Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 126 Where is the Times

The surveillance screen has been connected to the satellite and is observing the situation in the Pacific Ocean.

"Old Su, I think you should already know what's here from the information you have!"

"That's right!" Su Donglai admitted generously: "According to the three summoners who returned, it's the teleportation center!"

"But you don't know what it means!" Zhang Chen talked eloquently, telling the importance of it!
"There is a passage! It is also the cornerstone of earth civilization!" Zhang Chen said.

"If aliens want to invade the earth, they will appear there! If it is destroyed there, aliens will come to earth anytime and anywhere!"

Su Donglai shuddered, it was so important, it can be said that there is a wall, a door into the earth!
If you can't even guard the door, if someone beats you in, the earth will peel off even if you don't die. It's a big deal!
Zhang Chen continued: "The four cornerstones of earth civilization, the transmission center, the energy center, the scientific research center, and me, the soldier!"

"If any one of these is lost, the earth will suffer heavy losses. If there is no chance to turn over, it will be plundered!"

"If it is completely destroyed, all traces of human civilization will be wiped out!" Zhang Chen said seriously.

Su Donglai took a deep breath, the situation was more serious than he imagined, so he didn't dare to be careless!
"No one knows where the Energy Center is except me!" Zhang Chen confessed: "I will leave the energy strategy to you!"

"You can utilize energy by means of strategies, and how it works is up to you. This move will establish the position of the overlord of the Su family!"

"There is one more thing you need to keep in mind. Energy is the foundation of any civilization. If you lose it, you will be fully exposed to enemy detection!"

"The scientific research center, there will be the financial, scientific, cultural, and political center of the future earth! There is nothing mysterious about this, you should understand!"

Su Donglai understands very well that none of these three cornerstones is simple, and the scientific research center represents the future of mankind, the process of evolution!
"These two, there are very few places that need you, you just need to cooperate! But the transmission center needs to be guarded by all the armed forces on the earth!"

"In the end, I, a civilized warrior and spokesperson, can only resign myself to fate!" Zhang Chen told the details of the campaign one by one.

Although Zhang Chen said so, Su Donglai knew that among these four points, Zhang Chen was probably the most important, and also the least important!
It is important because it is related to whether the earth will be invaded, and it is not important because it will not die and will become a resurrection body!

Su Donglai looked dignified, and nodded heavily: "I understand! I will promote the general trend of all parties to build a defense around the center!"

"Will they listen to you?" Zhang Chen smiled slightly, this old fox has figured out Pan Gu's plan!
"Haha!" Su Donglai raised his head and smiled, and said: "Nephew, you have given me such a big hole card, if I fail to do this, I will be honoring your trust!"

Zhang Chen is relieved, this old man of the Su family is really great, he can analyze what Pangu is going to do from just a few words!

"Don't worry, if you come forward to fight the Pacific Ocean to establish deterrence, and I have the energy strategy in my hands, I can't let them not follow in the future!"

This is exactly the plan made by Pangu, but with a slight change, it was originally planned to talk with each other, but now the Pacific armed forces broke out!
Simply take advantage of this point to directly deter them with violence, and then use energy strategies to lure them, regardless of the overall situation!

From now on, the Su family will soar into the sky and become the only superpower on earth that transcends the outside world!
Because only the Su family has the strategic plan to use the earth's energy, and mastering the energy means mastering the whole world!

None of them knew that hidden in the depths of the earth, there was a transcendent Freemasonry!
Around this plan, Pangu also got some private goods, which was a catastrophe for Zhang Chen!
Zhang Chen looked at the Eastern and Western fleets fighting around the center of the base. Although it had been agreed, he was even more entangled in his heart!
Seeing that the situation is good and the earth is developing in a good direction, it needs a bloody baptism!

Zhang Chen fought for it: "Mr. Su, is there really no other way? How about letting the two sides stop at this point!"

Su Donglai is a little speechless, this young man is still young, no matter how awesome he is, he is still a little tender!
As everyone knows, this is just a entanglement of Zhang Chen, who is angry at them for not being up to date, but also can't bear the bloody storm at home!
This knot was arranged by Pangu deliberately, in order to make Zhang Chenxiu successful!
How can Su Donglai understand this? Naturally, he looks down on Zhang Chen's pettiness, so let you make a move to use this kind of entanglement!

Su Donglai thought about it a little, got an idea, and decided to start from the side.

He turned to other things: "I understand, but the other party, can Westerners understand?"

Zhang Chen's face turned cold, he looked at the screen and sneered, who in my world would dare not follow!

Zhang Chen said in a cold voice, "It's up to them not to accept it! If you dare to act recklessly, you are destined to be eliminated by the times!"

"The era!" Su Donglai said emphatically: "In your eyes, the era has come, and in our eyes, the era is coming!"

"But this is a small number of people, less than one billionth of all human beings. How can there be era in the eyes of ordinary people?"

Su Donglai shook his head and said, "That's right, I made up your mind and wanted you to deal with it, but this is actually the best choice!"

"It's not that I have selfish intentions to use your hand to fight for the benefit of the country and teach the West, it's just that all parties really need an explanation!"

"Either they will fight to declare that the era has come! Or you will kill them, deter the world with violence, and tell them that your era has come!"

"The two must have a choice. Otherwise, no one will retreat. They have to call to confirm the future development of the situation!"

"This is their confession to the world, otherwise there is no way to unfold many things, and how can they let go!"

Zhang Chen thought deeply, and gradually closed his eyes.

He was unwilling to fight, he had to fight, he had to fight, he didn't understand!

The same people on Earth, why do they have to kill each other wantonly!
Why can't we unite as one, unite as one and strive for profit from the aliens!
Being in the universe and the earth as his home, he didn't want blood to flow into rivers and his hands to be stained with his own blood!

The family members don't think so, the sky in their eyes is just the earth!

Pangu's plan was to promote the advent of the great era, but where is the era from the perspective of the people on earth?
In that legend and intelligence?In that well-known live broadcast room?

This is only the era of a small number of people, that is the era of the audience, not the era of the entire earth!

All human beings on the earth must see is believing, and they urgently need a reason why the era has come!
Because of the world war, the old era was destroyed without destruction and a new era was established. Only after the fire is called rebirth!
Or because a person is fighting for mankind in the universe, he actually appeared in the Pacific Ocean!
And killing the Quartet with invincible power is enough to give the whole people confidence and safety for all!

This is the coming of the times, this battle is inevitable, this temptation must have a terminator!
For the West, Zhang Chen is a Chinese. The East and the West are the best to fight each other, and rebuild after being destroyed!

But for Dongfang, it is best for Zhang Chen to do it, because they currently have the advantage!
But for Zhang Chen, this is entanglement, this is a demonic obstacle, and this is the heart tribulation of a mind trainer that he must understand!

the first

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