Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 350 Zongyi Gate

Zhang Chen repelled the young man in green robe, not daring to stay longer.

Using his will, he rushed towards the panicked crowd around him. He quietly attached the body of one of them, but he didn't dare to disturb this person's mind, he just hid in the dark and observed.

At this time, one after another, the sound of piercing through the air sounded, and the sound of exclamation came quickly.

Zhang Chen hastily took his treasure back, he felt that there was a will to reach the sky, this was the first time he sensed a will stronger than his own!

He thought, could it also be a will inheritance?
It seems that this Eastern Mind Realm is really a bit daft, no wonder Elizabeth's mechanical legion and clone evil cultivators have been unable to do anything to the Eastern Mind Realm for a long time.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to release his consciousness anymore. He hastily shrank the black hole of consciousness into a point, blended into the flesh and blood of the body, and quietly followed the owner of the body.

Anyone who wants to have great supernatural powers will never be able to detect Zhang Chen's existence.

The shrunken protons are like teardrops melting into a pool of water compared to the huge flow of will in the space, how to find them?Can't find it at all!

Zhang Chen is no longer a rookie who just arrived in the endless land!

At the same time, he also knew that the mental realm where Tianyizong was located had a very low level of cultivation will, and the mental realm here was not comparable to them, so he didn't dare to use himself as an experiment.

He knew that he was immune to the will flow of the willing, but the willing had so many means, he didn't want to take risks.

Zhang Chen quietly observed what was happening outside. Just now, he saw more than a dozen masters who were at least in line with the will of God arrived, and among them were those who had achieved the will of mind and body, and even the existence of the will of becoming a spirit!

Zhang Chen's eyesight couldn't see through this person's strength at all, and he felt extremely terrifying.

Zhang Chen secretly hated Jue Mingzi's lack of knowledge, he didn't pay much attention to the Eastern Realm before, it was all because Jue Mingzi's knowledge gave him a wrong understanding, thinking that the Eastern Realm was just as unpopular as Jue Mingzi!
Unexpectedly, the Eastern Mind Realm is a truly huge existence, and the place where Jue Mingzi is located is just a barren area in the Eastern Mind Realm, which can be said to be the master of the endless land!
Zhang Chen was on guard carefully, he estimated that if there was a fight, there was a [-]% chance of winning!
But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of the result. He didn't know whether his ability was sure to fight against so many masters of will and the meaning of becoming a spirit!

However, there is no problem in escaping, but you have to break through that realm of will first!
The field of will is quite powerful, and Zhang Chen needs to use the endless root for a long time to break through it, but this is someone else's territory, how can he have so much time.

Zhang Chen hid on that person, he no longer paid attention to the outside, but quietly figured out how to escape.

After a long time, he heard a peaceful bell ringing outside, and immediately looked outside.

I saw that the volunteers here were all running towards the same direction, and I didn't see them panicking and anxious.

Zhang Chen reckoned that they had already let down their vigilance.

When he arrived at the place, Zhang Chen suddenly saw the gold plaque hanging on the south gate of the courtyard. The plaque was shining with golden light, shining brightly, and there were three bold and unrestrained characters written on it, Zongyi Gate.

Zhang Chen secretly groaned, he was connected with the avatar, and knew that this sect of mind is one of the three major sects in the oriental mind world, the real sect of cultivating will!
He secretly cursed at that damned stubborn stone, and said in his heart, don't let me escape, or I will swallow you up.

The disciples of Zongyi Sect who practice will slowly enter the practice square. In front of the square is a majestic palace. These disciples are orderly and not chaotic at all!

The person possessed by Zhang Chen seemed to be of high status, so he directly entered the palace and sat in the middle seat.

Not long after, many people came in and took their seats. They sat quietly on the futons. After all the people arrived, eight people came up from the back hall, all of whom had the strength according to God's will.

After a while, a person who had achieved the mind-body came out slowly. He was dressed in a yellow robe and seemed to be the head of the Zongyi sect. In charge of the hospital.

The head of Zongyi Sect was called Li Yin, and Li Yin said calmly, "Why did the bell ring and who did it?"

Ru Yin, the head of Zongyi Gate Law Enforcement Hall, stepped forward and said slowly: "Senior brother, I was the one who rang the bell. The black devil came again just now, so I rang the bell as a warning."

Ruyin's disciple, the green-robed young man Ji Lingzi who had fought against Zhang Chen, looked forward with his face darkened, and said tremblingly and startledly: "I report to the master master, the master only rings the bell when I call, I saw The Dark Lord suddenly appeared, and he tried his best to stop him, but he was no match for him."

Li Yinchang's thick eyebrows and big eyes, because he has cultivated to the state of mind and body, so youth is not lost, he looks chic and magnanimous, but his complexion is gradually dignified, slightly pensive.

"The black devil came to investigate my Zongyi sect again. It seems that the earth devil's sect is about to attack my Shenzhou. This matter is no small matter. It must be investigated clearly. The black devil must have not left. This time we have our colorful The domain protects the mountain and will definitely keep him here."

Everyone nodded hurriedly, and they listened to Qiu Linghe who was beside Lie Yin and said: "Master Li, the black devil has strange methods and powerful strength. I'm afraid it will hurt the disciples of Zong Yi's sect. Why don't you let the ordinary disciples of my sect The disciples stay here to avoid disaster, and the will masters among us will investigate carefully, so it is good!"

Li Yin hesitated, but finally said: "I'm afraid this is not good, right? The Dark Lord is powerful, if I don't gather all my forces to search, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be effective, then the Dark Lord will not be able to keep him. "

With a smile on his face, Qiu Linghe stepped forward and whispered in his ear, "The Dark Lord is extremely powerful. Thinking about how many famous sects the Dark Lord has destroyed with his own strength, there are countless masters who are in harmony with the will of heaven. Annihilation, now with the strength of our mere Zongyi sect, how can we trap the black devil? In my opinion, we should not only protect the disciples under the sect, but also set aside a passage to let the black devil Liyun, otherwise the black devil The devil was forced to do nothing, he couldn't break through the sky-reaching seven-color field, and suddenly went berserk, and Zongyi's gate was in danger."

An angry look appeared on Li Yin's face, but he was still trying to bear it.

He said kindly: "If that's the case, where does the prestige of Zongyimen exist, and why does my famous school have integrity?"

Qiu Linghe shook his head and said softly: "No, it's not that, it's not that we are unwilling to help Shenzhou eliminate the black devil and eliminate such disasters. We really have our own intentions but no power! Zongyimen Shenzhou prestige, famous and upright, although It’s true, but if you force yourself to do something that you can’t do for this reason, wouldn’t it damage the nature of the world, as long as I have a clear heart, it’s not a merit based on what others say, and merit is in people’s hearts.”

What Qiu Linghe said was incomparably excessive, it simply distorted the truth!

The more Li Yin heard it, the angrier he became, he tossed his long sleeves, and said in a bad tone: "Master He, I'm sorry that this matter will be difficult for me to obey."

Qiu Linghe clapped his hands slightly, looked at the back hall without hesitation and said: "It's okay, it's okay, if I'm next, the head of Lie Yin doesn't have to obey, but the head of Lie should think about it, I am the elder. It's sealed, although Qiu Linghe has not sat on the position of elder for a long time, but he is not greedy, if you want to take it, you can take it, but I am afraid that you will have a hard time explaining to Jiu Tianling."

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