Doomsday Card Training System

Chapter 8 The Treasure Is In Hand

Before collecting the treasure, Mo Feng first took out the crystal nucleus of the guardian beast, which is a first-order gold-type crystal nucleus. Generally, the crystal nucleus produced by mutant beasts has attributes, just like this gold-type crystal nucleus now. The crystal nucleus is a necessary material for making cards. After collecting the guardian beast's crystal nucleus, when Mofeng looked at the treasure again, he found that the mask protecting the treasure had become dim with the death of the guardian beast. .

Mo Feng's eyes are not calm anymore, this is a treasure, a treasure that he could not reach in his previous life, now it is in front of him, within reach, how can he not be excited, how can he not be excited.

Mo Feng rushed to the front of the treasure at the fastest speed, and sure enough, a card bag-like thing was placed in front of him, and Mo Feng hurriedly took the card bag in his hand, and at this moment, the mask protecting the card bag finally dissipated Yes, the card bag lay quietly in Mofeng's hand.

There's nothing special about a card pack that loses its mask protection, just like a very normal card pack, nothing weird about it.

Mo Feng excitedly opened the buckle of the card case.

"Ding, card book*1, you got the random evolution card secret party*1, the primary auxiliary card secret party*1, the primary attack card secret party*1, and the junior card master encyclopedia*1.

"There is a random evolution card. It is the rarest kind of evolution card, and it is also a very controversial card. Random represents any possibility. It is possible to randomly get a very useless evolution direction, or it may be the strongest. Big one, it can be said that this is a gamble, a big gamble." Looking at the items he got, Mo Feng smiled unconsciously, because this time the harvest was indeed very rich.

"Host, Xiaoling recommends that you leave this place as soon as possible, because the blood of the Guardian Beast has attracted a group of zombies, gathering in your direction." Xiaoling's voice sounded at the right time.

Hearing Xiaoling's prompt, Mofeng couldn't help trembling, looked around subconsciously, and found that some zombies who were still in the building had already rushed out, and a building that was close to Mofeng, Mofeng had already heard Hearing the sound of scratching the door, it seemed that a large number of zombies would rush out at any moment.

"It's just a pity. In the previous life, Mofeng was lucky enough to meet a card master who could turn cards. In the hands of that person, he could turn the corpses of strange beasts into cards, so as to extract the materials from the animals that can be used to make cards. Now Mofeng Feng also doesn't know this skill, so I can only say one thing, it's a pity, but it's really time to slip away now, getting the treasure is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to use it for life, if there is no life No matter how many things there are, it’s useless, although I have the ability to kill zombies now, but when I meet a large number of them, it’s really not enough to give those zombies a bite, so the 36 plan is to sneak away first.”

Mofeng found a direction and immediately broke out. Mofeng ran all the way. When he returned home, he was panting even with Mofeng's peak human physique. Anyway, Mofeng is just an ordinary person now, and because of Mofeng's home is relatively remote, and there are no high-population places nearby. In addition, no one was at home when the transformation began in the last days, so Mofeng's home was not attacked, and it was still the same as when Mofeng left.

As soon as Mo Feng returned home, he used all the available materials around to arm his hut. Although it looked a little crude, it could at least hinder the actions of some zombies to a certain extent and play a certain defensive role. And this is what Mofeng wants. Mofeng has just harvested a wave now, and now it is time to transform it into strength. When digesting, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed.

After working for more than an hour, Mofeng finally cleaned up his house. During this period, he was inevitably discovered by some zombies, but for Mofeng, the zombies at this stage are here to deliver materials. It's a piece of paper, and it will be broken when you poke it. Mofeng smashed the corpses of those zombies and sprinkled the blood of the zombies around the house for a week, because in the early days of the end of the world, before the evolution of the zombies' wisdom is mature, if you get some Zombie blood can be fooled to a certain extent. After finishing all this, Mo Feng finally let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm finally done with my work. I'm starving to death. I need to eat something first. I can only work when I'm full. If I'm not full, what work will I do?"

Mofeng happily took out some of the stored ingredients and made a few side dishes with the gas stove.

After a while, several steaming side dishes were freshly baked.

Mo Feng rubbed his already hungry stomach, picked up the chopsticks, and there was a huge piece of flower, and the wind swept away for a while. To use one sentence to evaluate Mo Feng's state at this time, it is a mess.

"The food before the apocalypse is still delicious, but the apocalypse is here, these foods won't last long, and you may not be able to eat such food in the future, alas, this damn apocalypse." Mo Feng finished eating happily After eating rice, he touched his bulging belly and sighed there.

After eating and resting for a while, Mofeng began to check today's harvest.

But at the same time, a second person was ushered in at the Treasure Point in the Garden District. That person was wearing a black tights and holding a triangular army thorn in his hand. He shuttled through the crowd of zombies like a ghost. When a zombie's head flew, although some zombies had already gathered, but for this ghostly person, there was only screaming, screaming continuously, and he couldn't even touch a corner of that person's clothes.

After the man broke through the group of zombies, he came to the front of the treasure, and saw the guardian beast killed by Mofeng, and the protective cover that had been taken away by Mofeng and dimmed.

