Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 186 If You Keep Your Hands Anymore, All Our Brothers Will Die Here

In the midst of Luo Chen's thoughts, everyone saw that the suspension bridge on the far right crashed, and then it broke from the middle and fell towards the rock below.

Although it didn't hang down into the magma, the super high temperature still burned the chain into drops of fiery red liquid, which dripped down.

The scene fell into a state of complete silence for a while.

But at this moment, the rows of red lanterns on the city wall behind everyone lit up without any warning.

And those personal figures that everyone had seen before became clearly visible. Judging from the luster flowing on his body, it was astonishingly made of wood as a whole.

Moreover, in the hands of those wooden figures, there were also weapons that looked like bows and arrows. At this time, they had already bent their bows and set their arrows at everyone.

And there were square holes exposed on the wall of the tower, the golden light in Luo Chen's eyes flashed, and he looked into the holes.

Objects with cold light appeared in Luo Chen's eyes one by one, densely packed with hidden weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that after a round of all these organs are launched, everyone present will turn into broken corpses all over the ground.

Hearing the movements of the organs in the tower, Luo Chen's expression changed drastically as he was about to reach the critical point.

"Little Hu, protect Master Dian Jiu!"

"Old Ba, if you keep your hands, my brothers will all die here."

Cang Langlang~~~
There was a series of sounds of swords being unsheathed, and even the blood corpse king was forced to the front by the sixth master, playing his value as cannon fodder.

A tiger and a tiger dancing with a mountain axe that was temporarily removed from the stone statue seemed to have found its own natal weapon.

And at this moment, the organs on the entire city wall were activated together with the wooden man, and arrows, meteors, and small bronze halberds shot towards Luo Chen and the others.

"Masters! Buy me some time."

Hearing Lao Ba's roar, Luo Chen couldn't help but move his body to the front of Lao Ba, only the afterimage of Chi Xiao dancing in his hand, blocking all the hidden weapons that were shot.

And Xiao Hu also opened his vajra umbrella to the maximum extent in an instant, protecting himself and the weaker Jiu Ye.

Everyone in the Nine Schools has their own methods, the black light in the Buddha's eyes is flowing,

For a moment, the arrows and concealed weapons shot became extremely slow in Buddha's eyes, and the short sword in his hand picked them up one by one without any effort.

The crimson iron egg in Er Ye's hand shot out, and while avoiding the back arrow attack with his movements, he destroyed one mechanism after another.

The third master did not know which button on the crutch was activated, and the crutch instantly turned into an iron umbrella, firmly protecting himself.

Chen Pi and Fatty were more fortunate, the blood corpse king in front of them blocked most of the attacks for them, and the remaining arrows were blocked by the two of them effortlessly.

And the fifth child led his two dogs and stood behind the sixth master. There was no way, these were not what the fifth master was good at.

The cold steel dogleg knife in Liu Ye's hand was hanging in the air, and none of the hidden weapons and flying arrows could get close to him.

But that mechanism is like a perpetual motion machine, with no intention of stopping at all.

At this moment, Ba Ye, who has been dancing the great god, finally completed his Yu step, with the hand formula on his chest, and said clearly and quickly in his mouth:

"Qinglong Mengzhang Jiayin, Baihu Supervisor Bing Jiashen, Suzaku Mausoleum Guang Jiawu, Xuanwu Zhiming Jiazi, the four spirits of heaven and earth protect the whole body, I follow the order of the Taoist ancestor of Xuanmen, and hurry like a law!"

At the end of the last verse, Lao Ba sat straight cross-legged on the ground, and a wave of air that was invisible to ordinary people swept across his body.

In the blink of an eye, a tight protective barrier was formed, and in the sight of Luo Chen's delusion-breaking pupils, the phantoms of the four divine beasts passed over the barrier.

And the flying arrow hidden weapons that were shot towards everyone were all blocked out of the barrier, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Luo, hurry up! I can't last long!"

Due to the large range and the intensive attacks, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Lao Ba's forehead in a short time.

Seeing this, Luo Chen knew that he could no longer allow the agency to attack endlessly, so he immediately looked at the little brother beside him.

"Wake up! Go to the city wall!"


There wasn't much communication, Luo Chen and the younger brother rushed straight towards the city wall with their swords in hand, their movements were surprisingly consistent.

While blocking the arrows, the two jumped up in unison, borrowing strength from the heads of the stone statues on both sides of the door, they jumped straight onto the city wall.

Then the two didn't stay, they stepped on the heads of those wooden figures and flew over a group of wooden figures, and then landed in the center of the city gate.

And here is the loudest organ roar!
Sections of thick wood were watered with iron juice and made into a gear-like structure, interlocking.

And on the thickest piece of wood, there is an unknown number of ropes wrapped around it, and the other end of the rope does not know where to go.

But what is certain is that these ropes are pulling the operation of the entire mechanism, and every time the gears on the mechanism are turned, those hidden bows and arrows will shoot a salvo.

Luo Chen calculated according to the rope and the gear buckle, if the mechanism does not stop for a moment, then those arrows can be shot for several years. . .

It has to be said that the wisdom of the ancients is terrifying, especially the combination of the Mohist mechanism and the military art of the military, so its power is not as simple as one plus one equals three.

If it were any group of people, not to mention other things, first of all they would not be able to climb up the city wall, let alone destroy the mechanism.

The little brother cut off the rope connecting the wood directly. Under the influence of the reaction force, the gear that lost the traction of the rope immediately moved a buckle counterclockwise.

But because of this one buckle, the arrangement of the entire mechanism was disrupted in an instant, a series of ear-piercing clicks sounded, and cracks even appeared on some gears.

The mechanism on the entire city wall did not move after a few empty sounds. Even if Luo Chen and the younger brother connected the rope again at this time, it would not be able to save the paralyzed mechanism.

Luo Chen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief after a serious threat from the agency was over.

But the look on his face made the little brother puzzled.

Why does this master have a look of unsatisfactory expression, and even a little regret?

Of course, the little brother would not ask these words, Luo Chen also has a deep understanding of this, after this day, it would be difficult for the little brother to say a few more words.

Not to mention asking him to say a complete sentence.

But Luo Chen naturally knew the child's experience, so he could only secretly swear in his heart that when he saw Bai Ma in the future, he would let her take the pill as soon as possible.

Let her use her long life to warm the heart of this boy in black.

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