Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 303 The Meaning of Endlessness

Elizabeth was dumbfounded listening to Zhang Chen talking to himself!

Since the discovery of the meaning of endlessness, the endless land has immediately developed into the most powerful civilization!
They dare not study the meaning of endlessness, why?Afraid of finding out the truth?Or are you just kidding yourself?

However, she now believes that the meaning of infinity is not a simple scientific and technological product researched by a certain super civilization to evolve itself, nor is it a supernatural mysterious thing!
Zhang Chen's speed is very fast, the space where the Endless Land is located is a whole continent, there is no outer world, no universe, no starry sky, at least Zhang Chen has not read any information about these from Elizabeth's memory!
But this continent is so big that even Zhang Chen's consciousness can't cover everything!
Fortunately, the endless land has the meaning of endlessness, from which many advanced science and technology have been developed, otherwise their forms would not be able to operate perfectly!
Zhang Chen is glad that the person he brought has a high status, otherwise, based on the status of other people, he would definitely not be qualified to know the location of the central area of ​​the Endless Land!

Fortunately, the place where he jumped out was the Special Academy of Sciences in the central area of ​​the Eternal Land, otherwise there would be trouble, at least he would have to obtain authorization to use the ultra-long-distance space transmission system, which is troublesome!
What he will have to deal with is an army of hundreds of millions.

But his troubles have only just begun. As the core of the endless land, how can endless intentions not be guarded by heavy soldiers?

And the Endless Land, which has received technical support from a large number of different types of space civilizations, how can it be as simple as it looks, and there are hundreds of millions of armed forces guarding the regional transmission system!
Not to mention the endless meaning of the lifeblood core of the endless land!

What Zhang Chen has to face is different from a certain huge force on a certain interface, but a super civilization that has gathered all the forces comparable to the entire space, has moved towards unification and has developed for nearly 3 years!
There is super powerful technical support behind this civilization.

Zhang Chen thought about it, thought about why he rushed here through the extension system of endless meaning!
That's because Wu Yi, the father of Chaos, must have been here a long time ago!

Since he left the Realm of Yi, he has walked into the path arranged by Wu Yi for him!
Wu Yi, what exactly do you want to do, you are forcing me step by step, what kind of goal do you want to achieve!
Zhang Chen even knew that as an inheritance of chaos, he was deeply influenced by Wu Yi!
Whether it's heart, or character, it's the same!
Sometimes, he wouldn't even know Wu Yi's influence on him, but later, he gradually discovered it!

Zhang Chen faintly discovered that the ball of light in his body had now formed a black hole in the shape of a black hole.

I'm afraid it's not easy. If he is an inheritance, then what is this ball of light?
Just a door to Daqian?A channel to communicate with the world?

He even suspected that this ball of light came from the endless root in the endless meaning!
Scary, really scary, Wu Yi, Wu Yi, what on earth do you want to do!
Step by step, let me go, where is the end!
These should be the path you have walked, if you can't reach the end, why should I be able to!

Zhang Chen began to study the black hole in his body, and finally began to pay attention to his true power!
This will be his only way out, and also the only hope for countless space civilizations!
Get rid of control, regain your freedom, and no longer be at the mercy of others.

Zhang Chen raised his head and looked at the invisible pointed building stupidly. This building is like a pillar supporting the whole world. There is no sun or darkness in the endless land. The four seasons are like spring, and the sky is infinitely high!
It is impossible to see where this pillar extends.

This building is the result of gathering the power of the entire endless land and using the technology of a certain civilization in the endless meaning. The former endless land, like all civilizations in the world, is full of wars and disasters, and it is endless in front of life. There are countless mysteries on the earth.

Even if the Endless Land has acquired the heaven-defying will of the Infinite Intent, with the support of scientific or non-scientific theories from countless worlds, the Eternal Land still maintains an impenetrable mystery in front of them!

This is not something that beings at the human level can see through!

Only the transcendent and huge existence that surpasses ordinary creatures can understand it!
That is to say, the existence of Wu Yi's series can create the existence of a world with his own will!

This endless land must be an extremely powerful will!
Elizabeth was enveloped by Zhang Chen's intentions, and also floated in mid-air!

Although she has seen the miraculous means of the smuggler countless times in the extension system of endless meaning, she is still very curious. Isn't she too panicked now!

The endless land also has scientific means that allow people to fly into the air without any equipment, but no one in these endless lands will be rare. People here are willing to do meaningful things, such as learning and exploring.

Elizabeth persuaded Zhang Chen: "I say you should leave as soon as possible. There is no way. The power to maintain this light curtain comes directly from the endless land. You are absolutely invincible! Unless you can fight against the entire endless world!"

From the earth?That is the meaning of the ruler of this world!
Afraid?Zhang Chen sneered, I am also the inheritor of the meaning of the world, how could I be afraid!
That's right, you can't be more powerful than you can be!
But now I have the endless roots inherited from chaos!
Zhang Chen angrily took out his Ruyi Golden Cudgel. He is a person who came from the war civilization. Killing and destroying have become the imprint of his life!
After countless years of fighting Pan Gu, the spirit of chaos in the Realm of Change, he has been cultivated!

He has the arrogance inherited from Yi Zhi, and the aura of contempt for the world!
He is now a lawless person!
Here, he has no scruples at all!

Because this is not his home, he can do whatever he wants!
Therefore, Zhang Chen resolutely challenged the original will of the endless world!

He roared angrily: "You have endless meaning, I have endless roots! Let's see who is stronger!"

"Look at my endless mind root changes! The root of heavenly law, show me!"

The golden cudgel in Zhang Chen's hand flew out in an instant, becoming extremely huge, and the head and tail were also invisible!
He gritted his teeth, and the output of the power of will in the black hole was almost at its peak!
This made him almost unbearable, and the violent force of will was desperately contained in the golden cudgel!

This Yibao has already surpassed the means of the Yizhe, and its power is incomparable!
This Yibao immediately slammed down towards the light curtain outside the spire.

The power confrontation between Zhang Chen and the light curtain is terrifying!
It was silent at first, and then the dazzling light began to spread from the place where the two touched as the center point!
Radiating towards the entire endless land at a speed exceeding the speed of light!

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