Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 2 Summoning Humans

Zhang Chen was stopped by the question, looking at the monkey zombies below, he had a headache!

He really couldn't figure out how to get out of this damned place and complete this damned task!
What kind of talent is the live broadcast system? It's so useful!It's dead now!
"Pangu, what do you think you are good for besides live streaming!" Zhang Chen couldn't help complaining.

"The main function of the live broadcast room is to establish a communication channel with this civilization, and it also has a series of derivative modules."

Zhang Chen was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "Derivative module? Tell me about other functions."

"At present, in addition to the live broadcast function, three other modules have been opened, the reward, the mall, and the summoning function."

"The viewer sends you earth items for your use by tipping, and earns points at the same time."

"The mall has the opposite nature. You can collect battlefield resources and send them to Earth through the mall. You need points to buy them."

"The summoning function can find teammates on the earth, and currently has three forms."

"Random Summoning: Earthlings are randomly selected to enter the battlefield, and they are summoned once for free for each battle."

"Forcible Summoning: Viewers in the live broadcast room can be summoned forcibly, and one person can be summoned for every [-] survival points."

"Voluntary summoning: No one has signed up to be summoned yet, and one person can be summoned for every ten survival points."

Can call teammates?After all, it is not such a useless skill!

Zhang Chen was overjoyed, this was exactly what he needed, more people would be right!
It is estimated that no one would be willing to come to this ghost place, but I can only feel sorry for everyone, I can't die.

My little life is related to whether the earth will become a battlefield for killing. Just thinking about aliens running to the earth makes me shudder.

So, don't blame me if you summon anyone, it's all about fighting for the survival of human beings!
Zhang Chen chose the random summon very painfully, and a severe dizziness came from his head.

Then he fell limply on the ground, his head was blank, and he woke up slowly after a while.

With a splitting headache, I heard all kinds of noise faintly coming from my ears, and a nice female voice was close to my ears.

"You finally woke up!" Someone helped him to sit up, Zhang Chen opened his eyes and saw the beautiful woman who was close at hand.

"Zhao Fei'er!" Zhang Chen said the name of the beautiful woman in front of him in surprise, and it was her!
This is a very famous film and television star, he has seen it on TV, and he summoned the big star.

Zhao Fei'er was dressed in white clothes and was apparently randomized during filming. What a tragedy!
At this time, she was full of worry, looked at Zhang Chen uneasily, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know where this is?"

These people were summoned by Zhang Chen. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death if he told the truth, so he had no choice but to pretend to be confused.

Zhang Chen pretended to be puzzled and looked around, quietly observing who was summoned.

There are also five beauties in various ancient costumes gathered around, and the people who look at it are dazzled, and they really have their own styles.

Next to them stood the director in a vest, holding his chin in thought, surrounded by three crew members.

I'm afraid that the entire crew has been summoned by a single brain, and this is a great time to play!

Zhao Fei'er was very disappointed seeing Zhang Chen's appearance, sighed and retreated to her companion and muttered softly.

Standing on the edge of the roof was a gentle young man wearing glasses, looking at the zombies below and muttering to himself in excitement.

A well-dressed old man sat on the ground in a daze, muttering in his mouth: "I'm dreaming, it must be!"

A muscular man was holding an iron bar in front of the only door of the building, smashing and prying it, full of anger: "Damn it! I want to get out of here!"

There are also two people not far away with bare upper body and full of tattoos. They are not good people at first glance.

Those with scars on their faces were looking at the actresses in the crew unscrupulously, and their brows were deeply frowned with lewd smiles from time to time.

The one with the bald head sat there cross-legged very calmly, closed his eyes and meditated, his calmness was terrifying.

What kind of people are called here!Zhang Chen was very disappointed, he really hoped to summon a special soldier or something.

The live broadcast room was completely blown up, and the name was changed to the mission goal - escape from the zombie city in 30 days!
【I'm sorry, isn't that Zhao Fei'er! 】

[The anchor actually invited a big star, this is the rhythm of the big live broadcast! 】

[Anchor Six's Fei Qi, either you have really time-traveled, or you are planning to create momentum! 】

[Why do I have a bad feeling, it can't be true! 】

[If it's not for the performance, then things will be really big, I'm looking forward to it! 】

[Conscience live broadcast!Big production, reward, reward, must reward! 】

[Hit your sister!How dare you look at the reward function! 】

[Damn it!Why is this live broadcast room a bit different, where is the tipping area? 】

【Oh my God!This is real!Really!You point a reward! 】

[The event is big!Confirm that the anchor has really time-traveled! 】

[When I tapped for a reward, a black hole popped out of the screen, someone explain it to me! 】

[Not only rewards, but also other aspects of the room are completely different! 】

[Damn, it's true!This live broadcast room is completely different from other rooms. 】

【Zhao Feier and the others seemed to appear out of thin air just now, right?It's against the sky! 】

[It seems that the anchor got them there!God!I do not want! 】

[I'm timid, don't scare me, I'm so scared! 】

Zhang Chen smiled wryly, okay, you guys finally came to your senses.

