Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 360 Zhang Chen's Great Wish

Zhang Chen smiled happily.

He just wrote it down and didn't think much about it.

He has endless aftertaste when he is called "good brother" by Princess Amethyst.

Zhang Chen nodded happily and looked at the seven elemental princesses, and said, "Okay! Let me ask you now, do you know where the big portal is?"

The seven princesses all shook their heads, Zhang Chen looked at them depressedly, and said: "Then we can only search slowly, anyway, we must find the big portal, I will let you go only after I leave here, otherwise I don't know if you will chase after me." kill me."

After hearing this, the seven princesses became anxious.

They are here to guard the seal and cannot leave.

Princess Green Sword cried out in a hurry: "We don't know, but our father must know. I will take you to our father! If you ask him, he will definitely find the big portal."

Zhang Chen's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this. He rolled his eyes and thought for a while, and immediately figured out the key point. He immediately laughed wickedly, and stared at the seven elemental princesses unkindly.

The seventh princess looked numb at Zhang Chen's evil smile, Zhang Chen said unhurriedly: "That's fine! But before I find your father, I have to sign a contract with you, you are so powerful, who knows you How terrifying is the father, I must make him a little bit taboo."

Princess Chiyan didn't dare to remain silent now.

She is the eldest sister, so naturally she has to be responsible for those younger sisters, and she yelled at Zhang Chen bitterly: "Dream! We won't make a contract with you, so you won't let us go, sisters, thousand Don't fall into his trap."

Zhang Chen was not in a hurry, and looked up at the magic circle above without any hurry.

He has grasped the lifeblood of the Seventh Princess, and with his nature, he will use everything he has to use it by any means.

He said lightly: "Actually, the protection of your magic circle is too weak. If you agree, I will lay down a few big laws for you, which are laws that cannot be broken without the Holy Spirit! Far stronger than the seven of you combined." Countless times! If you don't agree, I can only try to break this magic circle to see if I can leave here."

Princess Chiyan wanted to speak and continue to curse Zhang Chen, but she was speechless immediately after hearing this.

She is not afraid of Zhang Chen destroying the magic circle now, but she is attracted by the law that Zhang Chen said is more powerful than the seven of them.

The Seventh Princess is an elemental body, and their combined abilities are stronger than their father. It can be said that they are the most powerful existence in this world, but they are still controlled by Zhang Chen.

Naturally, they couldn't believe that they could keep the seal safe and sound. After hearing Zhang Chen's words, they all wanted to make the seal stronger.

Qing Nuo, who had never spoken before, spoke to Zhang Chen at this time.

Her voice was unpredictable and light, and she sounded very comfortable, and she said: "If your law is really stronger than ours and protects the seal on our behalf, we will agree to conclude a contract with you, but you must Guarantee that your law can be unbreakable even if the seven of us fit together, you will release our power later and let us experiment, and if it works, we will immediately conclude a contract."

Princess Chiyan immediately cried out anxiously: "Sixth sister, but..."

Princess Qingnuo looked at Chi Yan, her eyes were full of sadness, she said softly: "Sister, do you want to die here forever? If he really has a way to protect the seal for us, then we really Isn’t this what we have been expecting for a long time? Since he gave us freedom back, it’s nothing for us to sign a contract with him. As long as we help him find the big portal, we can live the life we ​​dreamed of without any worries. life."

Princess Chiyan opened her mouth, but was speechless.

She could only sigh deeply, looked at Zhang Chen, and nodded slightly.

Then came the other five princesses, who looked at Zhang Chen expectantly, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Zhang Chen was a little dumbfounded, seeing Princess Qingnuo's eyes full of sadness, his heart ached slightly, and he thought of Crystal, their fate with Crystal seemed to be involuntary.

Earth, I don’t know what’s going on now, I was lured to Daqian by the Holy Father of Chaos, what will happen to them?

However, this sadness disappeared as soon as he shook his head. He must fight for the detachment of all the creatures in the Realm of Change. This is his long-awaited ambition!

For this reason, he has to fight, keep fighting, until he swallows the entire Great Thousand World!

Yes, it's not a god, what he wants is all of Daqian's will!

In the end, there is only one realm left, and that is the realm of Yi!

Zhang Chen deeply buried this thought in the deepest part of his heart, suppressed by the endless root, he smiled and looked at the magic circle above, clapped his hands and flew up, leaving a sentence: "Small idea!"

Zhang Chen quickly approached the magic circle, and the seventh princess on the ground looked at Zhang Chen's figure in a daze, full of anticipation.

Princess Chiyan glanced at Princess Qingnuo, and whispered, "Sixth sister, can we really leave here? Can we really be free?"

Princess Qingnuo nodded slightly, and said softly: "Yes, as long as we help him find the big portal and send him out of here, we can have freedom."

The seven princesses were silently thinking in their hearts that they must help him find the big portal and let him leave here, then the contract would lose its effect and they could be truly free.

Standing in front of the magic circle, Zhang Chen continued to cast out various rules. He continuously cast five big rules towards the magic circle, using the five elements to protect the five directions respectively, and then the five elements combined to form a heavenly rule!
This is the most defensive supernatural power that Zhang Chen has mastered in the current law!

He believes that even the eyes of reincarnation cannot easily break this heavenly rule, because the creativity of this heavenly rule comes from the will of light that once guarded endless accidents!

Tiangui is directly connected with the will of the whole world, and fighting against Tiangui is tantamount to directly fighting against the whole world!

Zhang Chen doesn't have many methods now, the three main ones are the root of infinity, the golden cudgel, and various laws that he has mastered. Born!

He spent most of his time cultivating to explore the potential of these three methods!

Because he has endless roots, the path he takes is completely different, and he can only explore it by himself.

It took two full days and two nights for Zhang Chen to complete his strongest defensive heavenly barrier. Now, except for him, no one can destroy the magic circle unless there is a special technique!
Also, no one is against rushing out of the magic circle, unless the comer is much stronger than him!

Zhang Chen doesn't know whether his strength is strong or weak now, because he feels that he is not strong, but his methods are too advanced, so he puts his main energy on researching the root of infinity!

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