Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 184 Sure enough, this master never let us down

It is true that Luo Chen also agrees with this very much. You must know that when you first saw this asshole, its saliva could even corrode the floor.

To it, the toxins of those katydids are nothing but a great tonic.

As the giant gizzard flitted around with its mouth wide open, all the densely packed stone weeds in the hall disappeared, and even the unhatched eggs were swallowed up by the giant gizzard.

A belching sound resounded throughout the hall, as if he was full after drinking the wind, and the giant boa turned his head contentedly.

First, he condescendingly scanned the crowd, then the moment he saw Luo Chen, he immediately bent down and lowered his huge head.

The huge body began to rub on the ground non-stop, and showed a flattering expression, the meaning was quite obvious.

Praise me, you two-legged beast. . .

Luo Chen could only helplessly pat this guy's big head, and then waved his hand to open the white space vortex.

In the next second, the giant boa rushed towards the white vortex with a joyful groan, and then disappeared.

Fatty: "Damn it, I just knew it would be like this!!!"

Xiao Hu: "Sure enough, this master never lets us down..."

All the members of the Nine Sects were stunned, and even the little brother who had been expressionless showed obvious astonishment on his face.

At this time, Luo Chen already had black lines on his face.

Because, together with the gigantic body of the giant asparagus, what disappeared was the road paved with jade.

This guy's money-greedy nature doesn't know who he learned from, Luo Chen guessed that when he ate those stone weta, he made his mind on these jade stones.

He also learned to use his huge body to cover up, loosen the jade road first, and then use his powerful tail to sweep away the jade road at the moment of returning to the virtual world.

Count one less, not one left. . .

Even the sharp-eyed fat man discovered that there was a night pearl above the dome, but it had long since disappeared.

"Uh, just kidding everyone, this product has always been like this."

Looking at the people who were staring at him dumbfounded, Luo Chen couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and then led the people and the two dogs who were still in fear to move on.

The goal is quite clear, that is the copper coffin and jade coffin located in the center of the underground palace hall.

The overall appearance of the coffin is quite exquisite. A giant bird pattern is carved on the bronze coffin, and on the front of the coffin, there is also a bronze bird's head poking out.

The two sides of the coffin are carved with wings, and the feathers are very fine and lifelike, somewhat similar to the image of the Chongming bird in ancient Chinese legends.

The Chongming bird is a divine bird in ancient Chinese myths and legends.Its shape is like a chicken, and its sound is like a phoenix. This bird has two eyes in both eyes, so it is called the Chongming bird, also known as the Chongyan bird.

It is very powerful and can fight wild beasts.It can eliminate ferocious beasts and monsters, and subdue all evil and ugly creatures.

It is said that during the time of Emperor Yao, the allies of Guofang paid tribute to a Chongming bird that could ward off evil spirits. Everyone welcomed the arrival of the Chongming bird, but the tribute envoys did not come every year.

People try to carve a wooden Chongming bird, or cast a bronze Chongming bird and put it on the door, or draw a Chongming bird on the doors and windows to scare away ghosts and ghosts.

And now when people celebrate the new year, some of them use woodcuts, some of them are made of copper, and some of them are cut out of paper to make them look like chickens and hang them on the doors and windows. custom evolved.

And the coffin in front of Luo Chen and his group looked as if the Chongming bird was dragging the coffin.

On the top of the coffin is a coffin made of pure jade. The coffin generally refers to the layer of "coffin" that covers the outside of the coffin.

From all aspects, this coffin is the most well-preserved coffin in the whole of China, and it is definitely a priceless existence.

Luo Chen gently pushed the jade coffin away, revealing the complete body of the bronze coffin, and on top of the bronze coffin lid, a delicately carved disc appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

There is a keyhole in the center of the disc. Looking at the shape of the keyhole, Luo Chen feels a little familiar, so he can't help but take out the golden dragon that he got at the door.

Looking at the narrow keyhole, Luo Chen stabbed the golden dragon straight in, until only the dragon's head was left, a series of clicking sounds sounded.

The coffin lid made of bronze was slowly turned straight to the rear, and the coffin bodies on both sides also unfolded to both sides.

Together with the bronze animal head, it looks like a Chongming bird spreading its wings.

And as the coffin was opened, Luo Chen and others also saw the situation inside the coffin.

A figure in a red exhibition garment appeared in front of everyone. The exhibition garment was one of the six ancient queen's clothes, and it was white in color.He also obeyed the orders of the world's wives and his wife.Exhibition, pass "bare".

"Zhou Li·Tianguan·Neisi Fu": "The six clothes for the Queen of Palm: Yiyi, Chudi, Quedi, Juyi, Zhanyi, Yuanyi, Susha."
However, the clothes in the coffin were woven with silver threads in series, and the pattern of the Chongming bird was shown on it with gold threads.

It looked noble, but on its surface, a mask made of pure green jade firmly covered the face of the person in the coffin, leaving only gaps around the eyes.

Through the gap, Luo Chen could see the wrinkled corners of his eyes, and the exposed pale skin.

And at the place where the hands of this corpse were folded, there was a golden silk script, on which there were faintly written records.

Luo Chen reached out and took out the silk book, and slowly spread it out, only to find that the golden silk book was actually wrapped with a pure gold Chongming Bird hairpin.

Looking at the forging technique of the Chongming Bird hairpin in his hand like a golden dragon, Luo Chen put it away directly.

Only then did he set his sights on the golden silk script, and his proficiency in ancient characters made these incomprehensible characters easy to understand.

And an epic story about Zhongshan in the Warring States Period also appeared before Luo Chen's eyes.

During the Warring States period, the king of Zhongshan had a childhood sweetheart named Jiang Ji. The two had been childhood sweethearts since they were young, and Jiang Ji was also a strange woman, resourceful and resourceful.He helped King Zhongshan, who was the crown prince at that time, achieve many great things.

It is also logical to become the prince's concubine.

However, after becoming a king, King Zhongshan should have made Jiang Ji his queen, but during a sudden tour, King Zhongshan met another beautiful woman who made Jiang Ji hate her whole life, Yin Ji! ! !

And this silk script was left by Yin Ji from among the two daughters, and now the person lying in the coffin of Chongming Bird is Yin Ji.

. . .

This chapter is a bit late, I hope to catch up with everyone who is going to school!

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