Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 270 The Tragic Alien Warrior

The timely arrival of the second wind blade caused everyone to panic, and the shield almost collapsed.

Crazy absorption, crazy injection, crazy attack, even crazier... vomiting blood!

Many people couldn't bear the shock this time, their bodies were already shattered after being pumped to pieces.

When people absorb almost all the energy in the energy-storing medium on their bodies, the first wind pole blade has all been turned into elements, and there is no threat, but the third wind pole blade has already passed.

Everyone smiled wryly, this time, they are doomed!

The shield was consumed by the first two wind blades and lost its original power. If the third wind blade came over now, the shield would collapse immediately and everyone would be cut by a thousand swords.

Everyone's heart has fallen to the bottom, and everyone is no longer holding on to any hope!

They just regretted not messing with the Forbidden Son.

Seeing that the third wind blade had come over, everyone stopped moving!

He could only stand there quietly and watch three thousand or even more wind blades shoot towards him.

At this moment, an old man in a yellow Taoist robe held a piece of yellow talisman paper in his hand!
He kept scribbling on it with his fingers, comparing back and forth, and muttered in his mouth: "The wind and thunder move, the infinite sky thunder, the Tao follows nature, and the sky and earth are extremely thunderous."

Immediately after he finished reading, he threw the talisman paper in his hand out of the barrier. In order to save energy, the barrier is for defense outwards, so Fu Lei was easily thrown out of the barrier by the old Taoist, and bumped into a lot of people outside. The size of the wind blade.

The old man probably poured the last spiritual power into the talisman paper, but he passed out after throwing it out. Because of the supernatural power of the spirit of chaos, the old man fell to the ground extremely slowly, just like a person falling from a quagmire. Slowly sinking down.

The moment the talisman touched the wind blade outside, it exploded!
More than a dozen bolts of lightning shot out from the talisman paper, and when they hit the wind blade, they split them faster and turned them into elements faster. This gave everyone inspiration, hope, and life Opportunity.

It can speed up the splitting of the wind blades outside and turn them into elements!

Everyone has seen that the wind blade has split into elements from the slap, and there is no threat.

From the attack of the wind blade at the beginning to the passive defense of everyone, everyone never thought of counterattacking these terrifying wind blades, but they didn't know that attack was the best defense.

Everyone moved again, sending all kinds of attack methods to the sidelines.

Slowly, everyone began to throw various objects out of the shield!
Because various objects can also speed up the splitting of the wind blades, stones, trees, and various objects on the ground in the shield were held in their hands and thrown towards the wind blades all over the sky!

Such a device speeds up their automatic division when encountering a foreign object.

The wind blades were split and squeezed into a ball, the tiny wind blades were almost invisible, and no other objects could be seen outside the shield, only the tiny dot-like things emitting white light that were constantly flying on the shield. The already weak shields are consumed outside, and those who still have energy to transfer speed up the energy replenishment of the shields!
The splitting of the wind blade severely intensified the attack on the shield.

Seeing this, everyone frantically used long-range attacks and threw all kinds of things to turn the wind blades into elements.

Everything on the ground was thrown out of the shield by everyone, and the bare ground was so conspicuous.

Some people even dug up the ground and threw it out in a ball.

Some people probably lost their minds in a hurry, and threw back the weapons in their hands with a flick of their hands.

The weapons in these people's hands are not simple. As a civilized warrior, I know the importance of a weapon at hand to myself, and their weapons are all good things!
Of course, relatively speaking, endurance and rigidity are also excellent.

The first person to throw the sword in his hand was heartbroken to see his partner being devastated.

However, he soon discovered that his stone-cutting sword was not destroyed by the wind blade outside like those ordinary objects before it into a speck of dust as soon as it went out, but that it was broken down by the wind blade after more than ten rounds of blows. It was cut into two pieces after a dozen times!
And the weapon that was cut into two pieces continued to split more wind blades, returning them to the arms of the elements.

This discovery made the eyes of everyone in the shield brighten, and they understood that the harder the thing that can resist blows and the larger the object, the faster and more the splitting of the wind blades will be.

Everyone is desperately looking for something that has both of these characteristics.

The shield is precarious and about to crumble.

And at least half of the third extreme wind blade has not returned to the embrace of the elements.

"Now is not the time to keep your hands. It is important to save everyone's life."

When the voice sounded, it was accompanied by a pair of meteor hammers, clearly telling everyone what to do.

Hearing this, everyone sighed and threw out all kinds of weapons in their hands cruelly.

The extra strong weapon quickly split the wind blade it encountered into elements, and everyone was finally safe.

The three supernatural powers made everyone overwhelmed, and it was only at this time that they could take a breath.

After a long period of splitting, the three extreme wind blades have all returned to the embrace of the elements, saving everyone's life and letting everyone see its terrifying power.

I believe that no one will forget the horror of this supernatural power in the future.

But is it over?

There is also the mysterious and weird supernatural power of the spirit of chaos that restricts everyone's ability to move!

This is a kind of supernatural power that no one can figure out!
After all, they are not gods!

The depressed people no longer had the energy to think so much, they just stayed where they were and rested exhaustedly. They were really tired just now, and they had never been so tired before. Is this a righteous false god?
No change, not a sound!
Everyone who just got out of danger is taking the time to rest!

Who knows if there will be other changes in the future!After all, there is still a terrifying supernatural power there!

Let's look back at Crystal, Chang'e and Guo Guoguo who were chasing behind Arya just now!
What about them now?
The three women who were chasing after Arya were shocked when they saw the three supernatural powers that Arya had unleashed!
They know very well that Arya is not simple, but her strength is very strong!

The three girls hurriedly turned around and backed away, and when no one was paying attention, they walked around behind Arya from the side.

After seeing everyone being attacked, and even seeing the terrifying supernatural powers, I was secretly startled. Is this the person who has possessed the aura of chaos?terrible!Such supernatural powers are really powerful!

But how bad are they!

Hiding in the dark and watching the scene, watching Zhang Chen!

At that moment, they clearly saw Zhang Chen's body slowly becoming transparent!

Until he disappeared without a trace, Zhang Chen disappeared!

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