Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 383 Naturally Revived Body

Zhang Chen looked at this woman with a headache, although he had changed a lot, he still recognized that she was the goddess of nature!
The goddess of nature was reborn in his chaotic world. Obviously, the power of law possessed by the goddess of nature is very strange, and she can regenerate a divine body in a short period of time.

I just don't know if her godhead can be successfully rebuilt in a short period of time.

Zhang Chen sensed these white brilliance, and experienced a huge vitality from it. It really is a god who upholds the achievements of nature. The law is the force of nature, and the vitality is infinite!

Compared with the vitality he was playing with, it was unreasonable!
However, the variables he has are not comparable to the other party!

This huge force of nature swept Zhang Chen's entire chaotic world, and Zhang Chen immediately knew that the force of nature obviously belonged to the camp of light!
Zhang Chen thought to himself that he should belong to the neutral camp, at least not the existence of the evil camp.

The chaotic world swept by the force of nature is slowly changing.

Zhang Chen sensed his endless roots, and he immediately noticed the difference.

The devouring power of the Chaos God Infant is gradually weakening, but the rotating ripples in it are accelerating, and he doesn't know whether this is good or bad.

The force of nature has actually affected Chaos. He knows that the existence of gods is the messenger of the law, and any existence beyond the law is not allowed by heaven and earth, so there is the existence of Daqian's original intention.

Zhang Chen frowned and thought about it, and finally let him discover something strange!
He sensed the change of his chaotic will in a daze, and exclaimed: "No, this is not a change caused by the force of nature! The world of chaos is forming! The power of nature has created the foundation of the world of chaos!"

Zhang Chen was overjoyed, wishing he could rush up and kiss the goddess of nature fiercely.

But he didn't dare to get close, he didn't know what protection the newborn natural body had. If he approached rashly, he didn't know the consequences, even in his chaotic world, he didn't want to!

The worst development is that the force of nature and the force of chaos will conflict, which is not good for him, so he can only continue to guard silently.

Zhang Chen couldn't stay idle, he recruited the death giant from the chaotic world.

The death giant was sucked into it when he released the endless root. He was busy dealing with the death sickle at that time, so he naturally had no time to pay attention to the black light glazed core with its huge mystery.

At this moment, Zhang Chen's willpower revived!
Carefully pouring into the black light glazed core, he immediately sensed that the army of dead souls inside had disappeared.

Unceremoniously regaining control of the black light glazed core, this time he dared not be careless.

First, thousands of laws were placed to block the passage to hell, and then hundreds of domains were placed to wrap it up. The use of domains was discovered from the enchantments he had come into contact with!
Almost all of Zhang Chen's techniques and supernatural powers are self-enlightened, all referring to the experience of the father of chaos, otherwise how can he have such a strong creativity based on his realm.

After Zhang Chen regained control of the black light glass core, he immediately remembered an important thing!

Immediately let go of the black light glazed core, and began to look at the seat where the goddess of nature is. The nakedness of the goddess of nature is very attractive, but now Zhang Chen pays attention to the white light around her.

He remembered Mi'er's words, these white lights are the force of nature, and they must contain various elements!
He wants to collect some of this element, anyway, there are a lot of natural forces in his chaotic world.

Zhang Chen began to collect many elements contained in the power of nature. His technique was already fast, and in a short time, countless brilliance floated out from the power of nature.

Those brilliance fell in front of Zhang Chen, and continuously merged to form a ball of light. Zhang Chen didn't know what level of elemental body these balls of light were, so he could only collect as much as possible and give them to Mi'er.

Zhang Chen didn't know how long it had passed, he had already differentiated a huge force of nature.

Then they were condensed into elemental bodies again, and enough elemental balls of various colors were collected. The number could no longer be counted, and there were more than a thousand types. These are more than a thousand kinds of elemental bodies.

At this moment, Zhang Chen stopped.

He felt that the goddess of nature was about to wake up. He took back the collected elemental bodies and opened his eyes towards the goddess of nature. At this time, the goddess of nature opened her eyes slowly!
Zhang Chen immediately looked at the goddess of nature, this time he didn't fall into it, but felt the emotion contained in the gaze.

It was endless pity, as if she was pity for everything in the world!

Her sympathy contained too much, like a warm ocean enveloping everything in the world, but Zhang Chen still felt heartbroken. He recalled that sadness, which deeply penetrated into the bottom of his heart.

He felt the same trace of sadness from this sea of ​​pity, with a sad pity.

Zhang Chen hated Death to death at this moment, but he did not lose himself.

The power of nature around is still shining on the entire chaotic world, but the source of nature around the goddess of nature has been automatically withdrawn into her reborn god body.

Zhang Chen and the goddess of nature looked at each other, and walked out of the ocean of pity. The gaze of the goddess of nature restrained the deepest thoughts in his heart, and a strong curiosity gushed out.

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and looked at the Goddess of Nature tenderly. He didn't dare to be negligent. He ate up all the cries of the gods, and he didn't forget that this was a god he couldn't offend.

What the goddess of nature said broke Zhang Chen's guard. She said softly, "Where is this? Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here!"

Zhang Chen instantly understood that the Jin Jing baby of the Goddess of Nature must not have awakened yet and was still gestating a godhead!

This is the newborn Goddess of Nature, unless the Goddess of Nature recreates the Godhead!
Otherwise, she might really disappear in this world. As long as this person cultivates properly, she can become a new goddess of nature.

Zhang Chen screamed in his heart, he found a treasure!Really picked a treasure!

It might be a good choice to accept a goddess as a maid!Hmph, what's so great about the gods, without the godhead, you can't use the power of the law, and you still have to obey me obediently!
It is very difficult to become a god, otherwise there would not be so few gods in the God Realm, but after becoming a god, it is very difficult to die, even if you fight to the death, you can't completely destroy the gods, they always have various ways to resurrect!

This is not as effective as the means of sealing or confinement.

Therefore, the battle between gods often ends with a certain god being imprisoned.

Zhang Chen is still too far away from the gods, his chaotic baby is not complete, even if it is complete, he will form his world, and then the baby needs to go through a long process to become a godhead and possess the power of law.

However, no matter whether the gods regenerate their divine bodies or reshape their godheads, there is no such trouble. They only need to be reborn, but it takes a long time and a lot of luck.

The reshaping of the godhead needs to be returned to the god baby, which is the case with the goddess of nature and the god of the abyss!
Of course, if the luck is unlucky, the god baby has an accident and is directly scattered by the enemy, then the god will disappear, but it is not death, but it is not known where, which side of the world.

This kind of situation is quite rare, because at that time, the Godhead of the Goddess of Nature has disappeared, leaving only the willpower controlled by the Divine Infant.

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