Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 282 Where is Home?

The four girls had already attacked Wu Gang and Xiaolongnv who were protecting Xin'er, and the seven rushed towards Zhang Chen with great effort.

"No!" The patriarchs of the five clans became anxious now, looking at Zhang Chen's painful expression!
They don't want him to get better, and when he gets better, he won't get better.

Zhang Chen was still humming with a headache, his lips had been bitten, and the four girls felt a pain in their hearts when they saw this scene, and stepped forward even more.

And the patriarchs of the seven clans will not obey!

If they let Zhang Chen recover in the past, it would probably be their own disaster.

The Jade Emperor glared at the gods and generals in the sky, and shouted, "I'll take it down quickly, it's cheap!"

The gods, soldiers, and generals responded loudly, and their voices shook the sky.

But the strange-shaped magic weapon flew to Xin'er and the others!

More spells flew over, along with the holy light spell "God's Radiance" issued by the angels.The Buddhas didn't move, they kept chanting sutras, and the more they chanted, the more they chanted, but their faces were pale.

Zhang Chen is also suffering more and more... It seems that countless hallucinations have appeared!

Zhang Chen looked blankly at everything in front of him, what is it?Where is this... Zhang Chen's mind went blank.

Countless monsters are rampant on the street, looking extremely terrifying!
Countless monsters are doing destruction, as if they want to tear everything apart!
Countless monsters rushed towards Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen was still at a loss.

The hand was raised naturally, and white light flashed!

The monsters pounced in front of them are nowhere to be seen!
Zhang Chen was even more at a loss, who am I?Why is my hand like this?what are they?
When the picture flashed, Zhang Chen had left the scene just now.

Zhang Chen's heart was filled with fear, how could this happen?Where is this?Why do I feel familiar?

A little girl suddenly appeared from the air. She smiled, smiled, and smiled so sweetly: "Brother, come and find us! It's great that we are here! We are in a big garden!"

Zhang Chen was terrified, he pinched his neck with his hands, and said in his heart: "No...don't do this! I'll take care of everything alone, don't touch them!"

A little boy followed, with no expression on his resolute face, he said coldly: "Brother, don't worry about us, we will take care of ourselves!"

There were traces of bloodstains on Zhang Chen's boobs, and he was already desperate in his heart!

Why is this happening?who I am?who are they?Why am I heartbroken!Why should I worry!

Why don't you remember it!Why! !

A man and a woman appear holding hands, and they chuckle!

They stared at Zhang Chen, and the woman said, "Zhang Chen, we're fine! That man said you'll find us! Let us not worry about you! Zhang Chen, come here quickly!"

The man slowly put away the smile on his face, and he said seriously: "Zhang Chen, you must remember that you are our child, no matter what happens to you, you must remember that you are a human being! You are our flesh and blood, don't worry about us, they said, as long as you break the world, you are their king."

The four figures swayed in front of Zhang Chen, becoming more and more blurred, and the shadows became lighter and weaker.

Zhang Chen shouted with bloodshot eyes: "No...don't!"

He stretched out his hands to grab it, but his hands went through the faint shadows and couldn't touch anything!nothing! "

"Hehe!" With the disappearance of the four figures, the voice rang out strangely!
The sound was reverberating, the sound was reverberating throughout the space, the sound was everywhere, and Zhang Chen's ears hurt!
Zhang Chen desperately covered his ears, his face was terrified!

He yelled: "No! Who are you? Why are you doing this..."

The sound became louder and louder, and countless monsters screamed with sly laughter!

They raised their heads in front of Zhang Chen, and they frantically destroyed everything they could see.

"Son of Forbidden, you are incapable, you can't remember, who are you? You are the Son of Forbidden, you are the frightening Son of Forbidden." A piercing voice came from the laughter!

The sound overwhelmed everything, over the laughter, over the screams of the monsters.

"Son of Taboo, what is it? Is it me? Who am I?" Zhang Chen's eyes are getting redder and redder!

He had a headache, and he shook his head desperately, trying to avoid everything.

"You are the son of the taboo, you are the son of the taboo who can break the world! You have forgotten it, you are the king chosen by us, you must complete your mission, your power is bestowed by us, everything about you is It was given by us, you can no longer escape, you have to complete your mission!"

"Why? Why me... I don't want to do all this, don't force me."

Zhang Chen felt more and more pain in his heart, he was already sweating profusely, he felt something important was disappearing!
What exactly is disappearing?He felt powerful, but this feeling of strength was disappearing.

The voice became ruthless, "You can't escape, you dare to seal your own power, we don't allow it, never allow it! You are our king, you want to break the world and let us go home! Go home..." Voice The more he talked, the more angry he became, and finally he yelled.

"Hehe!" A weak female voice sounded, she said: "Son of Taboo, you are the same as us, you are not human, you are not a life in this world, you are our chosen king, you shoulder the mission of returning home!"

Zhang Chen was already lying on the ground, he felt that he had no strength!
He felt himself giving in, and he asked in his heart, "Why am I giving in?" A word came to his mind, a special feeling came to his heart, "Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home !"

Zhang Chen shouted: "Go home, our hometown!"

However, another voice appeared, "You are a human being, you are not their king, you are Zhang Chen! You are not a child of taboo! You are an earth warrior who belongs to the earth!"

The two voices made Zhang Chen miserable, he didn't know who he was!

He doesn't know anything!He didn't know it from the beginning!

From the moment he started to seal his own power, he fell into a trap, a terrifying plan!

Countless strange voices echoed in the space, and they laughed wantonly!

They said loudly: "Go home, go home, go home, go home..."

Zhang Chen didn't want to hear it, he wanted to escape from all this!
He closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears, but his mouth was yelling: "Go home!"

The sound became more and more distant, and the whole space shook!
Zhang Chen felt out of breath, and he was almost embarrassed by the pressure.

The body suddenly relaxed, and the whole world Zhang Chen was in disappeared.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes and looked out. Countless figures were floating in the air, and they looked at him in fear!
However, he doesn't remember everything.

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