Dax's eyeballs clearly reflected the movements of Jack and Barbara.

The chip in his brain is quickly calculating these actions that can be reduced or increased!
The answer he got was not comprehensible to him now.

Zhang Chen asked with a smile: "Then, who is he? Where is he now?"

After a few seconds of silence, Dax said: "He is the father, and the father is dead!"

Zhang Chen could clearly see that when talking about death, the obviously different robot in front of him had a faint hatred and murderous intent in his tone!
So, Zhang Chen cautiously began to ask: "How did he die? Someone killed him? Oh, don't you need to follow certain rules?"

Dax remained silent this time, did not speak, and the light in his eyes flickered!

But Zhang Chen could see that the aura around Dax's body was spinning crazily.

Zhang Chen, Jack, Barbara, and Dax stood in the farm, looking up at the people flying all over the sky and some weird special machines or things!

There are also armed aircraft, armed mechs, and a series of technological weapons that shuttle among them!

This is much more awesome than the many armed forces Zhang Chen saw during his battle in the Realm of Yi!

Zhang Chen sighed: "It's really a big battle. It seems that the entire south is the strength of Tianyi City. Their strength is too terrifying. When they came to Endless Land, they didn't have such a huge war weapon. Huh... that old man It's really worth it!"

The sound of sirens kept ringing nearby, never stopping, and law enforcement officers coming and going on the suspension track could be seen from a distance.

Finally, several law enforcers started to search the manor!
They were investigating, and the law enforcers got off the flying car and walked towards the four people with their innocent eyes blinking. The law enforcers at the front were holding a special communicator in their hands and kept reporting what was going on!
At the same time, he took out a few photos in his other hand and showed them to the four of them.

The law enforcement officer asked with a bit of fierce panting: "It's not peaceful recently, not at all, hey, everyone, have you seen three strange people, um, look, look, they are the ones in the photo These few people! You better not have seen them, otherwise, you are dead!!"

Several other law enforcers shook the execution orders in their hands towards the four of them, and walked towards other parts of the manor!

A female law enforcement officer went straight to the house and walked in.

Zhang Chen immediately picked up the conversation. He was afraid that Dax, who could not play with his brain, would make a mistake, so he said with a very innocent expression: "What happened? We saw several people flying around in the sky. ,terrible!"

The law enforcer put away the photo, put it in his pocket, and warned the four of them viciously: "Hey, boy, you'd better not inquire! Forget what you see now, otherwise, you will also be in trouble! Heh heh heh, there are some things you don't need to know, but, hey, if you don't, right away, you don't want to forget and you won't remember! Geer, Lark, let's go, there is no situation here, there is no situation."

Several law enforcers who were wandering around in the manor turned back and walked towards the flying car. It didn't look like they were on a mission. Only the female law enforcer who entered the house did not come out.

The leading law enforcement officer stopped and shouted impatiently towards the room: "Dear Yisha, if you don't show up again, I will report to the team leader and transfer you to another department. Hurry up, we will return to you!" There are many places to be confirmed, although this idiot's action is pointless."

However, there was still no sound in the room, it was quiet, and the four of them still had the same ignorant and very innocent expressions. A light flashed in Dax's eyes, and he became unresponsive and returned to his original state.

At this time, the law enforcement officers became alert, and the leader looked at them suspiciously, and warned, "You guys, stay there and don't move."

Zhang Chen became nervous, and immediately realized that something was wrong!
He patted his head, forgetting about those strange instruments in the room.

Almost at the moment when Zhang Chen regretted it, there was a scream from the room not far away!
Several law enforcers realized something was wrong, and they stretched out their hands to take out their weapons. After they finished this action, they immediately fell to the ground. Zhang Chen immediately sensed that they were dead.

Zhang Chen hurried over and looked at these bodies warily, but he didn't see any wounds on these bodies, even the slightest wounds.

Jack yelled in panic from the side: "Someone is coming, many people are rushing towards us! They must have some strange ability to sense what happened here."

Barbara looked at Dax angrily and said, "What's going on? What's going on? Don't you have to kill them? Damn it, your ability is really too powerful."

Dax shrugged innocently, still with a cold expression, and said lightly: "I don't know, I don't know, I just sensed that twelve little guys popped out of a strange prop, um, that , it was the law enforcer who went in just now that touched the organ."

Zhang Chen raised his head, and he could already see thousands of followers arriving!

These guys were wearing strange equipment, and they were holding huge weapons that Zhang Chen had never seen before, and he hadn't even seen these things in Endless Land!

These must be Tianyi City's own research and development, and some guys who don't rely on tools volley around here.

The moment Dax raised his head, his body crouched down!
The muscles all over his body bulged violently, and he bounced towards the sky!
Before rushing in front of those guys, he just punched them. Zhang Chen even saw the ripples in the air broken by Dax's punch.

In an instant, the guy facing Dax turned into pieces!
However, at the same time, there were dozens of the same people around him!
The unscrupulous Zhang Chen was also frightened at this time. With his ability, he couldn't clearly see the countless shadows that Dax transformed into. They were not illusions, but afterimages caused by rapid movement!
My God, is this what technology can achieve?This is smashing the root of mind, which has already surpassed the scope of will!

After the Dax bombardment was completed, the sound reached Zhang Chen's ears, obviously his attack speed had surpassed a certain constant speed: "Attack program starts, acceleration mode, fist attack, multi-directional, phantom fist style! "

Zhang Chen could barely see the afterimage, but what others saw was different!

They only felt strange, the inexplicable dozens of people suddenly exploded and became bloody fragments, which made them open their mouths and start to fear.

Zhang Chen rushed to the sky with a roar, and hurriedly yelled: "Hurry up, we should go, damn place! A place that can produce such a horrible guy as Dax must be sure to catch us, I don't want the situation that was finally formed to be torn apart by myself!"

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