Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 295 The Big World Is Too Weird

Zhang Chen took two steps!

The beauty behind that released the flying sword, and said softly: "Click!"

The flying sword arrived in an instant, showing sea blue water waves, and hit Zhang Chen fiercely!
But something happened, the beauty's flying sword didn't hurt Zhang Chen!
Instead, it penetrated into Zhang Chen's body and disappeared.

The delicate consciousness connection between the beauty and Feijian was suddenly cut off, and her mind root was immediately damaged!
Wow, spit out blood again, it was even worse, looking at Zhang Chen in fear!

Zhang Chen felt something was wrong on his back, turned around and touched it, but found nothing!
But seeing the beauty vomiting blood again, he hesitated!

With this hesitation, the rules of heaven and earth in this world took advantage of the situation and directly crushed the will root in his body!
Under such circumstances, Zhang Chen's heart softened, and he ran back with a sigh.

He said dejectedly: "Forget it, brother, I don't care about you, let me check."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back and spit out another mouthful of blood!
She couldn't move now, and anxiously looked at Zhang Chen who was walking over, feeling terrified.

But Zhang Chen's weirdness made her curious again, not only the power of will ran into Zhang Chen's body inexplicably, but even the clear water sword condensed by the root of his life was taken away by that person!
If he did it on purpose, it doesn't look like it, I'm afraid he doesn't even know what happened!
Who is this kid?what on earth is it?

She didn't know at all that although Zhang Chen came from a universe created by a powerful intention.

But it is far inferior to the power of the mind in the world they live in. It's not that they are not strong, it just depends on who uses them!

If it is that powerful, I am afraid it will directly crush him!But Zhang Chen, he hasn't integrated into this world yet!
As long as you give him enough will and enough insight, you can use the endless roots in his inheritance!
Then, this world might not be enough for him to see!
Zhang Chen carefully inspected the beauty's body with a serious expression!
He was influenced by the rules of this world again, but he still knew it clearly in his heart, but his personality changed drastically.

Zhang Chen put away his obsession, carefully checked the beauty's condition, finally took his pulse, and said to the beauty seriously: "You are out of breath, your blood is out of balance, so you vomit blood, the rest is fine!"

The beauty stared blankly at Zhang Chen's expression. She thought Zhang Chen would attack her because of Zhang Chen's obsessive look just now, but she didn't expect that he really checked her body!
The malice just now eased a lot, but when he heard Zhang Chen's judgment, he immediately trembled with anger.

How could it be as simple as what he said, I was injured by my mind, my consciousness was damaged, my willpower was even more empty, and my whole body almost collapsed, all thanks to him.

Zhang Chen sent a wretched smile, and said cautiously: " lie down and rest for a while, I'll take a step first, and play with you another day!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly slipped towards the woods, but before he ran far, a cold voice rang out: "You hurt my junior sister, do you want to just leave like this?"

With a bang, Zhang Chen hit a wall of flesh, was bounced back, and fell to the ground!

He immediately yelled at the pain: "Grandma, you are fucking looking for death, you blind guy, it's easy to die if you want to die, hurry up and find a piece of tofu to bump into it a thousand or eight hundred times, and you will die comfortably."

Zhang Chen rubbed his butt, stood up with his mouth crooked!
Looking unkindly at the person standing in front of him, a handsome young man stepped on a flying sword, looked at Zhang Chen coldly, and was slowly approaching.

The young man looked at Zhang Chen with a dark look, his eyes made Zhang Chen feel terrified!

Zhang Chen is a little timid, but he is definitely not a submissive person!
No matter how scared you are in your heart, you won’t admit defeat if you don’t speak out, and immediately cursed: "Don’t look at me with your piggy eyes, I’m afraid if you look at me like this! Humph, look at you! You look so disgusting, I believe your mother vomited the first time she saw you!"

The young man's complexion turned purple, he had never heard such vicious words!
The fact is that people here can never imagine that there is such a vicious swearing culture in the world.

Zhang Chen looked at the young man with a sneer, but his heart was pounding!

This great world is too weird, why is it like this?

I shouldn't be like this!And the people here are too different from my universe!

Zhang Chen kept thinking wildly, even thinking about how to get out, it seems that there is no danger in molesting.

The young man was so angry that he jumped off the flying sword and Yujian came to kill Zhang Chen!

The flying sword he released was a ball of ice crystals, and he rushed directly towards Zhang Chen at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the beautiful woman yelled in horror: "Senior brother, don't!"

Even she didn't know whether she was afraid that her senior brother would hurt Zhang Chen, a playful and mysterious person, or that Zhang Chen's inexplicable body would hurt her senior brother.

"Bing Wen, stop, don't be rude!" came a deep voice!

The young man stopped immediately, and at the same time, the flying sword he released suddenly disappeared!

Then it appeared next to the young man, constantly circling around.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on when he saw the person coming, it was his master who stopped him!

Seeing the elders of the master's sect coming, he didn't dare to continue to be presumptuous, but the unfriendly eyes became more and more fierce.

Zhang Chen didn't notice the thrilling moment just now, he followed the sound and saw seven or eight old guys quietly appearing beside the blue stone!
An old man with a white beard looked at the beautiful woman on the bluestone with concern. Seeing this, Zhang Chen cursed bitterly in a low voice: "It's such an old cow, it's really shameless to eat such fresh and tender grass."

With a swipe, everyone's eyes were on Zhang Chen!

But he didn't care, he just rubbed his painful buttocks with his teeth bared!

He even pushed back those eyes that were staring at him one by one.

Everyone was amazed that this mortal guy in front of him was so bold!

But the strange thing is that he is not affected by the momentum and realm of everyone present!
If other mortals would have been so frightened that they would have collapsed to the ground, mortals and cultivators are two levels of people.

With the help of the old man, the beautiful woman lying on the bluestone gradually recovered, her face also flushed a little, and around the two of them, there were waves of mist.

Zhang Chen, however, was surrounded by many people who came from the air!

Even in the sky, there are more than a dozen guys with swords watching him covetously!
Zhang Chen is a little scared, damn it, I don't know if Lao Tzu's body can resist so many people!
Zhang Chen looked left and right, trying to find a gap to escape, but there were too many people, and there was no way to sneak away quietly, all eyes were on him.

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