Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 92 Completion and rewards

Zhang Chen got up with difficulty and followed the audience's advice.

There are more and more cracks in the glass tank that holds the energy, densely packed, and it is about to collapse.

The mushroom cloud has disappeared, revealing the planet of ape warriors in it!

It was originally a headless giant corpse, but the head of the orangutan in front of him is being reborn.

From the neck to the mouth, it is about to return to the eyes. If it is seen, it will probably kill it!

He can't be killed by a nuclear bomb, and can reorganize his fleshy body. He really deserves to be called a mighty warrior of the planet of apes!
"Pangu, extract the Restoration Pill!" Zhang Chen said angrily.

Recovery Dan popped out of the transmission black hole in his hand, and he raised his hand with difficulty and sent it into his mouth.

After swallowing, a burst of power began to replenish various powers, and at the same time quickly repaired Zhang Chen's body tissues.

In an instant, Zhang Chen was full of blood and regained his energy, his eyes lit up and he glared viciously!

The Planet of the Apes warrior has already recovered half of his eyes, and his hair is blown all over, angry!
Zhang Chentian's eyes opened, and the glass tank behind him cracked, making a bang bang bang.

The green energy in it is flying around in the air as if alive, but it can't escape the traction of Zhang Chen's eyes.

Green light rushed from all directions to Zhang Chen's pupils, making his eyes seep green.

At this moment, Zhang Chen seemed to be the real embodiment of a civilized warrior. He strode away and rushed towards the orangutan with killing intent.

The guardian's newly recovered eyes saw Setsuna, his face showed fear, he shook his head and roared: "No! Don't kill me!"

Zhang Chen's photon attack hit the opponent directly from his eyes, and the beam of light was so bright that it could destroy everything.

This is the energy center, and the leaked energy was condensed by Zhang Chentian's eyes and stormed out!

The orangutan guard raised his arm, but he couldn't stop the photon attack that condensed hundreds of millions of strong energy, and was easily destroyed.

As his arm melted, his body began to dissipate piece by piece, and was finally completely swallowed by the photon attack.

The strengthened body tissue also has a certain limit of anti-phagocytosis, if it exceeds the limit, it will fail!
Seeing the other party disappear in ashes, Zhang Chen stopped in a state of exhaustion, and sat on the ground limply from exhaustion.

The photon attack is easy to use, but it takes too much energy, and the mental power is exhausted again!

Zhang Chen also has experience with the photon attack of Tianyan. This thing can only be used as a trump card, and it is easy to use under the environment bonus!

Usually it takes a lot of energy not to mention, if you can't gather a lot of energy, the attack power is too weak, useless!

The audience and the two summoners were stunned for a long time, and they reacted in shock when the dust settled!
【Hold!What the hell are you rewarding! 】

[I'm going, it's against the sky, the anchor is not dead! 】

[Oh my god, it's crazy, the orangutan is too bad! 】

[Have you heard of the mercury red nuclear bomb?Hey, it's tears if I don't say anything, my points! 】

[Nimma, why did you reward the nuclear bomb?It's just like dying! 】

[No wonder the tens of thousands of rewards have been emptied!Convinced! 】

[It's his luck that the anchor didn't die!I am also convinced that the red mercury nuclear bomb really exists! 】

[I exchanged thirty points for the limbs of zombies, which I traded with terrorists. 】

The audience was speechless, Zhang Chen patted his forehead with a black line in his head!

You guys are so fucking crazy, you're simply insane!
Not to mention getting nuclear bombs, they even traded biochemical viruses with terrorists!

Now the earth is full of troubles, and it must be turned upside down!
If the biochemical virus is really extracted by terrorists, the earth will be destroyed without aliens invading.

As everyone knows, the earth is already turbulent secretly at this moment, and it is about to turn the sky upside down.

The uninformed audience still didn't know, and the informed audience looked for excuses to hide it from Zhang Chen.

By them?Even if there is something to trade, there is no way to trade it!
If Zhang Chen hadn't put his mind on the battlefield, he might have found out if he thought about it a little more!
But it doesn't matter, the people behind the audience didn't want to hide it, they were just afraid of affecting Zhang Chen.

After all, no one wants the earth to be destroyed, and they are all doing their best to help!
Otherwise, how could the audience of ordinary people get so many arms and have such high eyesight!

Zhang Chen didn't know about this, what he was thinking was all his wild imagination, he only paid attention to the battlefield!
Zhang Chen looked at the place where the orangutan died with concern, he was so damn tough!
Even a nuclear bomb can't kill him. Could it be that the nuclear bomb is fake?Of course it's impossible!
It can only explain one thing, even if the orangutan loses the communication with heaven, he is still ridiculously strong!

Now is not the time to think about this, it is finally over, and the reminder of Tiandao sounded in Zhang Chen's head.

"Civilized warrior Zhang Chen, complete the mission of Tiandao Energy, and will receive three reward choices!"

"Reward [-]: Heavenly Dao authority points! Reward [-], random skills or props! Reward [-], super authority experience once!"

"Civilization warrior Zhang Chen, kill the civilization warrior of the planet of apes to gain one evolution point and ten survival points."

"Planet of Apes civilized warrior has three evolution points and 720 survival points, which have been plundered by civilized warrior Zhang Chen."

"The Transmission Center of the Planet of the Apes has been destroyed, the last fortress of the Planet of the Apes has been occupied, and the Energy Center of the Planet of the Apes has fallen!"

"The Planet of the Apes warrior was killed by the civilization of the earth and began to transform into a reanimated body. The civilization of the Planet of the Apes will be completely wiped out!"

"Civilization warrior Zhang Chen, get the reward for destroying civilization, two crystal fragments of civilization, the energy will replenish the way of heaven!"

"Civilized warrior Zhang Chen, after completing the camp trial assessment, he was confirmed as a qualified fighter in the demon camp, and gained a little permission from the Heavenly Dao."

"The earth belongs to Hughes, the demon general of the demon race. After passing the review, Hughes will be rewarded with a little authority point reward!"

"The transmission channel for the Planet of the Apes has been opened to the Hughes camp, you can send people to the Planet of the Apes to collect resources!"

Zhang Chen was stunned by the series of Tiandao prompts, and then ecstatic. Nima, the risk is directly proportional to the benefit.

Pangu was very disdainful, if it wasn't for my existence, would you have such benefits?He meddled!
But I don't know if Zhang Chen knows, he is struggling thinking about what kind of reward he should choose.

He was originally looking for the guardian of the planet of the apes, but the guardian has already been killed by him!

Naturally, there is no need to ask the way of heaven, everything else is normal, and the reward of choosing one of the three is a good harvest!

He looked at the three rewards and felt that they were not simple. I am afraid that the most common ones are random skills or props!

Whether it is permission points or super permissions are very tempting, which one is the question.

You don't need to think about the importance of the authority of the Heavenly Dao. If you master the Heavenly Dao, you can have everything. Authority points are very important.

It is estimated that the only point of authority is the basic authority of civilized fighters. This thing is hard to come by!

There is only one point of civilized warriors, and this is because the seven clans want to promote the righteousness of heaven. Ordinary people don't have it at all, and the seven clans always call themselves kings!
Only the seven clans can master the authority of the Dao of Heaven, and control the Dao of Heaven through authority points. Of course, they will occasionally increase the authority points of confidant civilizations to win over!

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