed it over. Naturally, Luo Chen was not polite, and opened the lid of the stone box.

The moment the stone cover was opened, a touch of turquoise appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

"Hey, this is still a box, tsk tsk!"

Looking at the things that Luo Chen held out with both hands, everyone couldn't help but become interested. I don't know what kind of things need a box outside the box?

Luo Chen held the bronze cast box with both hands, and the whole body actually looked like a mountain-shaped crown.

And when Luo Chen opened the box in the shape of a bronze crown again, he couldn't help being astonished, because what appeared in front of Luo Chen turned out to be a box in the shape of a silver coffin.

Still a box! ! !

Luo Chen couldn't help being interested, pinched the silver coffin with both hands, the lid of the silver coffin opened instantly, and then a golden light reflected on Luo Chen's face.

What came into view was a golden coffin that was one size smaller than the silver coffin just now. . .

But this small coffin made of pure gold is actually inlaid with Kunlun jade one by one. Looking at this golden coffin and jade outer coffin that can be held in the palm of one hand, and the smaller boxes, Luo Chen couldn't help but Some speechless.

The evil taste of the ancients is really full, such a big fight.

Reaching out to open the golden coffin lid again, a jade box appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The color of the jade box was so transparent that Luo Chen could clearly see what was inside.

I saw a round red pill quietly lying in the jade box, and in the red pill, Luo Chen could see a small black dot wrapped in it.

The moment Luo Chen saw this black dot, in less than a second, Luo Chen threw the jade box containing the elixir into the imaginary world, and sealed it up directly.

At the same time, he cursed inwardly, the person who placed the elixir obviously knew the effect of the elixir, and sealed it tightly, even using the Tao Te Ching.

But this guy obviously doesn't know much about this elixir, and he used Kunlun jade on the periphery of the jade box, so he was so lucky to be able to die and be buried safely.

You must know that when this black dot encounters Kunlun jade, it will explode with amazing activity.But luckily the sealed jade box was not Kunlun jade, otherwise the dungeon would have been over long ago.

After doing all this, Luo Chen set his sights on the silk scroll made of pure gold.

As expected, this silk script was written by the king of Zhongshan himself.

However, there are some discrepancies with the records of the previous Queen Yin Ji.

After the death of his wife Jiang Ji, the king of Zhongshan suddenly came to his senses, and he did not hesitate to spend his national power to find the treasure that could bring Jiang Ji back to life.

When he was searching for nothing and was disheartened, a story handed down from the Western Zhou Dynasty reached his ears.

According to legend, the fifth monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty, that is, Zhou Mu King Mu Tianzi, Mu Tianzi used Chiji, Roboli, Baiyi, Yulun, Shanzi, and Quhuang as offerings from the princes.Hualiu and the Eight Steeds with Green Ears are the imperial horses.

Going westward, crusading against the enemy all the way, when they arrived at Kunlun Shenshan.The Queen Mother of the West came out to stop him, invited him to visit the Palace of the Yellow Emperor, welcomed him to the Yaochi, hosted a banquet for him, and the two wrote poems together.

However, during one of Mu Tianzi's trips, his beloved daughter Sheng Ji died on the way, and he should have returned to bury her. However, because of Mu Tianzi's persistent love and deep love for Sheng Ji,
He resolutely decided to set foot on Kunlun again, and went to the Queen Mother of the West to ask for the method of bringing the dead back to life.

After listening to this folk story, Zhongshan King followed Mu Tianzi and embarked on a journey westward to find Kunlun.

King Zhongshan was lucky, but also unfortunate. He finally arrived in Kunlun and found the Queen Mother of the West; but he did not receive the same treatment as Emperor Mu from the Queen Mother of the West.

After knowing the reason for his visit, the Queen Mother of the West threw him two pills and invited him down the mountain.

And when King Zhongshan came back from Kunlun, he let the dead Jiang Ji swallow the elixir he had so hard to ask for.

According to the records of King Zhongshan in the silk script, he waited from the time when he was young until his hair turned gray, and finally until he was about to die, but he did not wait for Jiang Ji's resurrection.

Moreover, during a research on the elixir, King Zhongshan suddenly discovered the worm with extremely tenacious vitality in the elixir. King Zhongshan was shocked and turned pale.

This made him, who was planning to take another elixir, completely stop thinking about it. After sealing up this evil elixir, he left this golden scroll as a warning.

But what he didn't know was that after his death, his descendants directly took these things as funeral objects and brought them to the underground palace.

And even if the King of Zhongshan lives again, he will definitely not know that in a certain period of time after his death.

The Jiang Ji who had made him wait for decades had already been turned into a half-human, half-snake monster who only knew how to kill under the elixir he begged for with his own hands.

. . . .

Tomorrow, the chapter of Zhongshan Kingdom will end.

The trip to southern Yunnan begins.

The supporting cast is in place.

Thank you for your support!

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