Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 41 Conquering Civilization

The adventurer began to think about the details along the way, and soon discovered many doubts.

Many overlooked details were full of unreasonable logic, and they stared at Zhang Chen.

Everyone was waiting for Zhang Chen to give them an explanation, and Zhang Chen looked at them with a wry smile.

Ashamed by their stares and comforted by the audience's clamor, he finally decided to tell the truth.

"The end of mankind is coming. We are the chosen fighters. Everything we do now is to fight for the civilization of the earth!"

"Humans? Haha, ridiculous! We are the only ones who can't even protect ourselves, yet still fight for humans!"

The old man's heart skipped a beat, he felt bad, how different the plot was from what he expected!

Struggling desperately and furiously, he intended to interrupt Zhang Chen, and was hit hard on the head by the bald head!
Two of the old man's teeth were broken, showing how much strength the angry bald man had used, the old man finally shut up.

Zhang Chen sighed deeply, and continued to explain to the bewildered adventurer.

They've been petrified, what's at stake for all of humanity?They are just actors, workers, hooligans, how is this possible?

"We are here, we are growing, from the fear at the beginning to the calmness now, we have taken a critical step!"

"I didn't tell you the truth because I was afraid that you would be desperate and lack confidence. At least now you have hope without knowing it!"

"If you know the real truth, you will just give up hope, and then the earth civilization will be over!"

"I can't take this risk! Now that you've passed the panic period, it's time to tell you the truth!"

Zhang Chen scanned their faces, gradually became firmer, and said forcefully, "We defeated the zombies and occupied the monitoring room."

"Look, we've finally grown! We both know that through hard work you can win!"

"Everyone, you should calm down, I can tell you the truth, but please don't despair!"

Zhao Fei'er walked towards Zhang Chen slowly, looked up at his face slightly: "Tell me! I want to know why?"

The big director also realized that it was not good when he heard this, why is it different from what he thought!

This guy stood at the commanding heights of morality, as if the secret was more beneficial to him, his expression was gloomy!

The strong man hesitated, and even the young man with glasses looked sideways, clenching his fists and staring at Zhang Chen, waiting for an explanation.

"This is the battlefield, the battlefield of civilization! This is a trial, a trial for the warriors of earth civilization, failure, human destruction, victory, human evolution!"

This is the truth, everyone looks horrified, their struggle and adventure here is really related to the life and death of human beings!
Everyone was in a cold sweat, they couldn't figure it out, they didn't understand, why this happened, why it was them.

Such a heavy pressure and such a horrible thing are just them, what kind of qualifications do they have, what kind of reason do they have!
"Impossible!" The strong man couldn't accept it. He thought that he was the only one who was threatened, and now it was about his family on Earth.

"Who is behind it! Why do they treat us like this!" The young man also exclaimed in disbelief.

Zhang Chen calmly explained to them: "The universe is not empty, it is crowded with countless civilizations, and human beings are just one of them."

"Countless civilizations want to continue to survive, but resources are limited, so resources are a key prerequisite for the continuation of civilization!"

"No resources are doomed to perish, and plundering resources has become the only way for civilization to survive, so space wars are inevitable!"

"Seven major civilizations rose up during the war, they dominated the entire universe, allied with each other and rivaled each other!"

"The war of these seven major civilizations can even destroy the entire universe. For this reason, the seven races have reached a consensus and formed an effective resource allocation method!"

"They jointly created the Tao of Heaven that monitors the universe and manages all civilizations, and relies on the Tao of Heaven to define a new way of resource allocation!"

"Conquer civilizations! Select warriors from one civilization and send them to other civilizations to plunder resources! But the task must be completed!"

"This is a war between the seven races at the same time. Each civilization has its own affiliation. Complete the tasks issued by the seven races to allocate resources among them to carry out the war!"

"Now, it's finally the earth's turn. The earth has reached a certain condition, and it is recognized by Tiandao that it is about to start plundering resources from the universe!"

"So I was chosen to become a warrior representing the civilization of the earth. We will fight for human civilization to plunder resources, and at the same time complete tasks to avoid being plundered!"

This is everything, there are many things that Zhang Chen only knew not long ago, from the diary of a little girl.

Such a truth, such a universe, is full of cruelty and blood, which is unbelievable and frightening.

The adventurers on the battlefield couldn't help being stunned, and it also made the audience silent.

"It turns out that the space war is carried out like this!" The young man with glasses muttered: "There is no battleship, not in space!"

Zhang Chen looked at him and said meaningfully: "The mystery of the universe is far beyond anyone's imagination!"

"The way of heaven controls everything and connects the entire universe as one. The way of war that humans have thought of does not exist at all!"

"Because the power of an individual is enough to change the outcome of everything! Have you ever thought about smashing a planet with one punch?"

"How could a traditional war happen with such power! Only the law of heaven can control it!"

"The existence of super technology makes the form of war a stage for heroes. One person is enough to destroy a civilization!"

"Therefore, the essence of fighting civilization is the contest between heroes, and the heroes cultivated by civilization will lead civilization to evolve!"

"I am a warrior of civilization, my battle affects everything, and my responsibility makes me have to treat every decision carefully!"

"That's why I lie to you, why I hide the truth, because every thing I have to consider the impact on all mankind!"

Zhang Chen said to them bitterly and helplessly, no one knew the pressure in his heart, such a heavy responsibility almost crushed him!

However, there is an inevitable reason for choosing him. The former game anchor is cynical, never caring about everything, and his natural bearing ability is unparalleled!
When he knew the truth, he only treated it as a game, but for him, it was a game that he could not lose but could only win!
He has never lost a game, never failed a game, but this is still not a game, he can't lose!
No one understands, the audience doesn't understand, the adventurers don't understand, and neither does Zhang Chen, but he knows he can't lose!
The strong man's eyes widened in disbelief: "Why you! You are a soldier, why did we appear here!"

"I don't know why it's me!" Excited, Zhang Chen wanted to tell the truth about the second question, why are they here!
But the audience in the live broadcast frantically prevented him from telling the truth, they didn't want him to take more risks.

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