Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 224 Luo Li Comes

Seeing that Zhang Chen didn't run away, Luo Li immediately slowed down!

"Luo Li is very powerful. Now that I understand the Chinese characters, will I be his opponent?"

Zhang Chen saw Luo Li, who was 50 meters away, thinking about the current situation secretly, and in all likelihood, he had to do it!
Seeing the relaxed expression on the other party's face, Zhang Chen felt a nausea, pretending, is it interesting?When I am stupid!
After going through this battle, I have seen through the pissing nature of the Seven Clans, what kind of bullshit commander, they are all in chaos and disputes continue!

Zhang Chen no longer thinks of them too highly, let alone admitting the status of the commander in his heart, so naturally he doesn't regard guys from the same camp as colleagues anymore!
He has fully understood that other than this civilization, other civilizations cannot be trusted at all, colleagues?That's bullshit!Alliance?What a joke!It's just a combination of interests!

Even when dealing with Feng Yueshuang, he kept enough vigilance, keeping his own people on vigil all the time, just because he was afraid that he would come to him, and he had ulterior motives!
"Haha, Zhang Chen, they are so powerful in order to deal with you, even I am curious, what secret do you have?"

Luo Li came over and looked Zhang Chen up and down. This is what he said in his heart. He saw more than Zhang Chen, and realized that it was not easy, the water was too deep!

"Is this considered a compliment?" Zhang Chen secretly became vigilant, but fortunately he kept some state, otherwise he will be in trouble now, it seems that the visitor is not good!

"Of course, as far as I know, this should be your first official battle, right? It's a miracle that you have survived to this day despite the all-out encirclement and suppression by various civilizations!"

Luo Li's originally rigid face suddenly laughed, showing a unique temperament, and directly aroused his momentum, trying to suppress Zhang Chen in terms of momentum to test it!
Hearing this, Zhang Chen's heart trembled. He was sure that the demons wanted to kill him for some reason!

Unless there is another result, this powerful fighter of the Demon Race has betrayed the Demon Race, and someone else ordered him to kill him!

"I just want to ask, did you kill us earthlings?" Zhang Chen showed anger and tension on his face!

Paralyzed Luoli, he acted so righteously in the camp, and now he wants to force me to fight you!
Owe you a favor?Haha, it's ridiculous!I'm afraid that at that time you took part in the dispute between me and the green skin ghost, it was simply a calculation!
Here, I am afraid that you are the one who thinks the most!Before going to the battlefield, he started to plot against me, more cunning and insidious than Arya and the green skin ghost!
At this time, Zhang Chen seemed very nervous, but in fact, he was extremely calm in his heart. When he realized what kind of person Luo Li really was, he decided to kill this guy!

Because this guy is really scary, with a deep mind, a background, and even a very strong strength, it is very likely that he has already advanced to Youdao!
"What do you think? Almost all civilizations have gathered cannon fodder and generals, why don't you? The Seven Races are targeting you so much, do you think they will let the generals and cannon fodder on Earth go?"

Luo Li had already opened up his mind before talking. Although he didn't openly tear his face, he was using psychological tactics to stimulate Zhang Chen's emotions in order to find a loophole to attack.

"You killed it!" Zhang Chen directly gave the answer for Luo Li. He took a deep breath to calm down his anger. Only by being calm can we fight this guy!

"I didn't do it myself, but the mission is the mission. I tied her wrists and ankles, and then threw her away in the dense forest!"

Luo Li was also very calm, speaking lightly, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter, as if he was a great gift to Zhang Chen!
"What's the result?" Zhang Chen knew that he wanted to stimulate himself to lose his composure, and at this moment his mental strength fluctuated violently!
Inexplicably, a kind of mental power is increasing. This is not a catastrophe, but an emotion, but this is also silently increasing his mental power!

"When I went back to look at it soon, the earth woman had been spoiled, staring into a pair of frightened eyes until she died. The tragedy is really horrible!"

Luo Li said it calmly, but no matter who is here, seeing him or hearing this, there will be an illusion that he is laughing!

Luo Li's psychological tactics were used with great proficiency. He thought that Zhang Chen would be furious, but he didn't expect him to express it at all.

Naturally, Luo Li didn't know that Zhang Chen was a mind trainer, no one except Pan Gu and Su Meier knew about it, and even he didn't know the magic of a mind trainer!

Therefore, after Zhang Chen entered this strange state, which was not a catastrophe, but seemed to be angry, and calmed down, he didn't even notice it!

He just said: "Hehe, I want to thank you! I also want to thank her for letting me discover an interesting thing!"

Zhang Chen's demeanor and words were so expressive, he seemed to be indifferent, but at the same time he seemed to be very grateful. At this time, Luo Li had a feeling that it was scary!
"You! What kind of secret is there on you!" Luo Li realized that Zhang Chen at this moment was different from before, and he was extremely curious!
But as soon as the words came out, he woke up with a start and shut up quickly. Someone told him that this was beyond his control, the water was too deep, and he would drown if he entered!
Feng Yueshuang, who quietly hid in the dense forest and eavesdropped on all this, sighed, secretly said that it was a pity, he was even more curious, but never dared to ask more questions!
It's rare for someone to ask now, but judging by the expression, it seems that he has already reacted, and it seems that he can't eavesdrop to get the answer!

"You don't need to tell me the result!" Luo Li hurriedly added, looking up at the sky a little, hoping that nothing happened!
"Hehe, do you want to know? Actually, I want to know too! But I don't know what's on me, which makes them flock to me!"

Seeing Luo Li's nervous appearance and his expression of looking up at the sky, Zhang Chen showed a calm expression, so he spoke his mind to him!
Luo Li didn't want to wait any longer, and couldn't help but want to make a move. Zhang Chen immediately knew that it was a strange feeling, a feeling that only those who cultivate the mind can have!

He's still being polite, he just seized the opportunity, didn't use the status, waved the grenade, first forced out the opponent's ability, and then he got the information.

"Bastard." Seeing that the opponent took the lead, Luo Li almost vomited blood angrily. Enduring the uncomfortable chest tightness, he yelled, "I want your life."

"That depends on whether you have the qualifications! It's not like I haven't killed the low-level chaser. You saw it when you turned the card, didn't you?"

Not to be outdone, Zhang Chen scolded back, faintly reminding the other party of his specialness in the ridicule, which really made Luo Li slightly taken aback!
The two shuttled through the dense forest, throwing bombs at each other, and the tranquility that had just been restored for a while was broken again!

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