Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 23 Kill the anchor

While Zhang Chen was thinking about the future, Zhao Fei'er was chatting with the bald head.

Zhao Feier asked worriedly: "Do you think the energy of the weapon will be exhausted?"

"Of course!" The bald head affirmed without hesitation: "Any technology needs the support of energy!"

"Then where does the energy of these weapons come from!" Zhao Fei'er observed the weapons in her hand but found nothing.

The bald head researched for a long time but couldn't find it, so he patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder: "What do you think!"

"Ah!" Zhang Chen looked at him in a daze, "What did you say?"

Zhao Fei'er covered her mouth and laughed, her bald head waved her gun helplessly at him, and repeated: "Weapon energy!"

"Oh! Oh!" Suddenly, Zhang Chen patted his head and said in embarrassment: "Wireless energy device!"

"What?" Zhao Fei'er couldn't understand, and her bald head was full of doubts.

Zhang Chen had thought about this question a long time ago in the reminders summarized by Pan Gu in the discussions among the audience, which made sense.

He took many detailed pictures of the weapon and sent them to the live broadcast room, including various details.

In the end, the capable people in the audience in the live broadcast room analyzed that the alien weapon does not have energy storage accessories, and it is most likely a wireless energy supply!
How could Zhang Chen understand such a novel technology, but he also understood that energy comes from air transmission.

Pan Gu reminded him before: "The planet has a concentrated energy center and a complete energy supply plan."

He looked at the confused eyes of the two people, patted his head and said helplessly, "I'm just guessing, who knows where the energy of the weapon comes from!"

The three of them were not idle while chatting. They checked other offices and wiped out the zombies when they encountered them. The fourth floor was quickly emptied.

Zhang Chen was a little disappointed, he didn't find any documents on the fourth-floor anti-biochemical invasion device.

However, they found a lot of archived documents about various plans of the monkey civilization, and scanned and uploaded them all.

Pangu's translation was posted, and some interested viewers read it one after another. This is an alien world!
After returning to the stairs, the three of them carefully touched the upper floor, turned the corner and found that the fire door had blocked the upper stairs.

There is also a dusty warning light above the fire door, which should have been turned on by the guards during the biochemical invasion.

This saves them trouble, and the three of them are completely at ease, relying on the corridor to snipe monkeys no longer have to worry about being attacked!
Even if they were no match for the zombies in the surveillance room, they would retreat to the fourth floor and evacuate from the elevator after the line of defense fell.

The others who remained on the third floor waited anxiously, excited to see them return.

"How is it? Is it safe up there? Are there any zombies!" the young man with glasses asked impatiently.

"Safe!" Zhang Chen waved his hand to signal them to go up: "Come here quickly!"

People rushed up the stairs, occupied the corner between the third and fourth floors, and set up battle lines.

"What did you do?" Scarface looked at the large number of weapons on their bodies: "The arsenal was looted?"

"Monkeys do not prohibit private ownership of weapons. We have found the place where weapons are collectively stored in the office, heh!"

Zhang Chen was in a good mood, and after explaining to them, he took out the messy weapons on his body and distributed them.

Zhao Fei'er also enthusiastically took out her things to equip the actresses, but didn't mention anything about the diamonds.

Their safe return and the abundance of weapons they brought back gave the squad a great sense of security and confidence.

These people were not too nervous about the upcoming positional battle, they discussed harmoniously with each other and began to deploy their defenses.

The next step is the highlight, a tough battle is inevitable, Zhang Chen boosts morale.

"Comrades! I call everyone by this name, because we have fought and fought together!"

"Regardless of life or death, we all know that we have worked hard, and no one can blame us!"

"This battle determines our destiny and the future of the earth, so it depends on luck!"

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and set off. The others stared at his back with complicated eyes and inexplicable expressions.

They had already heard Zhang Chen mention the fate of the earth twice, but they still didn't realize the meaning of Zhang Chen's words.

They thought that the future that Zhang Chen talked about was about going back and using the alien technology obtained here to develop the beautiful future of the earth!
No one knows what kind of disaster the earth civilization will suffer if Zhang Chen dies!
The audience was a little excited, a little sad, more nervous and fearful, and looking forward to it.

[Comrades, we have a common goal, to protect mankind! 】

[Now, right now, at this very moment, let’s move, comrades, we have to become stronger! 】

[Hey, let's wait until Zhang Chen survives!It's useless for him to hang up anything. 】

[What happens if the anchor hangs up?Will a new warrior of civilization be picked? 】

[It only said that the mission failed, but did not mention what would happen if the soldier died! 】

[Hehe, it is also possible to directly destroy the civilization of the earth, such a risk must not be taken! 】

[Have you already predicted that the anchor will hang up?Don't talk useless, let's pray together for the host! 】

[Everyone be careful, if someone wants to kill the anchor and take the identity of the anchor! 】

[The power of this identity is too great, it can even be said to be the strongest dictator of civilization! 】

[Don't talk useless, we will prepare all kinds of supplies as soon as possible to support at any time! 】

They discussed happily, Zhang Chen was vigilant, don't really let them hit the mark.

Could it be that Lao Tzu will choose other fighters after he dies?Very possible!
This makes people know that you can't expect me to die, and you have to hide my special identity as much as possible in the future!

Low-key, low-key, you have to be low-key, people's hearts are unpredictable, you have to guard against it!

The bald man followed Zhang Chen five meters behind him, and he also had a thoughtful expression on his face.

He probably thought of something, but he never questioned Zhang Chen, he had the overall situation in mind.

The big director looked at them curiously from below, frowning, what are these guys planning to do.

"What are you doing!" the director couldn't help asking: "The third floor has been cleared of zombies, why are you running down the corridor again?"

Zhang Chen didn't tell him that he didn't want to take unnecessary risks for those who didn't believe him.

Zhang Chen came to the door of the monitoring room, took out his pocket, and took out the special lockpicker that was rewarded by the audience.

He leaned down and fiddled with the keyhole of the monitoring door, and Pangu's recitations to the audience in the live broadcast room kept coming from his ears.

"Damn! It's so difficult to open a lock!" Zhang Chen was very depressed. He was accepting the audience's careful guidance to open the lock.

The big director was startled when he saw it, and he couldn't help but curse, this guy actually wanted to release the zombies in the monitoring room!
It's crazy, what the hell is he trying to do?I didn't know that most of the zombies were concentrated inside!
But he soon thought of Zhang Chen's purpose, this guy even wanted to occupy the monitoring room!
The big director couldn't care less about complaining, he turned around and ran to the stairs, avoiding the position and running to the lower floor!
The director didn't want to help Zhang Chen snipe the attack of the zombies. He had also seen the mutated zombies, so it was not easy to deal with them.

The director didn't have confidence in Zhang Chen's plan, and he sneered in his heart. If they were going to die, the captain's position would naturally belong to me.

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