Doomsday Live Summoning System

Chapter 10 Despair and Breakdown

Zhang Chen ran forward with all his strength, at a very fast speed: "Everyone, follow me!"

Every time I ran to a room, I tried to push the door, trying to find a place to hide temporarily.

The third door was pushed open, and there were neat tables and chairs inside, which seemed to be a conference room, fortunately there were no monsters.

"Come in quickly! It will be dangerous if all the zombies come out later!" Zhang Chen ran to the door and saw zombies pouring out of other rooms.

He was extremely annoyed at himself, this situation was completely bad, he didn't expect that there were so many zombies on the third floor.

The old man came running right behind Zhang Chen, pushed Zhang Chen away and rushed into the room, followed by the big director and the production manager.

Zhang Chen quickly rushed to the others to meet them, he couldn't give up on these people.

These people are all summoned by him, not to mention being responsible for them, at least everyone is his capital before the task is completed.

The audience watched nervously, and gradually fell silent. Those who were summoned were fighting for the civilization of the earth!

They are just actors, gangsters, students, white-collar workers, workers, and they have no fighting power against monsters!
Now they have to fight, facing the crisis of life and death, they finally feel how lucky they were to live in the past.

The truth of the universe is so cruel, before they have time to adapt, they are dragged into the battlefield of civilization!

Whether the fragile civilization of the earth, a new cosmic family, will perish or rise, it depends on these people!
However, the three actresses were so frightened that they collapsed and cried loudly, and the audience in the live broadcast room had no hope for them.

Zhao Fei'er and the other two anxiously pulled and dragged the three actresses, desperately pulling and retreating towards the room.

"Meimei! Xiaotong! Xiner! Get up and go!" the actress in purple staggered and tugged at them, crying and shouting.

There were only a few zombies in the corridor, and suddenly there were more than a dozen zombies, and strange screams came from other doors.

Scattered zombies kept pouring out of the unlocked room, charging towards them.

The bald head and the strong man stood at the front to withstand the pressure, and desperate shooting didn't work.

The young man with a scarred face and glasses broke out in cold sweat. Seeing that there were more and more zombies, he simply turned around and ran, rushing directly to the room.

"Help us!" Seeing the two passing by, Zhao Fei'er asked them for help, "Take them away!"

The two of them couldn't care less about acting as a female actress. Seeing that the zombies had arrived, the bald man and the strong man quickly shot backwards.

Zhang Chen rushed over and grabbed the two collapsed actresses one by one, and strode away to the room with the strength of the protective clothing.

Zhao Fei'er embraced the last actress, stretched out her hand and dragged the other two to rush in, gasping for breath.

The bald man and the strong man are independent outside the door
Zhang Chen stretched out his hand to drag them in, kicked the rushing zombies fiercely, and kicked seven or eight zombies blocking the door to pieces.

"Bang!" He raised his hand to close the door and was terrified. The others were terrified and terrified, and sat down on the ground profusely in sweat.

Before they could catch their breath, there was a banging sound on the door, and they followed suit with their hearts pounding.

Zhang Chen and the bald head quickly grabbed the door with something, and soon the zombies outside the door lost their patience and gradually became quiet.

"It's great now, we're stuck here!" The director sneered, "This is the end of your reckless actions!"

"No one invited you in, you can leave at any time!" The strong man snorted at him dissatisfied.

The big director glared at them, and everyone's faces were ugly. They ignored them lazily, and sat on the ground to calm their beating hearts.

Zhao Fei'er and the five actresses got together to comfort the three broken women.

From time to time, she stared hatefully at the scar-faced and the young man with glasses, annoyed that they were running for their lives just now and did not help.

The young man with glasses avoided her gaze and looked embarrassed. It was embarrassing to just run away.

"Xin'er, stop crying, crying won't solve the problem!" Zhao Fei'er shouted loudly.

This voice startled everyone, and the zombies outside the door began to slam on the door after hearing it, which made everyone very nervous.

"You want to die!" Scarface jumped up, lowered his voice and cursed angrily at the crying actress: "Go home and cry!"

The actress's face turned pale with fright, she didn't dare to cry and began to sob softly, gradually calming down.

The purple-clothed actress turned pale with dissatisfaction, and muttered in a low voice: "If I can go back, the devil would be willing to stay here!"

"What did you say!" Scarface smiled grimly and stood up and walked: "Anyway, I can't go back, and I can't live anymore, why don't you let me have a good time!"

The actress in purple was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Zhao Feier, Zhao Feier turned around and faced Scarface coldly: "If you have a kind, try it!"

Scarface paused, he didn't dare to provoke Zhao Fei'er now, the woman smashed the head of the zombie with a punch in front of her, and threw her flying with her hand.

"Usually playing heroines and supermen, why don't you show your courage at this time!" Scarface couldn't help muttering: "Actors are like bitches!"

"What did you say?" Zhao Fei'er heard it, stood up angrily, and shouted angrily: "Say it again if you have the guts!"

"Hmph!" Scarface snorted coldly, turned around without saying a word, and walked to the back, wondering how to get the protective clothing.

Now everyone knows that protective clothing is far more effective than their weapons. It can not only increase physical strength, but the key is to save their lives.

Zhao Fei'er was unscathed by the light click, which is simply a life-saving weapon. They all envied Zhang Chen and Zhao Fei'er.

"Sister Fei, I'm afraid!" The purple-clothed actress shrank her head and whispered. She looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, but her breasts were the largest among the six.

The actress in red gave her a blank look, and taught her a lesson: "Guoguo, you still know how to be afraid! You were not afraid of anything when you were on the set!"

"Zhao Qianqian, don't say a word!" Zhao Fei'er was upset, and said impatiently: "It's not messy enough!"

Others didn't speak in their eyes, and the appearance of the six beautiful women in this environment was the most eye-catching.

What's more, these are six actresses who often appear on the screen, and at this time they are wearing unique ancient costumes, which are extremely eye-catching.

Fortunately, Zhao Fei'er put on the protective clothing and mastered a powerful force, otherwise the consequences for the actresses would be disastrous.

Even so many people secretly thought about Zhao Fei'er's protective clothing, and the director looked at her gloomyly from time to time.

Zhao Fei'er kept rejecting him when he was on the set, relying on her big name to protect other women, which made him dissatisfied long ago.

The big director wanted to grab Zhao Fei'er directly, thinking that Zhang Chen would definitely come to meddle in his own business, so he had to give up this idea for the time being.

Anyway, there is still a long way to go. In such an environment, there is no need to have any scruples. Don't let me catch the opportunity, or you will look good!
The audience in the live broadcast room cursed unceasingly, and many people had no hope, and it was foreseeable that the future was not good!

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