Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 391 Open the sky!reset!Fengshen! (season finale)

"No! Impossible!"

Zhang Chen couldn't accept it, just like Wu Yi when he first learned the truth, he couldn't accept it.

If all this is meaningless, then what can he fight for, fight for his woman, and fight for the position of God?ridiculous!Conquer the Great Thousand?sad!Team Earth?Alas!

"Zhang Chen, you are my inheritance. I let you fight to cultivate a body that can enter the land of true spirits. Now, you have such a body! The body of the source of fire can enter the great world! Zhang Chen , how about we go together!"

"Together? How is it possible to be together? It's up to you to go!" Zhang Chen smiled miserably. If he doesn't want to fight or care about anything, what about detachment?Because everything is meaningless!
"No, you are me, I am you, you are my intention to split, and I am not Wu Yi's original intention. The intention of the Holy Father of Chaos has long created this great world. This is the [-]st world!"

"Already, it's done!" Zhang Chen looked around, he had doubts for a long time, and finally he was sure.

"That's right, our Realm of Change is the [-]th World that transcends the universe!"

"There are countless planets in this world, and they are connected to every big and small world at the same time! I only wait for this day, I only wait for your growth, I only wait for the time when we unite, lightly activate, and you can Absorbing and devouring all the will, the so-called gods that Daqian said are bullshit in my eyes!"

"Their worlds must be integrated into our Realm of Change!"

"Three thousand great worlds, I have already prepared the means, and it is in chaos at the moment, and it happens to be full of variables, and I am devoured!"

Zhang Chen was astonished. It turned out that his purpose was not to fight at all. His existence was just for preparation, and all of that was just for him to grow to where he is today.

No wonder he would return to the Realm of Change after coming out of the chaotic space, because all this is the calculation of the father of chaos!

Looking for the earth?It's ridiculous, what earth is he looking for, what Wu Yi asked him to look for is the ancient temple!

Now that he knows the truth, he must have been there!
The purpose of winning an ancient temple is to achieve this body, it's terrifying!

Zhang Chen recalls that along the way, there is a certain number in the dark, he is the inheritance of variables, but he can't compete with Wu Yi, the ancestor of variables!From the battle of the seven clans in the Realm of Yi, to the Realm of Intent, learn the root of all intentions and master the root of infinity!

Then to the land of infinity, step by step, falling into the calculations, fighting the entire endless, and finally seeing victory in sight, was kicked into the law world, and finally refined the chaotic baby, and achieved a divine body for a lifetime!
"Haha!" Looking back on this journey, Zhang Chen only felt that he was pathetic and ridiculous, and there was no point in arguing about it!
Fate cannot be reversed, God's will cannot be violated, in this world, this is the greatest way of truth!

"Zhang Chen!" The sense of world-changing that had already merged into Zhang Chen's body roared angrily.

"Zhang Chen!"

"Zhang Chen!"


The sound is stirring, resounding through the universe, every living being, every world, is in your ears!

They were horrified, terrified, and shocked.

Who is it that has such supernatural powers!
Zhang Chen?The variable inheritance, he, is it finally about to start?
What is Zhang Chen, the sun, the moon and the stars, when there is a sun, there is a morning, it is morning, this is dawn, a new era!

Zhang Chen created the universe and the world, among which there are countless stars, Yang is the supreme, it is Chen!

Among them, it grows with strength and lives with Tao, so it is Zhang!

The surname Zhang has another important purpose, that is, Wu Yiqiling went to the real spirit land to know the origin of Daqian.

That is a person, Daqian created by his intention, and that person is surnamed Zhang!
"I need you! You have your personality, and I have my stubbornness. We are of the same mind, so why should we separate each other!"

"You, not him!" Zhang Chen's eyes finally calmed down, and he looked around.

"That's right, I am Pangu, I am Heaven, I am him, but I am not him, you are him, and I am not him, I am you, you are me, we just have a single spirit, we are not separated from each other!"

"In the chaotic world, you open the sky, I am the emperor and transform the spirit, you control the way of heaven, and I refine myself!"

"That's right!" Wu Yi's other meaning, Pangu, or Tiandao, said ecstatically.

"But!" Zhang Chen was dissatisfied and burst into anger: "Why am I suffering, and you sit back and enjoy the rewards! I am fighting and fighting hard outside, and you are watching inside. I am not convinced, I am not convinced!"

"You don't agree?" Pangu was stunned, and Tiandao was stunned. Later, he said slowly: "You have countless beauties to match, but I have a rare body! You, as the inheritance of Chaos, are powerful all over the world. My love, as Chaos Endorsing, mastering the way of heaven, supremely fair, if you say it's unfair, you don't know who it's unfair to? You do it, I'll watch! You have to use your conscience to say this!"

"In this world of change, every sun is an incarnation of me, and every black hole channel is my little effort. You do yours, and I do mine. In the end, the two become one and enter the real spirit world." !"

Zhang Chen looked around, closed his eyes, and nodded: "Okay! Okay! Okay! You envy me, I envy you, you and I are of one mind, so let's get back to the source and see if you and I are good or bad Bar!"

"Okay!" Pangu agreed.

In an instant, in Zhang Chen's body, the traces of true spirituality that were born in the endless years after the two opened the world due to chaos, merged into one, and the truth changed, reappearing in the world!

