The middle-aged man waved his hand!
Immediately, more than a dozen people rushed over viciously and set up Jack!
Jack kicked his feet, and muttered loudly to himself in amazement: "Is there such a good service here? Woohaha, it's so cool! Barbara, I feel that there is going to be trouble here."

The middle-aged man walked up to Jack who was being erected, and smiled sullenly a few times!
Then he said: "Yes, yes, cute little guy, you are going to be in trouble, but Miss Barbara will not be in trouble, hehe, hehe, are you questioning the fairness of our casino?"

Jack rolled his eyelids, looked at the middle-aged man with an idiot's eyes, and shouted: "Roskill, you idiot, you idiot, do you think you are superior because you defected to a new master? You failed You are a ruler, your rules are doomed to be wrong every time you make a decision, aha, what a good ability, it can affect other people's luck, but your own luck is terrible!"

Roskill took a step back in shock, stared at Jack, and asked with an expression of disbelief: "You know me? Who are you? God, what's wrong with this world, do I know everyone who is already famous? Why? Why can everyone who sees me know my details. "

Jack kicked his legs and kicked a certain point on the thighs of the two people holding him at the same time!
Those two people immediately let go of their hands in pain, bent over and lay on the ground convulsively, Jack walked up to Roskill angrily, but he was very happy!

His plan was very successful, he jumped up next, grabbed Roskill's collar with his hands, and shouted at Roskill who bent down: "Stupid fool, I have the information of all the rulers in Shishi City , 80.00% of my subordinates are rulers, and the number accounts for 60.00% of the rulers, now, do you know who I am?"

Roskill took a step back in horror, and immediately turned his head and wanted to run, but he had no chance, Barbara stood in front of him, and asked softly: "Excuse me, did you cheat me of money? Oh, oh, oh, has that nasty little guy already admitted that what he said was bullshit?"

Roskill smiled awkwardly, backed away slowly, and said discouragedly: "Look, look, I just said that my luck is bad and I can't come forward! I'm sorry, Miss Barbara, we don't I didn’t mean to cheat you of money, you see, we didn’t know you were a ruler, if we knew, we wouldn’t dare to borrow hundreds of courage from us.”

Barbara tilted her head, stayed where she was, looked at Roskill, sneered, but said softly: "So, what that guy said is true?"

Roskill quietly looked at Jack who was standing there with his arms folded as if nothing had happened out of the corner of his eyes, nodded desperately, and called out as a matter of course: "Of course, what Master Jack said is of course true. Master Jack never Lies!"

Barbara snorted, quickly gathered a water polo in her hands, and said angrily: "So, have you admitted that you cheated of my money? Hehe, tell me, what should I do now?"

Roskill looked at the two children in front of him with a headache, and said in pain, "I'll give it back to you, why don't I give it back to you!"

Barbara rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, and shouted: "So, are you afraid of him more than me? Hehe, if I have the time, my money can be multiplied dozens of times, maybe hundreds of times." How about, aha, and, how dare you lie to me, damned bastard!"

Roskill almost fainted on the spot, and hurriedly shook his head in denial: "No, that's not the case, I...damn it, do I have to admit that I'm afraid? Oh...please don't be like this, I admit it, I'm afraid of you, both of you Scared of all, as many as scared.”

Jack and Barbara stared at Roskill with wide eyes, stared closely at Roskill, and said in childish voices at the same time: "No, no, which one of us is better, which one are you more afraid of? Can choose a person."

Roskill regretted that he appeared here, screamed and ran away, reasoning with the two children, purely for nothing!The hundreds of casino thugs looked at the running Roskill, this mysterious man was forced by two children to run towards the gate.

Barbara rushed towards Roskill quickly, and Jack hurriedly chased after him, screaming: "Barbara, Barbara, I think this casino is ours, let's forget it."

Barbara fiercely chased after Roskill, and said in a cold voice: "No! Why do you want to forget it? Damn it, he dared to lie to me. I must find him to settle the account."

Jack complained endlessly, chasing after him and saying endlessly: "Barbara, the master asked us to find compression crystals, but didn't ask us to make trouble! Damn it, Roskill, stop me immediately, I can't run Now, if you don't stop, I will send someone to steal your place, arrest you and send you to the prison of the Federation!"

Roskill obediently stopped escaping, and said softly, quite wronged: "You can't do this, I am a harmless person, and the prisoners there are all crazy guys, guys who fantasize about controlling the city, I just want to mess around. Eat a bowl of rice, my rules will neither harm the city nor destroy the world, let alone allow me to act as the overlord here."

Barbara kicked Roskill on the chin, and kicked Roskill to the ground. After rolling seven or eight meters away, Barbara kept yelling angrily: "How dare you run, how dare you run away?" What, your rules are harmless, do you mean mine are? Oh, yes, Jack, my dear Jack, what's up with the union prison, I think it's an interesting place, sir I'm sure you'll love it."

Jack had a headache, and consciously filtered out Barbara's words. He muttered to Roskill, "Roskill, if you use your rules to influence other people's luck, so that he can be lucky enough to become a city manager, then , you are not far from the dictator of Shishi City."

Barbara leaned in front of Roskill, stared at the pale Roskill and said, "Now, let's talk about our problem. You cheated me of 3000 million compressed crystals. Now, what are you going to do?"

Jack also came up to him, and said with a wicked smile: "If you don't plan to carry out that crazy plan, you can definitely compensate Miss Barbara with a hundred times the compression crystal. It's none of my business, the current federation is no longer responsible for Shicheng City."

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