Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 374 The Complete Body

Mi'er didn't notice Zhang Chen's big talk.

Her high head immediately lowered, with a bit of cunning, she whispered: "Although Mier doesn't pay attention to them, but... Mier, Mier can't beat them."

Zhang Chen fell headfirst, and managed to stabilize his figure.

He said depressedly: "Didn't you say that you are the most powerful? Isn't it an existence that the gods can blaspheme? It seems to be invincible! Cut!"

Mi'er looked at Zhang Chen aggrievedly, and said: "He didn't directly follow the natural birth of the heaven and the earth, it was created by man-made fit, it's not perfect yet! Mi'er didn't lie, although they couldn't beat the gods, but they Don't dare to do anything to Mi'er, otherwise they will be punished by nature, and their world will suffer from the wrath of nature."

Zhang Chen could only give up in depression, thinking about it, he knew that the so-called nature must be Daqian himself!
All the worlds created by the gods are in Daqian, how can it be stronger than Daqian's will!

Hey, even they must not be detached!
However, Zhang Chen seems to have a doubt. This Daqian's original intention is not the real original human being that Wu Yi is looking for, right?
He put the question of the Seventh Princess aside, his consciousness was swept away in an instant, and he sensed the direction of the Azure Dragon Army.

Then his expression immediately turned bad. The Azure Dragon Legion had suffered heavy casualties, so naturally he wouldn't be very happy.

Zhang Chen took Mi'er's little hand and flew towards the battlefield of the Azure Dragon Army!
He shouted: "Mi'er, let's go fight monsters!"

Mier happily followed behind Zhang Chen, and exclaimed excitedly: "What is happiness? Happiness is Mier fighting monsters!"

Zhang Chen almost collapsed, where did Mier come up with so many tricks!

He shook his head and accelerated towards the Azure Dragon Army.

The undead army suffered disaster along the way, and Zhang Chen was dumbfounded.

Wherever Mi'er went, as long as there were dead spirits, they would explode themselves one after another!

Even the aura of the undead couldn't escape, and Mier caught it with a wave of her hand. Mier happily collected the aura of the undead, and shouted excitedly: "Oh, there is so much aura of death! What a good thing!" !Brother, you should also hurry up and put away this dead energy, it will be of many uses."

Zhang Chen looked curiously at the undead creatures exploding everywhere, and asked, "Why do these monsters self-destruct? What is death energy? What's the use?"

Mi'er held her pretty head proudly. The feathers on her back looked very light and beautiful. She said: "Although Mi'er can't beat the gods, they can't beat these monsters either! But they can't take How about Mier! Mier directly represents nature, performs missions on behalf of heaven and earth, and can punish any creature that disrupts the laws."

Zhang Chen's eyes gleamed, and countless thoughts popped up!

Although Mier's strength may not be very strong, but who is he, if he uses some means to make the opponent violate the laws of heaven and earth, Mier can teach the opponent a lesson.

Mi'er shook the strands of dead hands in her hand, and said happily: "A lot of dead air! These dead airs are third-level elemental bodies. If there are enough, they can be refined into pure elemental bodies! Then Mi'er will be far away from the complete body." It’s closer, and death energy can be used in many ways, it can save people, it can repair the will, and if the strength is enough, it can directly create life and form the spirit of will!”

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the breath of death to have so much effect!

He unceremoniously asked Mierhua how to collect dead energy, and then frantically began to collect dead energy. He didn't think there were too many treasures, so he was prepared.

Zhang Chenlian approached the Azure Dragon Army, destroying undead creatures and collecting dead energy.

Mier was much faster than him. When he was about to approach the Azure Dragon Army, Zhang Chen casually asked, "Mier, how far are you from the perfect body?"

Mi'er seemed to think about it for a while, and then said with some reluctance: "There is no such thing as a perfect Daqian. The strongest Daqian's original intention is the meaning of the world. Mier's goal is to achieve the meaning of the world! But now it is far away. , Mier needs to collect one hundred thousand pure secondary elemental bodies in order to become the meaning of the world!"

Zhang Chen really fell this time. He listened to what Mier said before, and thought that Mier was referring to the kind of 100% complete body, and Mier was not far behind. He didn't expect the distance to be so big!

The gap between before and after made Zhang Chen want to cry, but he could only cheer himself up in his heart, let's do it himself, let's have enough food and clothing!

Zhang Chen barely got used to Mier's hugely contrasting words.

He asked: "Then how many kinds have you collected now? What level of Daqian original intention are you now?"

Mi'er looked at the death energy in her hand, and said depressedly: "Mi'er's original body now has only seven elements, if you collect enough death energy, you can have eight types, and when the source of ten elements is synthesized After the body, Mier is the meaning of the world! Mier is still the meaning of detachment now."

Zhang Chen wanted to cry but had no tears, he just wanted a place where he could kneel down and look up to the sky and sigh with tears streaming down his face!

He felt that the world was too dim, and looked up at the sky. At this time, there were seven blood moons in the sky, and he said bitterly in his heart: God!Don't bring such a joker!

It's okay to give me a loli, but you actually got a baby over here?I'm a grandpa?
After arriving at the battlefield, Zhang Chen realized how tragic the battle was!

There are only ten thousand people left in the [-] Azure Dragon Army. The edge of the Abyss of Bones is filled with layers of corpses, forming a small hill. Countless undead creatures are still rushing towards the Azure Dragon Army. .

Zhang Chen swept his consciousness around and saw the Desire Beast!
All the agreeable beasts were injured. Obviously, the battle was extremely tragic, and even the divine beasts were injured!

Zhang Chen frowned, grabbed Mi'er and rushed over, countless undead creatures along the way blew themselves up!

Mi'er collected the death energy all over the sky, and the pressure of the Azure Dragon Army disappeared immediately.

When Zhang Chen arrived in front of the Heyi Beast, the Heyi Beast immediately transformed into Zhang Chen, attached himself to Zhang Chen's body, turned into a totem, and said weakly to Zhang Chen: "I want to take a good rest, maybe I want to advance gone."

With guilt, Zhang Chen said softly in his mind: "Don't worry, I will revise the contract with you when you recover."

The rest of the ten thousand Qinglong soldiers saw their commander-in-chief coming, and burst into a sky-high momentum. They cheered thunderously, and shouted: "The commander-in-chief is here! The commander-in-chief is here!"

Zhang Chen looked angrily at the undead creatures that were still climbing up, and with the power of will, he slammed down, and countless undead creatures fell down, and Zhang Chen finally relieved his anger a little.

Mi'er grabbed the dead breath and rubbed it continuously, then kneaded it into a ball and hit it into her forehead casually.

Mi'er felt the angry Zhang Chen, grabbed Zhang Chen's hand and shook it constantly, and said coquettishly, "Brother, don't be angry, let's see Mier help them heal their injuries."

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