Luo Chen took advantage of the gaps in the wind and sand to see that it was the wolves and a few gazelles who had taken refuge in dilapidated places here one by one.

And the two animals lived in peace, each hiding.

Nature is a very magical place. If it is changed to any kind of environment, the sheep here will definitely be eaten up by wolves, and the wolves may also be pierced by the intestines on the horns of yellow sheep.

The fat man stared at the sheep and swallowed, but it wasn't just the fat man. Luo Chen was getting hungry after eating dry biscuits and drinking cold water for a few days.


At this moment, a scream came into the ears of everyone in Luo Chen. Looking back, Xiao Ye of the archaeological team was pointing at a pile of white bones and screaming.

"Stop shouting, isn't that what our archaeologists deal with, what bones are we afraid of!"

Perhaps in order to save some face for himself as a teacher, Professor Hao immediately scolded him aloud, and then stepped forward to check the pile of bones.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I'm not ready!"

Xiaoye kept apologizing when she came back to her senses, but it was obvious that everyone's attention had shifted to the pile of bones at this time.

"This is a human bone!"

"But it's not like dying from dehydration. People who die from dehydration in the desert should be weathered into mummies."

"Could it be eaten by wolves?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Luo Chen stepped forward, picked up a piece of white bone, and squeezed it with his hands. The texture of the white bone was not loose at all, and it was obvious that he hadn't died for a long time.

Moreover, there is no muscle tissue left on the bone, obviously it will not be eaten by wolves as they said.

Luo Chen watched carefully, and unexpectedly saw dense bite marks on the bone.

Calmly, he stretched out his fingers and inserted them into the sand. The micro-level sensing ability of the two fingers made Luo Chen instantly feel the abnormality under the sand.

But at this moment, the black sandstorm was still raging, and it was inappropriate to tell everyone, so he immediately made a nonchalant expression.

"Okay, it's just a pile of bones, nothing to study."

"Xiao Sa, Xiao Chu, go dig a hole and let him rest in peace!"

Then Luo Chen randomly found a place to sit down, but he kept recalling the memories of his previous life in his mind. After decades passed, Luo Chen couldn't remember clearly the novels or TV series he saw in his previous life.

Luo Chen will only remember those things that are particularly impressive, such as the desert army ants that are now under everyone's position.

Luo Chen also suddenly remembered the plot in the original work when he sensed it.

"Teacher, come and see, what is this?"

Xiao Chu and the two who were digging a hole not far away to bury the bones did not know what they had dug at this time, so they couldn't help shouting.

When everyone looked over, what caught their eyes was a black protrusion, like a round stone, but Professor Hao cleaned it up, and everyone found that the stone had five sense organs.

"This looks like the head of a god, teacher, should we dig it out?"

This time, it was Professor Hao who looked at Professor Chen and said that Professor Chen was Professor Hao's mentor, but Professor Chen looked at the head in front of him with a face full of memories.

"There are such stone statues in many places in the Western Regions. Some people say that this thing is a god believed by the local people."

"Such stone statues exist in the Tianshan Mountains, Altay, and the Hotan River Basin. Some people say that the stone statues are like totems left by the ancient Turks."

"Unfortunately not!"

At this time, Luo Chen was awakened by the movement of the crowd, looked at the head of the stone statue, and interrupted Professor Chen's words.

"This stone statue is called the giant pupil stone statue, and it is a symbol of the Jingjue Kingdom!"

As soon as Luo Chen's words came out, everyone present couldn't help but smile, they were searching hard for the remains of the Jingjue Kingdom, and now it really appeared in front of them.

Apart from the surprise, I couldn't believe it, but Luo Chen is an authority in Huaxia. If Luo Chen said this with such certainty, it was absolutely true.

There is absolutely no room for doubts from the archaeologists present.

"Tianguan, let's dig out this thing and study it!"

Professor Hao immediately became excited, and couldn't wait to look at Luo Chen, but it was obvious how Luo Chen would let him get what he wanted.

"If you have nothing to do, you might as well go out and see the black sand all over the sky. Is the weather now the time when you can do things regardless of the consequences?"

"If you have that kind of time, it's better to have a good sleep and save your energy. We can talk about everything after the black sandstorm stops."

As soon as Luo Chen's words came out, the crowd dispersed one after another. Although Professor Hao felt itchy, how dare he not listen to Luo Chen's words, he obediently went to rest.

"Xiao Hu, you gay men take turns keeping vigil to prevent any moths from appearing at night!"

"Good Lord Lero, don't worry!"

After arranging everything, Luo Chen put on the hat on his clothes, turned around and walked out.

In the wind and sand, Luo Chen walked around aimlessly, but he kept thinking in his heart. Now that the juniors have grown up, it's time to let them go out and practice.

In the future, they can't ask their parents to do everything, but Luo Chen can't hide behind the scenes. One is because of the system, he can only become stronger if he keeps going to the grave.

The second is that Luo Chen himself is reluctant to reveal these ups and downs. The third is that the things he promised Xue Li's grandfather have not yet been completed.

Thinking about a lone gazelle suddenly appearing in front of Luo Chen, looking at the fat sheep in front of him, Luo Chen couldn't help remembering that he hadn't eaten mutton for many days.

Also thinking that everyone in the archaeological team urgently needs meat to ensure their physical condition,

Luo Chen moved, came to the gazelle, and grabbed the gazelle by the neck.


He took out a dagger in his hand, quickly dealt with the gazelle like Paoding Jieniu, then picked up the mutton and turned back to the house where he took refuge.

"I'll go, Master Luo, I'm so hungry, just let me do this."

The fat man who was going to sleep for a while saw Luo Chen walking in with a fat sheep, and immediately regained his energy, and almost took the mutton from Luo Chen's hand.

Quickly got some simple grills, and just grilled them in front of the fire.

Luo Chen handed the fat man some seasonings, and soon, as the mutton oil exploded, bursts of fragrance spread into everyone's noses.

Everyone who was sleeping was aroused by the smell of the mutton, and they walked to the fire to wait for the delicious food to take shape.

At this time, the little old man An Liman came to Luo Chen with a worried expression on his face.

"Sir, Hu Da won't blame me for this!"

"Put your heart in your belly, this is what Hu Da gave you!"

As soon as Luo Chen said this, the little old man immediately smiled and took a wine naan from his waist.

"I still have a pot of kumiss, do you want to try it?"

Rejecting An Liman's kindness, Luo Chen sat directly beside the fire, and stretched out his hand, several grain wine in transparent glass bottles appeared in Luo Chen's hand.

Influenced by that person, Luo Chen now likes this kind of grain wine very much, and for this reason, he went to him to ask for it several times. . .

Professor Chen is obviously also a person who loves wine, but when he gets older, he is willing to recall the past, telling stories about his youth while drinking.

In this way, there is a raging black sandstorm outside, and drinking wine and eating roast lamb inside, in this only pure land in the last days, it also has a special charm!

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