Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 26 Anti-Ambush

Zhang Chen stopped, shifted his target with a gun in his hand, and shot the zombies in mid-air to block them.

The narrow space in the stairwell limited the range of movement of the zombies, the bald head suppressed one, and Zhang Chen suppressed one.

The first red-haired zombie steadied itself, and rushed to break through the line of defense, screaming and jumping.

"Hurry up to support, too!" Scarface rushed down frantically, holding a gun and shouting: "Everyone, suppress fire and buy them time!"

The adventurers were all panicked. After killing so many ordinary zombies, they were no longer afraid, but this red-haired zombie was too difficult to deal with.

The strong man followed closely behind, holding the gun and pushing and pulling the light particles in a line to hit the zombies to help suppress them.

Guo Guoguo and Zhao Fei'er also came over, unexpectedly Liu Ruomei also followed, and the three of them went side by side and shot.

With the fire blockade of five people coming to support, Zhang Chen and the bald head immediately relaxed a lot, and the three red-haired zombies they fought were retreating steadily.

"Alas! His ... Wow! Wow, wow ... 叽!"

The red-haired zombie was suppressed by their firepower to the stairs, and howled angrily, loudly.

Pan Gu momentarily analyzed the audience's comments in the live broadcast room and concluded: "It is speculated that there will be no more than five red-haired zombies, and it is recommended to advance!"

"Keep moving forward!" Zhang Chen decisively gave orders after hearing the audience's analysis: "There must be few left, let's rush into the monitoring room."

Those who were already trembling with fear on the upper floor were anxious when they heard what he said, and rushed down to catch up with the team.

They didn't want to be left here, including the old man, young man, Lan Xiaotong, Zhao Qianqian, and Bai Xin.

Now I have to bite the bullet and raise my gun to start attacking. People, they always have to be forced to do so, no one dares to be lazy.

The team was divided into three steps, and they returned to the corridor on the third floor with continuous shooting.

The red-haired zombie was suppressed to a distance by them. At the same time, the director's angry cursing and the monster's roar came from downstairs!

Zhang Chen hesitated slightly, and resolutely gave up on rescuing them. If these dead guys die, they will die!

He and the bald head turned around and continued to shoot and suppress, and stepped into the corridor, where the three red-haired zombies struggled desperately.

After the others rushed over, they concentrated their firepower again to suppress the red-haired zombies, leaving scorched hairs on their hind legs.

Many talents appeared in the audience under desperate circumstances. At this time, someone reminded Zhang Chen to prevent him from stepping into the zombie ambush.

[Anchor, don't go in!There must be high-level zombies directing them, there is a conspiracy! 】

[Yes, these zombies must have some intelligence, they seem to be deliberately leading you into the monitoring room. 】

[Get rid of these three mutants first, who the hell knows how many zombies are lurking inside! 】

[Back to the stairs, we also rely on the terrain to ambush them, catching them off guard! 】

[Leave a few people to suppress two, let one come over and deal with it in close combat based on the terrain! 】

Pan Gu concluded: "The zombie's reaction is extremely abnormal, showing an intentional guiding role, and there is a high probability of an ambush. It is recommended to give up advancing."

"Three executable plans, risk advancing the monitoring room, evacuating the four-story blocked staircase, and setting up traps to eliminate the mutants one by one."

"The third plan has received 80.00% of the audience's approval rate. It is recommended to implement it, retreat into the corridor, suppress two, and introduce one to eliminate!"

The team was still advancing, and was about to approach the door of the monitoring room. Zhang Chen stopped and shouted: "Be careful in ambush!"

"Get rid of the red-haired zombies first!" Zhang Chen obeyed the audience's suggestion and ordered: "We also set up an ambush in the corridor to lure them over."

"Okay!" The bald head supported Zhang Chen the most. In fact, except for the accident at the elevator entrance on the top floor, Zhang Chen made correct decisions every time.

Zhang Chen signaled everyone to retreat and shoot, reduce the fire suppression, retreated to the corridor again and quickly deployed defenses.

"Glasses, old man, and the three of you, go up and suppress the zombies later!" Zhang Chen casually grabbed the head.

"Scarface, big man, Mayfair Guoguomeimei, the five of you stand at the stairs to attract zombies, and at the same time fully suppress the two zombies!"

"Go there, bald. When the zombies rush in, do it together. First throw it to the stairs and then kill it in melee!"

"Glasses, you will support me and the bald head to suppress it later! Don't let me down again! If I die, you will die. Take courage!"

"There is still a scar face, Fei'er, you must trust me and the bald head! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are right next to you!"

Zhang Chen commanded calmly, pushing out the people upstairs one by one, leaving only a scar on his face. The five of them were sniping zombies.

"Aww!" The red-haired zombie looked at them, mistakenly thinking that they were going to escape, and angrily increased their strength to charge against the light particles.

After the firepower weakened, the zombies pushed back in the desperate attack, and the five people were unable to completely block the corridor.

"Fuck! It's enough to hit the two on the left!" Zhang Chen pushed the gun in Liu Ruomei's hand and pointed it to the left.

The others didn't have so many fantasies in times of crisis, they subconsciously obeyed orders, and fully sniped the two leaping zombies on the left.

The zombie on the right lost its suppression and rushed over without any hindrance. Without being affected, the red hair had to be said to be very fast.

The red-haired zombie suddenly rushed to the door of the corridor, and rushed towards Scarface and the others who were suppressing the other two red-haired zombies.

Scarface, the strong man, Guo Guoguo, Liu Ruomei, and Zhao Feier looked at the red-haired zombie rushing in horror.

They were cold all over, Liu Ruomei was the first to collapse, subconsciously turned her head to run away, Guo Guoguo followed closely behind.

"Oops! The line of defense is going to collapse!" The bald man yelled anxiously, and the audience also cursed endlessly.

However, Zhang Chen stood behind them to defend, stretched out his hand to grab the two of them and threw them back, shouting: "Trust us! Hold on, be sure to hold on!"

"Seven, six, five, four..." This is the data provided by the observation of the audience in the live broadcast room, calculated by Pan Gu.

"Get ready... three, two, one!" Zhang Chen heard Pangu's countdown and immediately shouted: "Action!"

Zhang Chen and the bald head reached out to grab the zombie's arm fiercely from the left and right sides, pulled it up and slammed it down the stairs.

"Do it!" The bespectacled youth on the stairs reminded angrily without any hesitation.

Zhang Chen's words of encouragement brought him confidence, and now only Zhang Chen still believes in him, and he is facing him, even he doesn't believe in himself!
The three actresses and the old man didn't dare to breathe. They were pale and sweating profusely, and they didn't feel the sweat dripping on the ground.

Among them, Bai Xin, she even closed her eyes in fright, not daring to look at the situation in front of her even half of the time.

But no matter how afraid they were, they still firmly remembered Zhang Chen's words just now, to suppress the zombies!
Otherwise, you will be dead, there is no way out, suppress, suppress, remember to suppress!

Under the tense situation, after hearing the young man shouting angrily, the five of them subconsciously kept pushing and pulling the light particle concentrator in their hands.

A large number of light particles shot at the zombies, and the firepower immediately covered them all. The red-haired zombies shot could not get up at all.

The scar-faced five breathed a sigh of relief. It was wise to trust Zhang Chen and the bald head just now, and they were very fortunate.

While they breathed a sigh of relief, they tried their best to attack the two red-haired zombies in the corridor, completely suppressing them.

Amid the angry howls of the two zombies, Zhang Chen and the bald head rushed towards the one attacked by the five young men with glasses.

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