"Open... the sky!" The magnificent and vast voice resounded all over the world!

In the Great Thousand, the third thousand and one world hidden in the dark curtain has revealed its form.

In addition, there are countless tentacles stretched out, and each group of will, large or small, rolls towards itself.

The god of the world, his spirit, was terrified, or screamed, or yelled, refused to accept, they didn't like him!
Inheritance of the Goddess of Nature, Xin Xin'er's face turned pale, she is coming, she is powerless to stop!
The god of death quietly appeared behind him, looking at Zhang Chen's body shining with endless brilliance, he smiled complicatedly.

The two, among them the grievances, are the calculations against all of this.

They wanted Xin Xin'er to join Zhang Chen's side, but they didn't think about it, it was over before it started!

Fate is always no match for Wu Yi's variable, because no one can count his next step!
Just like now, who would have thought that he would let Zhang Chen come back and find the ancient temple!

"We will never be his opponent!"

"Yeah! After all the calculations, it's still nothing in the end!"

The realm of mind, the god of spirit, came out of thin air, its world was annihilated, and its inner beings appeared in a galaxy, a planet without knowing it.

The endless land and countless floating islands have long been shattered and have come to the main world.

Its realm is nothingness, turned into the meaning of infinity, and merged into the realm of change!
The creatures on it were terrified, facing the starry sky.

Hell, underworld, heaven, nature, good fortune, Buddha world, tree world, Mara world!

All the big worlds, small worlds, and their meanings are all swallowed up by the extra big world of the Realm of Change, and become variables, and the spirits in them are all in the Realm of Change!

Wu Yi, did not destroy them!
"Return to... position!" Another sound resounded in the minds of all living beings in the world.

The seven clans, all clansmen, are wearing battle armor, guarding a planet.

This is their mission!
Hughes looked up with a complicated expression, he is now the supreme one, this is Wu Yi's secret arrangement!

Earth, Su Meier looked at the sun in the sky with a complicated expression, and the sun was blinking at her.

On the ground, the endless creatures who have cultivated the meaning of being powerful are quietly forgotten.

They, another seed, will break through many obstacles to find the seed of eternal truth.

Endless human beings, endless sea of ​​stars, everyone does not know where they came from, and where they will return to. They come and go, looking for a way forward in confusion, and they can never find a future
Because in the world of variables, the future is not doomed, and there are infinite possibilities, just like themselves!

"Feng... God!" All the once powerful gods were ecstatic, because they are not destroyed, this is their greatest good fortune, at this moment, when they heard this sound suddenly, they immediately looked solemn and knelt down on the ground.

Everything has a beginning and an end, and a new world has been created!
Daqian no longer exists, shape and meaning are transformed into form, no one can match the rules mastered by Wu Yi, he is the strongest!
Because, he has entered the true spirit, returned from the real spirit world, knows the truth, and sees the truth.

The rules of this side of the world, to him, seem to be innate!
Others have forgotten it, but he remembered it. He knows where this world came from and why it was created!

But he refused to accept it, he wanted to enter the true spirit, and created Zhang Chen's real body of the true spirit for this purpose!
The time has come, the last time has come, but Daqian's intentions, he never wanted to destroy!

Because all intentions come from one place, originally from the same root.

He condensed all these thoughts into one body to create the universe and the earth, and all the spirits born in it will be conferred gods!

"Using the mind to generate power, I use the endless root to absorb the meaning of the heaven and the earth. From then on, all spirits will be detached. If you don't cultivate your mind, don't take away your roots, don't respect the sky, and don't obey your orders. I want your good fortune to belong to me. Want your destiny, bless me, I will set foot in the Realm of True Spirits, and tell the creatures who created Daqian that Daqian is no longer there, and from now on there is only the Realm of Power!"

"I, Wu Yi, will take all the meaning of variables and turn it into the Dao of Heaven and Earth. From then on, there is only Tao in the world, and it is irrational. It only cultivates the heart, not the mind. The rules cannot be controlled, and the world cannot be changed!"

Even so, Wu Yi doesn't want to make the same mistakes again, he wants to formulate new rules to make this world a paradise!
Forget coming and going, forget the past, start again, this belongs to Wu Yi's era!
This is, the universe and the big world, all intentions are in one world!
Every god, every great power, was stunned. They wanted to resist, but they were powerless!
From then on, in this world, there is no intention to repair, no root to seize, only one road!
Everything is settled, everything has a beginning and an end!

"Everyone, take care of yourself!" Zhang Chen looked back and smiled slightly.

He saw Su Mei'er looking up to the sky, he saw Chang'e in a daze, he saw Zhao Fei'er with a complex expression, he also saw the earth, he saw the former Ah Zi in the mind world, and the woman from the infinite earth. Two apprentices.

He saw everyone and smiled at them, his voice echoing in their heads.

"Wait for me, I will go to fight in the true spirit world, and when I return, I will take you beyond the realm of Tao and achieve true spiritual meaning!"

Those people all smiled in relief, he did not forget me!

He will come back, he will fight all the way to the end, and finally reach the level of a real human being!

He wants to take a look at the truth behind this world.

After all, why do we exist, after all, why this world was born.

Zhang Chen suddenly disappeared and left this world!

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