Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 313 Endless Conquest

Zhang Chen is very casual, do what comes to mind!
He has no scruples and constraints at all, and never puts any pressure on himself.

Because, the calculation of the father of chaos made him unable to see hope, unable to see through the truth, he was afraid!
Elizabeth's plan is to use the resources of the ruins to build a huge robot factory, and then rebuild the city. With the existence of Zhang Chen, a murderous god, she has no scruples!

In the past, the endless land was forbidden to mass-produce robots, but now it doesn't matter anymore!

Elizabeth was originally the chief academician of the Academy of Special Sciences, and she possessed a lot of technology. To be able to sit in this position, she has undergone a special transformation!

The Academy of Special Sciences studies the comprehensive development of civilization, rebuilds civilization and restores various technologies. It is not a big problem for Elizabeth. The key is time and resources, including human resources and energy.

In just a few days, with the help of the bandit robots, a robot production line appeared, and then a large number of robots were born in batches!
Added more robot production lines to build, and soon the robots were all over the ruins, and the construction of the city began. Elizabeth did a great job.

Zhang Chen led a team of robots to sweep away all forces within the domain of will!
Beat all the dissatisfied people to the ground, and then pull them back to the rebuilt city. Of course, he has looted all the compression crystals of these people!

After Zhang Chen swept across the field of will, with the efforts of countless robots, a huge city stood up and began to develop outside the field of will.

Elizabeth was busy building and managing the city, but Zhang Chen slipped away quietly!

As the city grows, Elizabeth often drags him to do coolies everywhere. He is so disturbed that he can only run away. Before leaving, he tells Elizabeth to look for the whereabouts of endless meaning.

Zhang Chen's plan to find the meaning of endlessness is to form the entire endless land into areas of influence!Exploring and searching in the area, he didn't believe that the power of the entire endless land could not find the whereabouts of the endless meaning.

With the compressed crystal, Zhang Chen can barely resist the feeling of hunger!

It felt very uncomfortable, and Zhang Chen even wondered if he would die of starvation if he didn't feed the black hole.

Zhang Chenfei advanced rapidly in the air, leaving enough area for Elizabeth to develop!
After seeing a place where people gathered, he landed in a city, protected by a light curtain. The city is not bad, people live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone has a satisfied smile on their faces, which is better than the one he swept. That place is too strong, at least there are no ruins, and it seems that it has not experienced too many disasters.

Randomly running around in a street in the city, looking at the city with curious eyes!

When he sees novelty gadgets, he buys them. He robbed a lot of compressed crystals before, and also collected a lot of common coins, but the main currency in circulation now is compressed crystals.

After Zhang Chen felt hungry again, he reluctantly took out the remaining 1000 yuan of compressed crystals to feed the black hole, and then ran around the city to see if there was any place that sold compressed crystals!
However, compressed crystal is an extremely important material, and it is a controlled product in a city that has formed a large scale. He has searched the entire city, but he has not been able to find a place where he can sell a large amount of compressed crystal.

But his behavior caught the attention of the city administrators, and several people followed him quietly immediately!

Zhang Chen also noticed the strangeness in an instant, hesitated for a while, and then teleported towards the building in the center of the city, hiding his breath by the way, and changing his appearance!

He didn't want to cause trouble, the most important thing now was to feed the black hole, which required a lot of compressed crystals, and looting alone was not enough.

The few people who followed him were stunned immediately, teleportation was too magical for them!
They immediately reported to their superiors. The city's security team searched for a long time but failed to find Zhang Chen, so the matter was left alone. There are also many mysterious legends on the endless land, and no one can know too much.

When Zhang Chen arrived in front of the government building square, he saw people all around him, men of all colors holding powerful weapons in their hands, yelling non-stop, and there was a long queue in front of the government gate.

Zhang Chen walked over curiously, and only after hearing the comments from the people next to him did he realize that it was conscription!

Zhang Chen didn't want to know exactly what was going on, he only thought of being in the battlefield with countless streams of will flying around, silently absorbing and feeding the black hole!
He has already experimented, as long as he uses the correct technique, he can absorb those weapons will flow.

Without thinking too much, he immediately rushed up to sign up excitedly!
And it's the most dangerous fighter, that is, the one who rushes forward desperately with a weapon in hand, the kind who is used as cannon fodder!

That's what he needs, being on the battlefield, and the battlefield of direct weapon confrontation can allow the black hole to absorb enough will flow to stabilize the black hole at its current stage.

After the conscription was completed, Zhang Chen put on his military uniform, boarded a suspension vehicle, and was taken to the barracks!
Then someone arranged for them to live in their own dormitories, and asked all the recruits to wait for the notice.

In the barracks, Zhang Chen was lying on the bed wearing a military uniform, with his eyes tightly closed!

He has been studying the root of mind for a long time, hoping to make greater use of the root of infinity in his body!
He once used the power of heaven to master the avatar technique, but after he collapsed the heaven, he never used it.

Now he has too many things to do, that is, to divide the entire endless land into regions, to absorb the flow of will to feed the black hole, and to be busy instigating the flames of war on the entire continent!
Even taking into account the need to collect a large number of compressed crystals for emergencies, he feels that one is not enough.

Soon, a phantom appeared in the space, which gradually condensed and became clearer and clearer!
A little bit of consciousness split from his black hole successfully condensed into a clone. Zhang Chen was already sweating profusely. It wasn't that the flow of will was not enough, but it was a test of his subtle control over various will flows.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zhang Chen saw himself exactly like him!

The two stared at each other, Zhang Chen touched his head, and the avatar also touched his head, Zhang Chen rolled his eyes, and the avatar also rolled his eyes, Zhang Chen felt something was wrong, he lowered his head and thought about it, and then cut off A conscious connection between the two.

The avatar let out a shrill scream, holding his head and screaming!

Zhang Chen hugged the clone quickly, and then desperately poured his will into the weakened body of the clone. With his movements, the body of the clone began to solidify and gather again.

Zhang Chen's avatar stared at Zhang Chen's original body with a smirk, Zhang Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, and disappeared without a sound. Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he casually withdrew the field of will that he had set up, and fell asleep!

He is waiting to be called to gather, and then see how it is arranged, and then it depends on the situation!

Anyway, he couldn't find the meaning of endless for a while, he had a lot of time to waste, and he knew there was nothing he could do if he was in a hurry.

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