"That's right, they were summoned by me!" Zhang Chen admitted generously.

Then he joked helplessly to them: "The mission of saving the earth depends entirely on us!"

[I'm going!I beg the host not to call me over! 】

[I don't want to go to that ghostly place either!Please let it go, please let it go, the anchor please let it go! 】

[The room has a sign-up area, isn't it the one who signed up to go to that place? 】

[I read it a long time ago. Points are required to sign up. I really wanted to go and see it, but I couldn't sign up! 】

【If they know that the anchor got them there, guess what will happen? 】

[You can get points for rewarding, and it is said that you can exchange things in the mall? 】

[I checked, there is nothing in the mall, what a fart to exchange! 】

Zhang Chen was so embarrassed that he asked Pan Gu to explain the current situation to them.

The audience is completely speechless now, fighting for civilization?Battlefield of life and death?Demon Commander?resource task?Killing and looting?
My God, if this is true, it really is the end of the world!

Now it seems that this situation does not seem to be fake. It is over, and many viewers immediately panicked.

Zhang Chen communicated with Pangu in his heart: "Pangu, can you communicate with these people?"

"The characters belonging to the system, Pangu can communicate, and the host needs me to explain something to them."

Zhang Chen's eyeballs rolled around, and he secretly confessed to Pangu with a ghostly idea.

Then he said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, the situation is like this, what should we do now!"

【Where the hell are you?Hurry up and make it clear! 】

[I'm playing Dafa, this live broadcast is a bit of a joke! 】

[It's more than a mouthful!It's against the sky, where the hell are you, anchor! 】

[I called the police just now, but the operator didn't believe it! 】

[I also called the police, it is estimated that only the state can help you now! 】

[It doesn't work!This live broadcast room seems to be closed to the outside world, except for us, the rest of us can't get in at all! 】

[That's right, I asked my friend to watch and he couldn't open it at all. If someone is in the next room, it will be closed directly! 】

[Damn it, you're lucky!We were so undead that we became the first batch of cannon fodder in the live broadcast room! 】

[This is a milestone for human beings to set foot on the interstellar world, but only then did they discover that the truth of the universe is so cruel and bloody! 】

[Don't be so pessimistic, maybe it's our opportunity, think about alien technology!Get developed! 】

[The survival basis of civilization is resources, and a powerful civilization defines the way resources are allocated! 】

【Anchor, I want to quit!Please let me go, okay, I can't handle such a big deal, woo woo! 】

【Anchor, the earth is coming to an end, tell me what rescue plan you have! 】

Zhang Chen said to them depressedly: "As you can see, I am in a zombie city, and I am a zombie from an alien planet!"

"I must leave here within 30 days, otherwise the earth will become a battlefield and encounter alien invasion!"

[Anchor, is the place you are in the so-called civilized battlefield! 】

【Oh my god, so the earth will become that kind of world?I don't want it, I don't want it, I'm so scared! 】

[It's over, it's over, anchor, what the hell did you do! 】

[Aliens, my God, there really are aliens!Anchor, you will be recorded in the annals of history! 】

[I'm going to go, the end of the world is really coming!I'm depreesed! 】

[The point is that only we know, no one will believe it, because no one knows the truth except us! 】

【Let me see, there are 320 people in total. Can this few people prevent the end and save mankind? 】

[Idiot, I didn't see that it can accommodate 500 people, it's only a first-level live broadcast room!Can continue to upgrade to accommodate more people! 】

[Sooner or later, the whole world will know the truth, everyone, don’t get confused, we are the pioneers, and we must create a great situation for mankind! 】

[There is no doomsday yet, the premise is to complete that shit task!It's almost impossible! 】

[Hehe, in a universe full of civilizations, how far can the earth go?Destroy or rise, this is a question worth pondering! 】

[I just want to know, why you?Why now?We need a more detailed explanation! 】

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