Er Yuehong was stopped by Luo Chen, showing a hint of confusion.

At the same time, Chen Pi, who witnessed everything at the door, rushed in

"Master Luo, this thing hurts my wife, why don't you let the master get rid of this thing?" He was about to do it.

"Chen Pi!" Luo Chen glared, and Chen Pi immediately wilted.

Chen Pi is a man with high self-defense force. Although there is no gap with Er Yuehong at this time, he is also a rebellious master. How can he be so honest?

Without him, when Luo Chen first came to Changsha to settle down, he took Chen Pi to his house to 'temper' for a month, and he was more in awe of Luo Chen than his master.

"Go, stay here, keep this thing for now, let's see who did it." Luo Chen took out a bottle, put the worms in it, and covered the lid.The red tangerine peel of Eryuehong was stunned, and then a trace of killing intent bloomed, even the second master was like this, let alone the murderous tangerine peel.

Luo Chen looked at Er Yuehong, who was blooming with murderous intent, and quickly said, "Second Lord, the most urgent thing is to cure the girl first."

Er Yuehong immediately recovered and didn't need Luo Chen to speak, and continued to support the girl.

"Chen Pi, Claw Knife" Luo Chen ordered without looking back

Picking up the claw knife handed over by Chen Pi, he slashed across his index finger, and blood burst out from his finger in an instant. The blood hole that was broken by the bug before flowed in.

A drop

two drops
three drops
A dozen drops of fresh blood dripped into the girl's body, and the blood hole was also affected by Luo Chen's precious blood, and it became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

As the blood hole disappeared, the second master, who was supporting the girl, instantly felt that the girl's heartbeat, which was faint at the beginning, gradually became stronger and more powerful.

"Okay, second master, put the girl right"

Er Yuehong put down the girl slowly, and looked at the girl whose complexion gradually returned to rosy with gentle eyes.

As her heartbeat became stronger and stronger, the girl opened her eyes with a groan, and the well-educated girl saw so many people surrounding her as soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately got off the bed and said

"Master Luo is here, why didn't Second Master say hello, Chen Pi, hurry up, go to the kitchen with Mrs. Mistress, I'll cook some dishes for them, and let Second Master have a drink with Luo Master." walked out.

Leaving Luo Chen and Hua Ling staring at each other, Er Yuehong remembered that the girl was weak before, even if she just took two quick steps, she would have shortness of breath and dizziness, and seeing the swiftness with which the girl got out of bed just now, she completely disappeared from her previous symptoms .

Thinking about it, the dignified Second Master of the Nine Gates actually shed tears.

Looking at Er Yuehong's true feelings and remembering the girl's death in the original book, Luo Chen sighed endlessly, and was about to comfort him when he saw Er Yuehong rushing over and was about to fall to his knees, and hurriedly reached out to support the second master
"Second Master, are you trying to shorten my life?"

Er Yuehong felt the firmness of Luo Chen's strength, so she stopped insisting
"Lord Luo, I dare not forget the kindness of saving my life. From now on, I will be of the same bloodline as Er Yue Hong, and I will never say anything to Master Luo at his errands."

"Haha, the second master is serious, if you really want to thank me, you might as well have a drink with me." Luo Chen laughed naturally

Feeling the friendship in Luo Chen's words, Er Yuehong also burst out laughing, with brothers like this, what more could a husband ask for?
Immediately, he led the way for Luo Chen and his wife.

At this time,
The girl took Chen Pi and prepared a table of food and wine, waiting for everyone, and at the same time, she also learned from Chen Pi the whole story of the fact that she was almost separated from the second master today, and felt the health that she had never had before. Powerful, I couldn't help being more grateful to Luo Chen and his wife.

While talking, Luo Chen pulled Hua Ling into the living room and followed Er Yuehong into the living room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the aroma of the wine and dishes on the table. He just wanted to praise a few words, but before he could speak, he saw Chen Pi rushing over. kneel down
"Master Luo, thank you for saving my teacher. I, Chen Pi, will listen to you from now on. I will kill whoever you tell me to kill." Good guy, Luo Chen hurriedly stopped Chen Pi who was about to kowtow. .

Seeing that the girl on the side is also coming forward, she hurriedly opened her mouth

"Second Lord, girl, I'm here for dinner and drink today, so I don't need to say anything else." After speaking, he turned to look at Chen Pi, "And you, hurry up and have a drink with Master Luo."

During the speech, everyone sat down
After some toasting, the girl also brought a glass of wine to toast Luo Chen. After drinking a glass of wine, a blush appeared on the girl's face, the temperature of her face rose instantly, and a burning pain suddenly appeared on her forehead. Can't help grunting.

They were all very human, so when they heard the voice, they hurriedly looked at the girl, and the second master would see him when he asked about it, a feather-shaped imprint slowly appeared on the girl's forehead, the glittering gold was very beautiful.

Er Yuehong was shocked, and quickly asked Luo Chen: "Master Luo, what's going on, why is the girl like this, is there anything wrong?"

Chen Pi was also anxious, and quickly looked at Luo Chen.

Luo Chen laughed and didn't answer, but turned his head to look at the flower spirit beside him, and everyone followed their gazes to the flower spirit.I saw the exact same mark on Hua Ling's forehead.

Then Luo Chen slowly opened his mouth and said: "Don't panic, this is caused by the influence of my blood, this is a good thing" Seeing that everyone was puzzled, he opened his mouth again
"It can be regarded as a unique blood imprint. In the future, the girl will be immune to all poisons, and the poisonous insects and mirages will not dare to get on her body, and even delay aging, haha"

When Er Yuehong heard this, she was overjoyed immediately, took the wine and drank three bowls with Luo Chen.

During this banquet, I drank for a whole afternoon. During this period, Master Zhang came over after hearing the news. After learning the whole story, he directly joined the battle. The two daughters continued to cook and add wine for everyone. give up.

Leaving the second daughter behind, they looked at the drunken people and smiled helplessly at each other.

The next day, looking at the flower spirit in his arms, Luo Chen couldn't help kissing it, and then slowly got up. After eating breakfast, he took out the glass bottle containing the red bug from the virtual space, and looked at it for a long time without knowing it. This is a larva of something.

Helpless, I tidied up with Hua Ling and walked to the Red Mansion

Er Yuehong was taking a walk with the girl, while Chen Pi was practicing hard at the side, several people hurriedly greeted her
Only then did Luo Chen explain his intention
"The red worm will only hatch when it encounters blood, and it won't appear in the girl's body out of thin air. There must be some medium. I don't know if the girl has encountered any weird things, or people?"

The girl thought about it for a long time, but she didn't see any eyebrows.

Weird thing?
Hatched with blood?
Chen Pi was thinking on the sidelines

"Master, that hairpin, could it be that hairpin?"


"Master Luo, do you think it is this thing?"

Speaking of which, Chen Pi took out a two-section hairpin from his bosom. Originally, the hairpin was broken, but Chen Pi planned to repair it today.

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