Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 120 The Birth of the Queen of Fear

Three months later, Su Meier sat numbly on the bone mountain piled with white bones.

Surrounded by endless vengeful spirits, she let those ferocious and terrifying vengeful spirits intimidate her.

"Do you think it's over? This is just the beginning. The real fear is not the appearance!"

Six months later, Su Meier ate the fruit exhaustedly, floating in the sea of ​​blood!

One year later, Su Meier was no longer afraid. Ten years later, Su Meier understood what fear is!
She has experienced too much fear, betrayal of her closest relatives, abandonment of her lover, indifference to the world, and destruction of the world!

Twenty years later, Su Meier's momentum is extraordinary, the evil spirit has confused her eyes, and her hands are stained with blood, and she is not afraid of death!

A terrifying aura of not getting close to her gradually emerged from her body, as long as she got close to it, it would make people tremble!
In fear, she realized that fear is an invisible consciousness that can be absorbed and transformed, and can be used by her as a force!
She has the power to suppress fear, any heart of fear will succumb to her, and the air of fear will regard her as the master!
"The initial effect is remarkable!" Pan Gu was very satisfied with his masterpiece, this is a blatant revenge for Zhang Chen!
If Zhang Chen knew that his woman was being trained by Pangu to become a dark force, he would be furious!

But Zhang Chen didn't have the chance to know, because all this is just a process, not a result. When she ends, her original intention will baptize her!
The only thing that remains the same is the momentum formed during this process, and the things experienced, although suddenly like a dream, are indelible!

"Hey!" Amidst Pan Gu's triumphant laughter, Su Meier floated up into the void, and the world became nothingness.

"It's time to teach you how to use the power of fear!" In the void, shadows appeared one by one and began to dance.

What those shadows danced was the dance of killing, the dance of battle, and the dance of various abilities that use the power of fear to transform and use the rules!

Su Meier gradually became intoxicated watching, and when she saw one and turned to the next, that shadow would rush into her body for her to understand!
Fifty years later, Su Meier's gestures have already possessed great power and influence, subduing the trend of fear.

Through the transformation of the power of fear, she has learned how to use fear to use the rules of heaven and earth to form all kinds of terrifying abilities!
Rules, this is the essence of everything in the world, this is the embodiment of the ultimate power, the use of rules is called ability!
There are so many rules in the world, it is impossible to understand them all in one lifetime, let alone master them!

For 30 years, Su Meier has been involved in many rules, but they are only superficial!
"Is there still time? It seems that I can teach you a little more. Since she is Zhang Chen's woman, it is necessary to train you!"

60 years later, Su Meier looks the same as when she came here, but she is even more charming, her expression is more charming, and her figure is more beautiful!
"There are still 20 years to go. As the leader of the Earth Protection Team, you must learn how to control yourself!"

The environment is constantly changing, ancient, interstellar, alien, war, strategy, harem, wits, and so on.

Pangu can't achieve the peerless illusion like the one with the heart, but he is in charge of this world, but it can be changed to let him experience catastrophe!

Su Meier experienced all kinds of things in it, but she finally returned from it, and the world returned to Qingming.

Pangu concealed the true meaning of not knowing whether it was the truth, and restored it to the original state, allowing this original intention in the rules of heaven and earth to baptize Su Meier.

Su Meier suddenly woke up like a dream, looked around, and immediately became furious: "Pangu, you are too much!"

As Zhang Chen's woman, Pangu didn't dare to underestimate this woman, and said aggrievedly, "Zhang Chen ordered it."

Pangu, who pushed out the shield, immediately made Su Meier shut up, gritted his teeth and remembered Zhang Chen's words, and followed his footsteps!

"This... there are still three years left, then you can do what you want here!" Pan Gu said weakly to Su Meier.

Su Meier entered the small universe to approach Pangu's special training, and transformed into a dark force, which far exceeded Zhang Chen's expectations and estimates!
Zhang Chen stood on the top of the tower and observed that the conflict among the surrounding fleets was about to break out. The consequences of his contact with the Su family broke the balance!
It has led to a chain reaction between various forces in the world, and the most direct manifestation is the confrontation with armed forces!
The earth has always been keen on fighting, wars, secret wars, power struggles, and profits, ranging from races to individuals.

It can be said that the history of mankind is a glorious history of struggle, which makes me afraid!
Relying on the deterrence of nuclear bombs for nearly a century, the brief peace was kept and armed conflict was avoided.

But in fact, the dispute behind it was even more cruel, and terrorism was born out of nowhere!

Secretly develop science and technology to start an arms race, support proxy countries to carry out local wars or engage in civil wars!
On the bright side, financial wars are being carried out on the pretext of developing the economy, and occasionally there will be information wars using the Internet as the medium!
This is only what the world can see, and on the invisible level, ideological disputes are more intense and intense!

The country is just a cover for interest groups, and it is the big chaebols and families who really control the lifeblood of the earth.

They are competing invisibly, competing for interests through the so-called country!
This is a more serious and advanced form, even the country is just a sharp sword in their hands!
Normally, their dispute lies in technology, relying on espionage and intelligence to fight endlessly in the world.

Mastering technology can be one step ahead, suppressing opponents to dominate the world, this is the consensus reached in the tacit understanding of capitalists!

More radical, the dispute is directly reflected in the armed conflict. In order to control the situation, its private armed forces have another name!

For example, the well-known Al Qaeda organization is the private armed force of a certain chaebol, through which it constantly exerts pressure on a certain hegemony!

The emergence of alien technology and the advent of the cosmic era suddenly caught the whole world by surprise.

After the panic at the beginning, and gradually regaining control of the situation while collecting intelligence, the conflict broke out!

Among the two largest interest groups, the contest between the East and the West started directly!
It is no longer economic sanctions, let alone international confrontation, nothing to do with intelligence agents, and direct armed conflict!
The location of the exchange of fire is the large area surrounding the focus of Hughes, the center of the planetary base in the Pacific Ocean.

After the capitalist obtained the information revealed by the three summoners, he immediately understood the importance of the base!
Zhang Chen's closeness to the Su family stimulated Western capitalism, and they took the lead in taking action!
Directly used the national sword, dispatched aircraft carrier formations and began to violently expel other countries' fleets under the threat!
Small countries dare not come to join in the fun, big countries have their own camps and alliances, and the East will not follow!

So the Eastern interest groups headed by Donglaiguo started to act one after another, uniting against hegemony!
But at a deeper level, there are other reasons for the conflict. The West has a reason to go to war, and the East can retreat!

But instead of retreating, they chose direct conflict, and the reason for this is embarrassing.

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