Countless thoughts surged in Zhang Chen's heart, and waves of heaven rose in his heart!
The words of the Yiyi beast shocked him greatly, and he felt that his vision was opened immediately, as if the whole world was much clearer in his eyes.

After Zhang Chen lost his mind, he vaguely heard shouts of killing in the distance.

Enduring the pain, he said to the agreeable beast: "That must be the Azure Dragon Legion, you go and help them, and I will save the Seventh Princess."

The Consensus Beast looked at the bottomless abyss, and asked curiously, "Can you rescue them without me?"

Zhang Chen smiled strangely, and shouted into the air: "Come out! My baby!"

In an instant, something rushed out of his body, it was the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and the Wishful Beast was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the Golden Cudgel and exclaiming: "The Heavenly Root gave birth to a spiritual treasure? Wow, It's amazing!"

The golden cudgel flew in circles in the sky quickly.

Zhang Chen looked at it very gently, and said, "I don't know, I can feel that it wants to help me very much, so it has already conceived a spirit."

The agreeable beast stepped on Ziyan and rushed towards the place where the Azure Dragon Army was fighting.

When it was over, he left a sentence: "I just said that you don't die so easily. Building a world requires a lot of things, and you need artifacts to lay the foundation. Although you are not an artifact, you can barely make up for it."

Zhang Chen watched the Yiyi beast leave, and the golden cudgel became much bigger with the movement of his thoughts.

After flying to Zhang Chen's step, he immediately flew up with him, and rushed towards the seventh princess in the abyss.

The Yiyi beast quickly approached the edge of the abyss where the Azure Dragon Army fought.

It heard the screams of killing from a distance, and as it approached, it smelled the pungent smell of blood. When it arrived there, it saw corpses everywhere and countless undead army climbing up from the abyss of bones !
Countless hordes of undead assaulted the Azure Dragon Army, and the foot of the Azure Dragon Army became a mountain of corpses. The mountain piled up by the corpses of those comrades and the rotting corpses of the undead was so spectacular.

The Desirable Beast let out a long cry of anger. It felt angry at this time, and its figure became extremely huge!

It rushed towards the countless undead army on the wall of the Abyss of Bone, and the purple fire on its hooves spread wildly, burning towards the army of undead, burning the will of those undead into dross.

When the Qinglong Legion saw the Desirable Beast, their momentum was greatly shaken!

Although many people died, the morale they aroused was extremely heroic.

They launched an impact on the undead creatures connected to the abyss, and a strong killing intent swept over them.

The two sides collided fiercely, and those undead creatures were slammed into the bottom of the abyss.

But there are more undead army climbing up below!
They climbed up the mountain wall of the abyss, all over the mountain wall, so densely packed that it made people's scalp numb.

The purple flame under the hoof of the agreeable beast continued to burn along the mountain wall, helping the Azure Dragon Legion to reduce the burden.

It was shocked by the deadly aura of the Azure Dragon Army, and wanted to do its best to help them.

At this time, Zhang Chen continued to approach the dimensional prison where the seventh princess was located along the abyss, and encountered countless skeleton cavalry on the way.

But these skeleton knights can't hurt him, and the golden cudgel is always nourished in his endless roots. Because there is no time, it seems that endless years have passed, so a spirit was born!

It itself is even more contaminated with the atmosphere of chaos, and its power is already infinite!
By itself, it is enough to resist the flying skeleton knights.

Zhang Chen was in more and more pain, he was struggling to restrain the meaning of the dead souls in the endless roots on the body of the golden cudgel!

He was going to create the world, and under the powerful crush of Zhang Chen's will, those dead souls became more and more crazy!

They struggled to get rid of Zhang Chen's will. Zhang Chen had long been a ruthless person, and he also became fierce, trying to use the meaning of those dead souls to form a breath of life in the chaotic world with the increasing pain.

Finally he approached that dimensional cage!

He could feel the existence of the dimensional cage, but he couldn't open this dimensional world.

He yelled at Seventh Princess crazily in his heart, he tried his best to think about Amethyst's cute appearance, and Lian Xinqi brought the intimacy of both parties closer as his feelings for Amethyst intensified, and instantly burst out a powerful force .

Zhang Chen exuded the seven-color light of the seventh princess, and he stood up with difficulty.

Then he yelled at the dimension space: "Amethyst! Green Sword! Where are you!!"

Along with this crazy shout, Zhang Chen's mind gushed out violent willpower!

Following his voice, the will slammed into the space in front of him, and the countless skeleton knights around him were swept by the willpower, fell down, and fell into the abyss.

That space was distorted under the force of Zhang Chen's will, and the particularity of the space had a stabilizing effect at this time. Zhang Chen tried his best, but he couldn't tear open the dimensional prison hidden in this space.

At the same time, the spirit of the dead in his body took the opportunity to fiercely launch a collective counterattack!
Those thoughts of death finally broke the blockade formed by Zhang Chen's willpower, and once again rushed to the origin of the chaotic world, the core of the endless root, the huge mystery!
Then, these spirits of the dead devoured and destroyed them frantically, and the appearance of those undead creatures being torn apart by the undead and the breath of chaos became even more terrifying!
They became extremely huge, colliding crazily in Zhang Chen's chaotic world.

The little breath of life that Zhang Chen gave birth to with great difficulty was instantly swallowed by the will of the dead souls, and after being swallowed by the wills of the dead souls, more wills of the dead souls were formed, joining the army of the wills of the dead souls to wantonly destroy Zhang Chen's will!
This chaotic world is already overwhelmed, and the root of infinity is about to collapse and split!
Seeing that this treasure of heaven and earth that created a big world is about to disappear in smoke.

Zhang Chen tried his best to support it. He stared at the distorted space, and kept muttering: "Almost! Just a bit! Just need to work harder, it will be fine!"

Zhang Chen screamed crazily. He yelled loudly, his voice shot up to the sky, and he directly swept away the skeleton knights who surrounded him again. .

Yasha grinned grimly at Zhang Chen, his body became more and more solid and gradually became clearer, only then did he see clearly that his body was the combination of countless dead souls!
Yasha said to Zhang Chen, "Give up! Inheritance of Chaos! My master is the ultimate winner!"

The appearance of Amethyst and the green sword kept flashing in Zhang Chen's mind. He stretched his hands back like crazy, leaned forward slightly, and shouted angrily: "No! No! No! I am an earth warrior, we Earthlings, never give up! I have been fighting since the beginning, director, old man, let me know why there are so many injustices, because you can never transcend!"

"My great wish is to make all things transcend the heaven and earth, make the heaven and earth have no spirit, and make the world one!"

"When my father was in Chaos, you didn't know where to feed! Go back to your lair! Sooner or later, I will steal your territory, rape your son, and take everything you have! This is me Come to Daqian's mission!"

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