Punch after punch hit Wang Bo's body!

Zhang Chen tried his best, but he couldn't knock Wang Bo down to the ground!

An elbow hit Wang Bo's stomach very quickly. Wang Bo saw that if he hit him hard, he would never stand in the field again, so he hurriedly blocked Zhang Chen's upcoming elbow with both hands. past.

The moment Wang Bo blocked Zhang Chen, he pushed lightly with both hands, and pushed Zhang Chen backwards.

Zhang Chen became more and more angry, and the thought of everyone sincerely trying to get along with him was getting bigger and bigger in their hearts. The angry Zhang Chen raised his head to the sky and yelled loudly.

Everyone present was stunned to see Zhang Chen's crazy appearance and had nothing to say!
But the fear in my heart is skyrocketing.

Zhang Chen shot the four of them back and forth with red eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Tell me why I feel uneasy. If something happens to my relatives, you will all die."

Wang Bo looked at Zhang Chen in fear, thankful that he didn't tell the news that would make him kill all these people somehow!
Although he didn't know if he had the ability to do this, but seeing that the three godly figures didn't look disbelieving, Wang Bo still decided to believe what Zhang Chen said.

No one spoke, Wu Gang's face was indifferent, while Xiao Longnu and Xin'er's faces were pale!

Wang Bo even had a flustered expression.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen really had no choice but to look up at the sky, hoping to find hope.

The two suns were still so venomous, and the heat emitted was roasting the earth.

Zhang Chen smiled softly, with a strange expression on his face, and the hearts of the people watching were trembling.

Turning to look at Wu Gang and Wang Bo, he said softly, "How about we have an exchange? I'm going to shoot the sun, and you guys tell me what happened."

Wu Gang said directly without thinking, "You'd better forget about this news, it won't do you any good."

Wang Bo's heart fluttered. Isn't the purpose of coming here to deal with that annoying sun?
Although I heard that person said that if he found out about this, he would die, but his own death is considered a sacrifice for the country!

When Wu Gang saw Wang Bo, he knew that he was moved, and he scolded him in his heart as an idiot, "Shut up, it's better to have one more sun than one more terrifying person! You want to live in the world of two suns!" Next, I still want to destroy even the earth and make them homeless."

"Eh..." Wu Gang's words made Wang Bo speechless, trying to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

"Okay! Okay! Okay...you are being cruel! What are you going to do?" Zhang Chen asked sharply.

Everyone is speechless, they are just here to shoot the sun!

But I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Compared with this incident, shooting the sun is already insignificant.

Zhang Chen laughed grimly, "I'm a selfish person. For myself, for my relatives, for those I love, for those I want to protect, I will not hesitate to exhaust the world! I don't know what it was like before, at least , Now I am like this!"

Xiao Longnu looked at Zhang Chen with complicated eyes!

Wu Gang put on a look of understanding, muttering in his heart, he knew it would happen.

But Wang Bo thought helplessly, why did this person behave like this, and where did he lose all the virtues of China for 5000 years.

Ordinary people don't understand Zhang Chen's mentality, even if you are like that, you don't need to say it!

Zhang Chen's uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger, what is it?He asked himself in his heart what made him feel so annoying.

Everyone doesn't say yes!Then, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, I, I will find it myself!
A thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Chen's heart, followed by Zhang Chen's gently raised palm.

Everyone looked at him inexplicably, at his inexplicable movements, at his cold expression, at his raised hand.

Not far above Zhang Chen's palm, the air started to shake, and circles of ripples spread out from one point to another.Slowly, that place became brighter and brighter, as the ripples spread out in circles!

About three meters in the air actually materialized.A round, smooth and reflective thing like a mirror stood there.

One side of that thing was facing Zhang Chen's direction. When everyone looked at it, it was a round mirror emitting soft light. The mirror even reflected the scene in Zhang Chen's direction.

"If you don't tell me, do you think I don't know?" Zhang Chen sneered.

Looking at the mirror dumbfounded, everyone felt bad when they heard what Zhang Chen said!
Wang Bo quickly called a person and asked him to evacuate the people and leave the scene.He faintly felt that something big was about to happen, something even more terrifying than shooting the sun.

Wu Gang sighed, he had tried his best, and the current situation was beyond his control.

Xiao Longnv just stood there blankly, without thinking, and just felt sorry for Zhang Chen in her heart.

Zhang Chen stared at the scene in the mirror with a serious expression...

Scenes of images appeared in the mirror.

One bloody corpse after another, one dilapidated house after another, dazzling bloodstains one after another, one place after another in flames, one car after another collided with each other...

Also, you can see all kinds of ferocious and abnormal monsters running rampant in the city everywhere!

This is what appears in the mirror!

This is Zhang Chen's hometown!
This is the news that no one wants Zhang Chen to know!
This is what makes Zhang Chen feel extremely uneasy.

Zhang Chen continued to look at the scene in the mirror blankly.

Following the change of Zhang Chen's will, the screen first shifted to Zhang Chen's... home!

It's home, Zhang Chen's home!Zhang Chen has parents and relatives!
There is also a diligent younger brother and a lovely younger sister, just like so many ordinary families in the world.

But now what?

Zhang Chen looked at the familiar environment around him, and he lost any thoughts in his heart!
Not even sadness, just receiving all kinds of information from the eyes in a state of ignorance.

In Zhang Chen's house in the picture, half of the house collapsed, all kinds of items in the house fell in a mess, blood stains can be seen everywhere, and there are even three ugly monsters that continue to destroy the dilapidated room.

Zhang Chen's pupils shrank tightly, instinctively wanting to see his parents!

My younger brother, my younger sister, but no, there is nothing but puddles of blood.

The sudden change of the scene in the mirror was another worry of Zhang Chen!
The situation of Zhang Chen's school is much better, and the regiment's army surrounded the school in the middle!

The monsters on the periphery are frantically rushing towards the army personnel hiding behind the temporary defense body.

The people in the army also used cold guns to deal with the monsters that were closer!

There are about 3 troops, probably because the troops who were guarding the outside of the school did not come when the school incident happened, or the country has some ideas and specially sent them to be stationed near the school.

The screen slowly skipped...

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