Zhang Chen has touched the places that should be touched and the places that should not be touched!
This is a big beauty who just met for a few minutes and hasn't spoken ten words before and after!

Her identity is still the eldest daughter of a famous family with top influence in the world!

In terms of status, he is qualified to have a seat among the handful of people at the top of the earth!

As the eldest granddaughter of the Su family, Su Meier will definitely master huge resources on Earth in the future!

But now she allows Zhang Chen to frivolously and frivolously, willingly just to please!

What Zhang Chen touched was so aboveboard, so taken for granted, he was not ashamed!
brute!Pan Gu silently slandered, he cultivated his heart to the point of a dog's stomach, Pan Gu is not a man!

No matter how high the calculations are, no matter how deep the calculations are, they will consider all possibilities and formulate meticulous plans!

Then teach Su Meier everything, even including this scene that is very likely to happen now and has already happened!
Su Meier is smart and agile, youthful and active, willing to give everything for the family to win great opportunities!
Including paying a lifetime of youth now, I have been mentally prepared for the price of following for the rest of my life!
None of these circumstances can stand up to the fact that she is now a young girl in love!
It is one thing for Su Meier to take the initiative to flirt and act coquettishly, after being trained, she can bear it easily.

It is another profound experience to be manipulated by a man!
Miss Su family, who would dare to train this against her?I don't want to live anymore!

Talking about war on paper will never have the same feeling and joy as in actual battle!

That kind of feeling caught Su Meier off guard, she was numb and stimulated by the electric shock, her shortness of breath almost went into shock!

She knew what was going to happen, this was confessed by the family, this was her dedication and choice!

But I am still afraid, the confused restlessness of youth in the blooming season, panic, curiosity and fear of the unknown.

Su Meier was so deeply stimulated that the hairs all over her body were about to explode!
Zhang Chen looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with a slight sarcasm, listening to her unconscious murmur.

He let go of Su Meier, picked up the earth badge pendant and put it around her neck, that's enough now!

Pan Gu secretly cursed endlessly, "Beasts are worse than beasts!"How shameless to light a fire and ignore it!
Zhang Chen lowered his head, sniffed deeply in Su Meier's hair, and breathed into her ear.

This made Su Meier's delicate body tremble so much that she couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

I forgot all the scheduled rhythms, and threw away all the original teachings, and I was just nervous.

My father said, look for opportunities to push back, this is for the rise of the family!For the prosperity of the country!

But how could she have the courage at this time, she was confused, panicked, at a loss, and didn't know what to say!
The matter here was quickly reported to the Su family by the bodyguards. The Su family did not allow anyone to interfere, and asked them to let nature take its course!

The flight speeded up and headed towards Taiwan Island at high speed, regardless of the airspace or air traffic control!

Zhang Chen whispered in Su Meier's tender ear: "Go back and tell your parents not to mess around, the benefits will be inseparable from them!"

"Anchor! You!" Su Meier stuttered and couldn't speak, she didn't expect that all her schemes had already been known by the other party!

Su Meier was caught off guard by Zhang Chen's direct showdown, but his next words made her sad because of his shameless behavior.

"It's okay, you are helpless in the deep vortex, I don't blame you if it's not your heart!"

Zhang Chen chuckled in his ear: "But you really don't need to please me, we're just cooperating!"

"Anchor!" For some reason, this sentence made Su Meier extremely angry and deeply disappointed.

She forgot her shyness and fear, and returned to her original nature: "I don't like you now!"

Zhang Chen was taken aback, this was beyond his expectation, is this what the Su family taught her?
It seems that this is her true nature, the unchanging original intention of a girl!After all, she is not deeply involved in the world!

If it was really the super-rich second generation like in the movies, they wouldn't be so bored to watch Zhang Chen live broadcast and play games earlier!

Su Meier gritted her teeth with bright eyes and glared at Zhang Chen. After regaining her original intention, she forgot her original intention!
"You know why I can't help but mess around! You are too much!"

This has gone against the intention of the Su family. If her grandfather finds out, he might be blown bearded and stared at in anger.

This is something that many forces cannot ask for. Being Zhang Chen's woman can win too many benefits for the Su family!

If it wasn't for the Su family's coincidence that Su Meier entered the live broadcast room, no one would want her to be at the forefront to contribute!
Not to mention that he is the darling of Miss Su's family, but to say that he is young and ignorant, no matter how smart he is, he is not a qualified candidate!

Gathering those audiences in such a short period of time was the Su family's behind-the-scenes game, and she couldn't do it at all!
But the Su family had no choice, only she, the confidant of the Su family, was in the live broadcast room, and she simply took out this absolute trump card to snare Zhang Chen!
They expected to be seen through by Zhang Chen, and sooner or later they would even find out that they were meddling, but this was their attitude, a kind gesture.

Zhang Chen received this favor, but Su Meier's unreasonable play made him dumbfounded, how should he answer it!

She was chosen because of her status in the Su family. The Su family is a top power in the world!
It is Donglai overseas endorsement, representing the country's absolute strength overseas, such a choice is best for him!
Do you want to tell her now that this is my warning and deterrence to your Su family's calculation of me?
Or tell you that your parents want me to do this, because this is also a response to the Su family's goodwill!
If I don't do this, they will let you come. If you are not tired, I don't have so much time to spend with you!
Zhang Chen had no choice but to say to her against his will: "Because I like you, I really like you!"

Only now Su Meier faintly felt relieved, and her head was a little messed up.

Even she herself didn't know why this happened, she was sad and flustered, sweet mixed with bitterness.

Su Meier: "Hmph! It's better to be like this! I don't like tofu, so I will depend on you from now on!"

"Girl! You also know that I still have a lot of work to do. Go back and tell your parents that I will visit Fangcaodi tomorrow afternoon!"

Zhang Chen scratched the tip of Su Meier's nose, since this is an ignorant little girl, let's be honest and talk to her parents.

It is not so easy to change the earth, the biggest resistance is the current vested interests!
Since this is the case, then start with them to open up the situation, change them first, and then change all inherent stereotypes!

Su Meier was a little reluctant to let go, tightly clutching the earth badge around her neck, looking at Zhang Chen pity Xixi.

"Don't be reluctant! You also know that I have a mission. If you want to help me, grow up as soon as possible!" Zhang Chen stood up and shook his head.

"I will!" Su Meier said firmly, and the unyielding spirit of Zhang Chen's fighting figure on the battlefield suddenly came to mind.

Zhang Chen disappeared. He didn't want to be passive when the plane was about to land. He wanted to take the initiative in cooperation between the two parties!

Su Meier sat down firmly, turned her head and looked out of the window again, with a more complicated expression.

Soon after the flight landed at the airport, hundreds of black-clothed bodyguards stood guard on the wide apron.

A helicopter has been ignited nearby, and the surrounding army is under strict security, with sirens hooting.

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