"Damn it, how could it be taken away by someone? At this stage, no one should be able to beat the Guardian Beast. Could it be them?"

"Call the headquarters, Yeying here, the treasure at position five has been taken, but I don't know who took it, please instruct the next step." Yeying took out the walkie-talkie and said into the microphone.

"Check, once you find it, if you can win it, you can win it, if you can't win it, kill it immediately, Ye Ying, you will be responsible for this matter, I will send other people to your remaining treasure points, you can start from the surrounding areas first Check it out, and report to the organization if there is any situation." A cold voice came over the walkie-talkie.


Ye Ying carefully put away the walkie-talkie, then turned around and entered a building. He planned to start the investigation from this community first.

And Mo Feng, who got the treasure, couldn't help but start to look at the few things he got.

Card Book: A card book with 5 card slots. All cards made by the card master must be stored in the card book. If they are not stored in the card book, the cards will be forcibly activated after 20 days.

"Hey, the card book is a good thing, and it has five card slots. In the previous life, it can be exchanged for a 6th-level fighter advanced card." Mo Feng looked at the card book in his hand, and his heart was burning, and he bled Acknowledge the Lord, and then put the remaining flesh and blood cards in the card book.

Primary attack card secret side: fire.

Recorded how to make: primary attack card*spell card*fireball
Introduction: A one-time card that can summon a fireball when used. According to the direction in which the card is used, it will fly in that direction and explode when it touches the first collision volume. The range is 50 cm. The use is limited. above.

Synthetic materials: basic card * fire element card * 3, flesh and blood card * 1, first-level fire crystal nucleus * 1, 2 units of source power.

Primary auxiliary card secret square: wood.

Recorded how to make: Primary auxiliary card*spell card*Rampage

Introduction: A one-time card, when used, can provide oneself with extra movement speed, which can be adaptively increased or decreased depending on the strength of the body, the highest speed, the second level of new human beings, use restrictions, the first level of new human beings and above.

Synthetic materials: basic card * wooden element * 3, flesh and blood card * 1, first-order speed variant zombie crystal nucleus * 1, first-order wood-type crystal nucleus * 1, 1 unit of source power.

Random evolution card secret formula:
Documented How to Craft: Random Evolution Card

Introduction: A one-time card that can be used to evolve into a new human being. The success rate depends on the strength of the physical fitness. In theory, the stronger the physical fitness, the higher the success rate. Note: The direction of evolving a new human being is random.

Synthetic materials: basic card * ten five-element element cards each, flesh and blood card * 10, first-order power mutated zombie crystal nucleus * 5, first-order speed mutated zombie nucleus * 5, first-order specific mutant zombie nucleus * 5, 10 units Origin Qi.

"Sure enough, the card master is a job that burns money. You must know that there are two types of hard currency in the last days, one is the crystal nucleus, and the other is the card made by the card master. And you must know that the first-level newly promoted new humans have the most money in their bodies. Store 10 units of source power."

You know, even in the previous life, in the early days of the end of the world, a first-order zombie crystal nucleus can be exchanged for a catty of food (after evolving into a new human, you can start absorbing the zombie crystal nucleus to strengthen yourself, and the crystal nucleus is also the most extensive and common in the end of the world. currency.).Not to mention the crystal nucleus of mutated zombies. Taking Mofeng in his previous life as an example, the direction of his new human evolution is speed, and the speed-type evolution card he used was paid for five pieces of speed-mutated zombie crystal nucleus in exchange for it. Yes, it is conceivable that card master is a profession that burns a lot of money, but in the same way every card master is a generation of talent as long as he does not die young.

Finally, Mo Feng set his sights on the Junior Card Master Encyclopedia, which is a good thing. It can be said that this encyclopedia is the most useful thing at this stage, because there are some cards that are not finished cards or basic cards, but It belongs to a kind of conversion card. For example, the cardification mentioned above is also a kind of conversion card. The so-called conversion card refers to making real things into cards through source power, while retaining the utility of the original things. , which is the conversion card.

Although Mofeng is not yet a real new human being, his body can already carry the source force, and his body is still automatically absorbing the free source force in the air. Although it is small, Mofeng has already accumulated 2 units of source force .

"Ding, it's detected that the host has a junior card master encyclopedia, do you choose to use it?"

"Use." Mo Feng was still thinking about how to quickly learn all the encyclopedias, but he didn't expect the system to prompt him to learn directly.

"Junior card master encyclopedia inheritance, fusion progress: 1% 10%"

Mo Feng felt that pieces of knowledge were being stuffed into Mo Feng's mind continuously.

Mo Feng was constantly accepting new knowledge, and he didn't know how long his head was on the edge of being stuffed.

"Ding, the fusion is complete."

"Phew, it's finally finished. This hard-pressed knowledge is really uncomfortable. I feel like my head is going to explode, but the reward is great."

Because Mofeng learned from the inheritance just now, the card making method he most wants to learn, cardization, which is also the core technology of transforming cards, so that Mofeng can make food cards and water cards, although only Mantou card is made but it is better to eat than nothing, and the cards that have been carded are all active, so even if you eat steamed buns, the price/performance ratio is better than other foods, but the taste is a little weaker.

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