Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 111 The Earth Report

An underground base in Donglai Country, the military and the Academy of Sciences.

The various black technologies that have suddenly circulated on the market recently are too amazing!
"Cheng Gong, tell me about the current situation!" The chief started.

"These are all true, it's unbelievable, this is a miracle!" Cheng Gong was a little excited.

"Miracle?" The chief sneered, this is a disaster: "Then talk about this miracle!"

"This is an alien technology that is far more powerful than ours. As long as it is mastered, it will advance the technological level of our country for 20 years!"

Not only Cheng Gong, the other scientists at the table were also extremely excited, and they nodded in agreement with joy.

Although the military generals who attended the meeting knew that this meeting was very important, they were still shocked to hear this!
What?Did you hear me right?There is alien technology?Are you sure you're not crazy?Not a story?
"Stop talking nonsense!" The chief didn't want this conclusion: "Don't talk in stereotypes, talk about specifics, and present facts!"

The photonic computer from the Planet of the Apes was placed on the conference table, and various presentation files were opened.

"The most important discovery is the transformation of energy! It will fundamentally change the world and the way we humans live!"

"The Academy of Sciences is pushing back its technical content, and several key aspects cannot be broken through for the time being!"

"It can be seen from this that the use of alien energy is very mature, and we can use it directly!"

Another scientist stood up and continued to operate the photonic computer to start the introduction.

"The computer in front of us is not our computer, its computing power is comparable to that of a supercomputer!"

"The intelligent AI in it runs at a very high speed autonomously! And it has a mature three-dimensional projection function!"

"We have tried our best to crack the language system, and the code is actually universal and easy to understand!"

In the virtual screen projected by the photonic computer, weapons from the civilization of the planet of apes appeared!

In the base's experiments on the light particle concentrator, the light particles ablated the target after firing!
Photon cannons from the warehouses of the underground United Front Work Department of the Planet of the Apes civilization were also leaked.

In the experiment screen, the photon cannon hit the mountain directly, destroying half of the mountain. It is very powerful!
"These weapons, including energy devices, cannot be used normally when they first circulated!"

"Available shortly after the Pacific incident! There is a close connection!"

"There is a great possibility that these came from the small island that once appeared in the Pacific Ocean!"

"It can be inferred that it is an alien relic, or an alien spaceship."

"Okay!" The chief interrupted their introduction, none of this was the information he needed.

alien?Yes, he was sure, but the inference later, that was pure nonsense!

These scientists only care about technology, and they don't see the deep meaning behind it at all.

"I just want to ask one thing!" The chief looked around the audience: "Who has heard of the live broadcast room recently!"

The generals and scientists at the table looked at each other in blank dismay. They had never heard of it, let alone understood what it meant.

The chief sneered, but felt chills in his heart. These things came from the live audience!

But this is not the focus of his consideration, his eyes are on an earlier matter!
A staff officer of the Jiangnan Military Region was assassinated, and it is said that he died on the way to the military headquarters!

The enemy's methods are extremely professional, he may be a professional spy, and the incident is quite bad!
When this series of incidents broke out, he first thought of Staff He!

Staff Officer He had made an incredible report to the Jiangnan Army Commander before, about the live broadcast room!

After the big incident, all kinds of intelligence were quickly collected, and the chief immediately found the breakthrough of Staff He.

After investigation, he found out that the enemy had stolen extremely important things and related reports!

The chief quickly grasped the audience surnamed Luo, and used him to recruit many audiences.

The truth behind it made him dumbfounded, alien technology is not the point at all!

The point is that the new era of the earth is coming, and the sky will change!

On a rainy day in the island country, twenty bulletproof cars headed for Dongdu.

In a villa in the suburbs, many business predators gathered and waited anxiously.

The cars finally arrived late, and the bodyguards got out of the car around one person.

"Tian Jun, you are finally back!" The man in kimono looked at Tian Jun expectantly.

Tian Jun in front of him was still covered in blood, with a panicked expression, holding a white box tightly in his hand!
If there are audiences here, they will definitely recognize it. This is a collection from the Planet of the Apes.

Because of this white box, Tian Jun, a deeply hidden intelligence officer, was not only exposed, but almost died!

He managed to snatch the box back through fighting, and finally came back after all kinds of support.

He just returned to China and didn't even have time to clean himself up, so he rushed to report immediately.

In the reception room, the president of the business alliance stood up and went straight in: "Tian Jun, you have worked hard!"

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life! I succeeded!" Tian Jun respectfully bowed to everyone.

Everyone here represents the island nation, and they are the real helmsman of the island nation!
"This thing, as the man said, can form a miniature wormhole to enter the alien world?"

"It has yet to be verified. According to the information from the live broadcast room, that person is most likely the mysterious person who rewarded the nuclear bomb!"

"Find him! Be sure to master him, we can't establish a channel with anchor Zhang, but it's okay to master an audience with a lot of points!"

"Hehe, the guy who can have a nuclear bomb with cutting-edge technology will be an ordinary person? He leaked so many things, what is his intention!"

"This is none of our business, at least we must keep in close contact with mysterious people and trade alien items frequently!"

"According to the current circulating information, almost all the audience are Donglai people, and they are all in the hands of the Donglai Kingdom!"

"Isn't there still the Western Federation? They are the overlords of the earth, and they will probably take a lot of people in their actions soon!"


Western Federation, the mysterious Area 51.

Ols was flipping through reports of recent major events in his office.

The information in his hand is the most detailed and comprehensive.

Planet of the Apes Civilization, Earth Warrior, Live Broadcasting Room, Adventurer, Demon Commander!
Finally... started?Those who return to zero will eventually return!
In the depths of the base, in a research room, a group of Chinese were confined.

Surrounded by turned on computers, the only live broadcast interface they can see!
From time to time someone was typing, speaking, and occasionally transcribing something on paper.

There are many strange instruments and various equipment around the laboratory.

Even, from time to time, a few people went in to communicate and pick up alien items that popped up suddenly.

On the monitoring screen in the control room, generals and staff officers in military uniforms watched carefully.


The Kingdom of Ross, the Kingdom of the Queen, the Lanxi Federation, the Sith Empire, the Oasis, all countries in the world...

Subsequently, more warships appeared in the mysterious incident area of ​​the Pacific Ocean and began to confront each other.


"Host, after you return, the audience will submit tasks and get points to exchange for a large number of items!"

Pangu started an analysis report on the current situation on Earth, and simultaneously opened the file on the screen in the control room.

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